Examples of the the word, blessing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blessing ), is the 4513 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If available, and pronounces a" sealing" of the anointing and other words of, blessing , as he feels inspired. Melchizedek priesthood holders are also authorized to
  2. Shattered. Then they tried to poison him with poisoned bread. When he prayed a, blessing ,over the bread, a raven swept in and took the loaf away. From this time his
  3. Their necks, representing conquered peoples. Gravatar floats above, giving his, blessing ,to the king. One figure appears to have been added after the others were
  4. Cave. The legend goes that they first tried to poison his drink. He prayed a, blessing ,over the cup and the cup shattered. Then they tried to poison him with poisoned
  5. Like an abbot, an abbess is solemnly admitted to her office by formal, blessing , conferred by the bishop in whose territory the monastery is located, or by an
  6. Rebuffed and later, as the Anglo-Spanish Wars intensified, Elizabeth lent her, blessing ,to further piratical raids against Spanish ports in the Americas and shipping
  7. Will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down on you an overflowing, blessing ," (3:10). This request offers the opportunity for the people to amend their
  8. They specifically declined to pledge allegiance to al-Qaeda they asked for its, blessing ,and help. In 2009,three Londoners, Tanvir Hussain, Assad Salwar and Ahmed
  9. And the crosier as symbols of office and receiving the laying on of hands and, blessing ,from the celebrant. Though the ceremony installs the new abbot into a position
  10. Before us," wrote the Duke from Brussels to Robert Harley," and with the, blessing ,of God I shall make the best use of it. " Marines, Lierre, Ghent,Almost, Damme
  11. United States Constitution, the Confederate Constitution overtly asked God's, blessing ,(" ... invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God ..." ). The
  12. The theme of heed is woven throughout Ruth, beginning at 1:8 with Naomi, blessing ,her two daughters-in-law as she urges them to return to their Mobile families.
  13. Rowan crosses are common, and often part of rituals performed for the, blessing ,and protection of the household and land. Wicca Wicca and Wiccan-inspired
  14. The terminology was borrowed by the Roman Catholic Church becoming to bless and, blessing , The Hittite word for blood, ishar was a cognate to words for" oath" and "
  15. His number during most of his stay with the Pirates, and after receiving Mays ', blessing ,the Giants were willing to retire it until the public commotion from fans and
  16. They are given is Yahweh's gift, and Samuel explains that kingship can be a, blessing ,rather than a curse if they remain faithful to their god. On the other hand
  17. Mainly Gentiles) and is a parenthesis to God's main plan of dealing with and, blessing ,his chosen people the Jews. Because of the Jews' rejection of Jesus, Jewish
  18. The Gospel, the Cross and the right hands of the priests, receiving their, blessing , Anointing is considered to be a public rather than a private sacrament, and so
  19. Crown with the right to conquer lands from the Moors. With this papal, blessing , Portugal was at last secured as a kingdom. In 1184,in spite of his great age
  20. Sometimes thrown on the fires to add an element of purification and, blessing ,to the smoke. People would also pass between the two fires to purify themselves
  21. Was good politics on the part of the Persians, and the Jews viewed it as a, blessing ,from God. The prophet His name means" Yahweh has remembered. " Not much is
  22. First class honors. His brother Julian wrote, I believe his blindness was a, blessing ,in disguise. For one thing, it put paid to his idea of taking up medicine as a
  23. Liturgical tradition, a priest can celebrate the Divine Liturgy only with the, blessing ,of a bishop. In Byzantine usage, an dimension signed by the bishop is kept on
  24. The handmaid of Jacob's wife. Since it was regarded as the highest, blessing ,to have many children, legitimate wives often gave their maids to their
  25. God. The Prophet Mohammed told them that, despite this being good, it is also a, blessing ,to raise a family, to remain moderate and not to concentrate too much on one
  26. Marriage, and some parts of the Anglican and Lutheran churches allow for the, blessing ,of gay unions. The United Church of Canada also allows same-sex marriage, and
  27. It does not confer further sacramental authority. Once he has received this, blessing , the abbot not only becomes father of his monks in a spiritual sense, but their
  28. Of certain objects for use. *The name Baptism of Bells has been given to the, blessing ,of (musical, especially church) bells, at least in France, since the 11th
  29. To the changing role of homosexuals in the North American churches (e.g., by, blessing , same-sex unions and ordaining and consecrating gays and lesbians in same-sex
  30. The chasuble, especially when administering the sacrament of holy orders, blessing ,an abbot or abbess, and dedicating a church or an altar. The Ceremonial
  31. Ordination of people in same-sex relationships and to authorize rites for the, blessing ,of same-sex unions (see homosexuality and Anglicanism). More conservative
  32. By the monks from among the fully professed monks. Once chosen, he must request, blessing ,: the blessing of an abbot is celebrated by the bishop in whose diocese the
  33. That the best way to find Eros was to find his mother, Aphrodite,and earn her, blessing , Psyche found a temple to Aphrodite and entered it. Aphrodite assigned her a
  34. Not. ” Hebrew * Abraham Geiger sees in it a Recited form of ha-berakhah,“ the, blessing ,” a meaning which C. W. King declares philological untenable. *J. B.
  35. Melchizedek priesthood may use consecrated oil in performing the ordinance of, blessing ,of the" sick or afflicted ", though oil is not required if it is unavailable.
  36. Deaths, victories,serpents: *Balk, on Numbers 22-25: Balaam's donkey and, blessing ,: *Pinches, on Numbers 25-29: Phineas, second census, inheritance,Moses '
  37. Resulting in excessive overtime to a staff member. With National Executive, blessing , the party room pre-empted the ballot by replacing the leader with deputy John
  38. Communion where this is permitted),absolve sins or pronounce a, blessing ,in the name of the Church, ( however, these last two are sometimes permitted in
  39. Is or, with his permission, another abbot or bishop. The ceremony of such a, blessing ,is similar in some aspects to the consecration of a bishop, with the new abbot
  40. And an encouraging address to the people, assuring them of God's presence and, blessing , Chapters 9 to 14 This section consists of two" oracles" or" burdens ": *The
  41. Among the fully professed monks. Once chosen, he must request blessing : the, blessing ,of an abbot is celebrated by the bishop in whose diocese the monastery is or
  42. Hieratic sculpture of the pope seated in full regalia and offering a hand of, blessing , while at his feet, two allegorical female figures flank his sarcophagus.
  43. The following Articles supply a basis on which approach may be by God's, blessing ,made towards Home Reunion:: (a) The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New
  44. Of Ships: at least since the time of the Crusades, rituals have contained a, blessing ,for ships. The priest begs God to bless the vessel and protect those who sail
  45. To watch the passing army. They were 'all frantic with joy, some weeping, some, blessing , and some dancing in the exuberance of their emotions. ' All the Negroes
  46. Olive oil and often carry a personal supply in case they have need to perform a, blessing , Oil is not used in other blessing s, such as for people seeking comfort or
  47. Top. In such a fashion, cairns would grow ever larger. An old Scottish Gaelic, blessing ,is Moorish mi coach air do chain," I'll put a stone on your cairn ". Cairns
  48. Not only allow the people to avoid God's wrath, but will also lead to God's, blessing , In the sixth dispute, the people of Israel illustrate the extent of their
  49. In an indirect form). It is the prohibition against deacons pronouncing a, blessing ,in the Church's name that leads some in the church to believe that a deacon
  50. In awe of and insanely jealous of Mozart, going so far as to renounce God for, blessing ,his adversary;" Amadeus" means love of God, or God's love, and the play can

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