Examples of the the word, glance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glance ), is the 4518 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were ubiquitous in American schools, offered what appeared at first, glance ,to be an Apple II Plus clone in a distinctive black plastic case. However
  2. Multiple speed-time-distance calculations can be performed hands-free at a, glance ,with a slide rule. * Other useful constants such as pounds to kilograms can be
  3. One at a time, into an empty heap. This may seem counter-intuitive since, at a, glance , it is apparent that the former only makes half as many calls to its
  4. Identity and change in the philosophical field of metaphysics seems, at first, glance , deceptively simple, and belies the complexity of the issues involved. This
  5. Seen),sight, blind,vision, visual,visible, nonvisual, invisible,unsightly, glance , view, vista,panorama, observant etc., though there are also separate
  6. Patch of skin every night). After applying the greasepaint mustache, a quick, glance ,in the mirror revealed his natural hair eyebrows were too undertones and did
  7. However, SAMI files also use. Smi, which creates some ambiguity at first, glance , As a result, SMIL files commonly use the. Smil file extension to avoid
  8. Religions because of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity (which at first, glance ,appears indistinguishable from Criticism, though this is variously condemned as
  9. Word defined. Suppose one defines 'bachelor' as 'unmarried male '. At first, glance ,this might look correct, but male is a word that can apply to many things. For
  10. Gardening. # Knowledge of Geology – Practical, but limited. Tells at a, glance ,different soils from each other. After walks, has shown me splashes upon his
  11. Figures recline in an even, tempered light, regarding the viewer with a cool, glance , if at all. The Mani era subject rarely displays an excess of emotion, and for
  12. Against a blue background, meant to designate handicap accessibility at a, glance ,* Interstellar Alliance, an alliance in Babylon 5 to fight the Shadows * Irish
  13. Also keep hard copies of all the players' characters himself, since he can not, glance ,at them as he would in a normal game. Moreover, all players must rely on the
  14. As tangible as those of the Mathematicians, so that we can find our error at a, glance , and when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate
  15. Well. The assumptions are often more realistic than they might seem upon first, glance , For a known-plaintext attack, the cryptanalyst might well know or be able to
  16. Of Erewhon. The nature of this nation is intended to be ambiguous. At first, glance , Erewhon appears to be a utopia, yet it soon becomes clear that this is far
  17. Busy cleaning a pistol, which he briefly laid aside to cast a short, interested, glance , at the plans, approving them without even looking at the young architect. This
  18. Ranking, the SSE Executive MBA has been the first in the Nordic league. At a, glance ,: * Small and exclusive with a General Management focus. * Experienced
  19. It in the dark, and so shaped that, even if broken, a person could tell at a, glance ,what it was. " Chapman J. Root, president of the Root Glass Company of Terry
  20. Subset of N has the same cardinality as N, even if this might appear at first, glance ,to run contrary to intuition. He also proved that the set of all ordered pairs
  21. Constraint of being a subspace of Euclidean space. It seems possible at first, glance ,that there are surfaces defined intrinsically that are not surfaces in the
  22. A note names. These names are memorized by musicians and allow them to know at a, glance ,the proper pitch to play on their instruments for each note-head marked on the
  23. Figure throughout the development of folklore as a discipline. At first, glance ,it might seem that his only concern was for the discipline of
  24. Scalability and performance. Comparison with the MVC architecture At first, glance , the three tiers may seem similar to the model-view-controller (MVC) concept;
  25. Environments, so this idea is not as far-fetched as it might seem at first, glance , ) In certain schools of phonology, such a neutralized distinction is known as
  26. Statement into the corresponding machine-language statement, so at first, glance ,seems merely a minor convenience, substituting obscure machine instructions by
  27. To slip punches by rotating and dipping their upper body and causing blows to, glance ,off the fighter. After the punch glance s off, the fighter's backhand is in
  28. But as restoration progresses, the of the island will be easier to see at a, glance , Decimal today is a work in progress. The island was designated a national
  29. In appearance and is sometimes mistaken for Italian or Spanish at first, glance , Do is largely intelligible to those who have studied Esperanto, though there
  30. Is quite literal as in he's so 2-dimensional,meaning that one can see at a, glance ,what he is. This contrasts with 3-dimensional objects which have an interior
  31. Step is usually to find the antiderivative of f. It is rarely possible to, glance ,at a function and write down its antiderivative. More often, it is necessary to
  32. The namespace notation resembles the library notation in Java at a first, glance , it differs semantically. So, if you write in Java. Servlet. Http, you are
  33. Or Unicode digits, making it easier to understand the purpose of a file at a, glance , Some computer systems allow file names to contain spaces; others do not.
  34. Electromagnetic charges and on the weight of electromagnetic charges. At first, glance , the first paper seemed to point out a contradiction between the electrodynamics
  35. A fairly ad-hoc manner, and describing its inner structure. For example, from a, glance ,at the multiplication table, it can be seen that any non-zero element (i.e.
  36. Overweight. BMI Prime is useful clinically because individuals can tell, at a, glance , by what percentage they deviate from their upper weight limits. For instance
  37. Vancouver Strain and the JFK Airdrie. Monorail vehicles are often at first, glance ,similar to other light rail vehicles, and can be both manned and unmanned.
  38. From Proto-Indo-European dark-" to see" or" the one with the (deadly), glance , " The Greek and Latin term referred to any great serpent, not necessarily
  39. Anti-inflammatory medicines, but they often present similar symptoms at first, glance ,and so can easily be confused. Treatment On their own, most RSS will resolve
  40. Without this category, Pantheism had conquered unconditionally. From this, at a, glance , it may be seen that Kierkegaard ought to make common cause with those
  41. And Hurst, anticipating his clubmate's thinking, got in front of his marker to, glance ,a near post header past the Argentine keeper. England won 1–0 and were in the
  42. It is more similar to the Christian afterlife than would appear at first, glance , Aristotle divided the intellectual faculty into two principal parts, the "
  43. Roller map' displays that enabled the pilot to see his or her position at a, glance , a concept infeasible with VOR/DME. This chain installation was considered
  44. Moves with constant velocity, the static field" effect" may seem at first, glance ,to be" transmitted" faster than the speed of light. However, no information
  45. At Western women in such countries who might get in trouble if returning the, glance , This act may mean that she is sexually interested instead of just flirting.
  46. Bear witness to the fact that it is not quite so chaotic as it seems at first, glance , and that on the contrary, it is profoundly disciplined, though in its own
  47. As in the list below, the need for this prefix is specified with a" + ". At a, glance ,Country calling codes form a prefix code; hence, they can be organized as a
  48. Of Apollo on the Palatine Hill (IV.6). Ovid's Heroides--though at first, glance ,fictitious love letters--are described by Ovid himself as a new literary form
  49. Was pro- or anti-alcohol gives rise to more discussion than might at first, glance ,have seemed plausible. Edward Fitzgerald versions The translations that are
  50. Of fat. "; coup de master: stroke of the master, master stroke; coup d'oil: a, glance , literally" a blow (or touch) of the eye. "; coup de théâtre: unexpected

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