Examples of the the word, toll , in a Sentence Context

The word ( toll ), is the 4509 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And pays at the exit gates according to the number of sections travelled. Open, toll ,collection is used on some bridges and tunnels and short stretches of toll ed
  2. Outbreak occurs, the biggest tornado outbreak in recorded history. The death, toll ,is 315,with nearly 5,500 injured. *1975 – Bobby Fischer refuses to play in a
  3. By the Russians were 348,820 men's suits and 836,255 women's garments. Death, toll ,The exact number of victims at Auschwitz is impossible to fix with certainty.
  4. Forest and through 2.3 kilometer beach, both in 5.4 hectares area. Elevated, toll ,road will be built over the mangrove forest. On March 16, 2011 (Tanning)
  5. That he married while still in his teens, but overwork and poverty took their, toll ,(Grand did not receive the career advancement that he had been promised),and
  6. Built a bridge with a dam across the Hostel, were exempted from paying a bridge, toll ,by Count Flores V. The certificate describes the inhabitants as ho mines
  7. On the volatile island of Solo, in the beginning of month. The heaviest, toll ,occurred after militants ambushed a military convoy. 2008 *January 17 - Abu
  8. And traumatic injuries from construction and warfare all took a significant, toll ,on the body. The grit and sand from stone-ground flour abraded teeth, leaving
  9. Action in the Eastern theater. " Edwin Codding ton pointed out the heavy, toll ,on the Army of the Potomac and that" after the battle Meade no longer
  10. And short stretches of toll ed highway, where drivers immediately pay the, toll ,upon arriving. Various forms of prepaid electronic toll collection systems are
  11. Euros are accepted at all toll gates. Most motorways are covered by the closed, toll ,collection system, where a driver receives a ticket at the entrance gates and
  12. People attempted to escape over the wall, with estimates of the resulting death, toll ,varying between 100 and 200. In 1989,a radical series of political changes
  13. In 2008 to a 2–9 record, ending up back in the minors. Injuries would take a, toll ,on the Red Sox offense during the season. David Ortiz missed 45 games with an
  14. Industry sector. To solve chronic traffic problems, the province will build a, toll ,road connecting Iranian with Towpath, a toll road connecting UTA, Denpasar
  15. Of 2000,Copenhagen and the Swedish city of Malmö have been connected by a, toll ,bridge/tunnel (Öresund Bridge),which carries railroad and automobile traffic
  16. Casualties, neither the Army nor the Marine death toll exceeded the Navy death, toll ,in the battle for Okinawa. When the American forces occupied the island, the
  17. S larger cabin was more comfortable than Gemini's,11 days in orbit took its, toll ,on the astronauts. Tension with Shirr began with the launch decision, when
  18. In averting national strike action. The strain of this period took its, toll , and in 1979 he suffered a physical collapse. This shock led Hawks to make a
  19. Infrastructure has existed within Angola, time and the war have taken their, toll ,on the road surfaces, leaving many severely potholed, littered with broken
  20. At the hospital, but its 80 beds are filled within three days. As the death, toll ,begins to rise, more desperate measures are taken. Homes are quarantined
  21. In addition, UN sanctions against Serbia (1992–95) and Iraq took a heavy, toll ,on the Bulgarian economy. The first signs of recovery emerged when GDP grew 1.4
  22. Opposition to the toll road concept when it was first announced, all three, toll ,roads have improved mobility in and around the Austin area and are
  23. Influence on Cameroon's regional trade. Except for the several relatively good, toll ,roads which connect major cities (all of them one-lane) roads are poorly
  24. Behind the knees, around the elbows, and " in the usual places. " The death, toll ,of those infected was very high. Rufus also wrote that similar buboes were
  25. US 82,US 84,US 90,US 98,US 231,US 278,US 280,and US 431. There are four, toll ,roads in the state: Alabama River Parkway in Montgomery; Black Warrior Parkway
  26. Or burning of objects at the grave or to the provision of the ferryman's, toll ,: a coin put in the mouth of the corpse to pay the traveling expenses of the
  27. Immediately pay the toll upon arriving. Various forms of prepaid electronic, toll ,collection systems are in place which allow quicker collection of toll s, usually
  28. The province will build a toll road connecting Iranian with Towpath,a, toll ,road connecting UTA, Denpasar and Towpath and a flyover connecting UTA and
  29. Foley Beach Express in Foley; Montgomery Expressway in Montgomery and four, toll ,bridges: Alabama River Parkway Bridge in Montgomery; Black Warrior Parkway
  30. Of power for around a decade until the Napoleonic Wars began to take their, toll , Making very powerful enemies such as Austria, United Kingdom, Russia and
  31. Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. However, recent research suggests the high death, toll ,of the 1918 flu was partly due to aspirin, as the doses used at times can lead
  32. Groundwater. Groundwater use has eased the effects of drought, but has left a, toll ,on the land. Groundwater is retrieved through drilling deep boreholes, which
  33. Attack, and artillery, properly employed at the shoulders, could take a heavy, toll ,of attackers. While Allied forces in 1940 lacked the experience to successfully
  34. Mid-third century AD. The town remained until late Byzantine times an important, toll ,and customs station of the Hellespont, its importance thereafter being
  35. To assist the Serbs. Exhausted from the previous war, which took the highest, toll ,on Bulgaria, the Bulgarian army soon turned on the defensive. Romania attacked
  36. The other targeted a government building housing the Supreme Court. The death, toll ,is at least 62,with over two hundred injured in the attacks. However, only 26
  37. For 62 straight days. However, turmoil on and off the field began to take its, toll ,as the Orioles started struggling around the All-Star break, dropping them
  38. Of Leander and Cedar Park. Despite the overwhelming initial opposition to the, toll ,road concept when it was first announced, all three toll roads have improved
  39. Centuries. The wars of the Dutch Republic with England and France took their, toll ,on Amsterdam. During the Napoleonic Wars,Amsterdam's significance reached its
  40. Species involve fewer risks to humans than land animals, which took a large, toll ,in human lives. Most major human diseases originated in domesticated animals.
  41. Phoenix. The economic downturn that began in 2008 took a particularly hard, toll ,on Arizona, resulting in large cuts to ASU's budget. In response to these cuts
  42. Of Y. pests that may no longer exist. " Consequences Figures for the death, toll ,vary widely by area and from source to source as new research and discoveries
  43. 1989,the plaque at Auschwitz State Museum was removed and the official death, toll ,given as 1.1 million. Holocaust deniers have attempted to use this change as
  44. NASA Maria Bali To will construct the 9.91 kilometers Serangan-Tanjung Genoa, toll ,road. The construction is projected to cost RP.2.3 trillion ($2.6 billion)
  45. Toll collection systems are in place which allow quicker collection of, toll , usually at a discounted rate, as well as use of dedicated toll plaza lanes (
  46. Or hubs, and as such, transfers usually occurred at night or early morning when, toll ,rates were lowest. In Fido's heyday, sending a Net mail message to a user on a
  47. Attacks. Among United States casualties, neither the Army nor the Marine death, toll ,exceeded the Navy death toll in the battle for Okinawa. When the American
  48. Infrastructure has existed within Angola, time and the war have taken their, toll ,on the road surfaces, leaving many severely potholed, littered with broken
  49. A3). Payment in Luna, all major credit cards and euros are accepted at all, toll ,gates. Most motorways are covered by the closed toll collection system, where a
  50. Ashcroft, Alastair Lynch, Martin Pike, Shaun Hart and Craig McRae had taken its, toll ,and the club played more first year players than any other side in the

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