Examples of the the word, packet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( packet ), is the 4516 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Simple system. When powered on, an Applejack machine broadcasts an AARP probe, packet ,asking for a network address, intending to hear back from controllers such as
  2. One player shuffles the deck and places it on the table. Each player lifts a, packet ,of cards from the top, reveals its bottom card, and returns it to the deck. The
  3. Frequency and wavelength, since a spread of frequencies is needed to create the, packet ,itself. In quantum mechanics, where all particle momenta are associated with
  4. That the consequence of Heisenberg's relation was that the electron, as a wave, packet , could not be considered to have an exact location in its orbital. Max Born
  5. Following character is a control character such as STX or ETC. For example a, packet ,may be structured in the following way (DUE) (DUE). Miscellaneous codes
  6. One is picked at random from the" base subnet ",0. It then broadcasts another, packet ,saying" I am selecting this address ", and then waits to see if anyone else on
  7. ATM has functional similarity with both circuit switched networking and small, packet ,switched networking. It was designed for a network that must handle both
  8. Is called a peristaltic CCD. In a peristaltic charge-coupled device, the charge, packet ,transfer operation is analogous to the peristaltic contraction and dilation of
  9. Algorithms that make certain assumptions, such as those about the media and the, packet ,loss rate. Other codecs may not make those same assumptions. When a user with a
  10. A copy of the response buffers in memory until successful receipt of a release, packet ,from the requestor, or until a timeout elapsed. This way, it could respond to
  11. Layer, this is considered as synchronous serial communication. Examples of, packet ,mode data link protocols that can be/are transferred using synchronous serial
  12. Packet traffic (as discarding a single cell will invalidate the whole, packet ,). As a result, schemes such as Partial Packet Discard (PPD) and Early Packet
  13. And it will then disconnect it by injecting a TCP-Reset or similar faked, packet , The two techniques can be used together with the packet filter monitoring a
  14. Early 1990s some BBSes allowed access via a Telnet, packet switched network, or, packet , radio connection. Ward Christensen coined the term" Bulletin Board System" as
  15. Method is to rebase processes and libraries in the virtual address space. Deep, packet ,inspection The use of deep packet inspection (DPI) can detect, at the network
  16. Angular momentum. It was noted by Bohr that the existence of any sort of wave, packet ,implies uncertainty in the wave frequency and wavelength, since a spread of
  17. Connection starting to an IP address that has content that needs filtering. The, packet ,filter then redirects the connection to the web-proxy which can perform
  18. Alphanumeric, metamorphic,or self-modifying to evade detection by heuristic, packet ,scanners and intrusion detection systems. History Buffer overflows were
  19. The Canal (now the Commercial Slip). He sailed to New York City on the Canal, packet ,Seneca Chief, which later returned to Buffalo with Atlantic Ocean water. The
  20. Works on a cell by cell basis, but this is suboptimal for encapsulated, packet ,traffic (as discarding a single cell will invalidate the whole packet ). As a
  21. Closure, recursion theory * Leonard Klein rock – ARPANET, queueing theory, packet ,switching, hierarchical routing * Donald Knuth – The Art of Computer
  22. The Born–Oppenheimer representation),in the time-dependent approach, the wave, packet ,corresponding to the nuclear degrees of freedom is propagated via the time
  23. Announced that it would eliminate free blankets in coach and sell an $8, packet , that includes a pillow and blanket starting May 1. Advantage Founded in 1981
  24. Of students, and he interrupted the lesson suddenly in order to retrieve a, packet ,of biscuits, wrapped in white paper, from his briefcase. He muttered that he
  25. Ships routinely avoided a strong eastbound mid-ocean current while the mail, packet ,captains sailed dead into it, thus fighting an adverse current of. Franklin
  26. Or similar faked packet . The two techniques can be used together with the, packet ,filter monitoring a link until it sees an HTTP connection starting to an IP
  27. Heard a complaint from the Colonial Board of Customs: Why did it take British, packet ,ships carrying mail several weeks longer to reach New York than it took an
  28. Content filtering technology exists in two major forms: application gateway or, packet ,inspection. For HTTP access the application gateway is called a web-proxy or
  29. Addressing, meaning that the address and data buses are separated so the entire, packet ,does not need to be read to get addressing information. This is done by adding
  30. Allan near Stirling. A ship's name Ben Nevis was the name of a White Star Line, packet ,ship which in 1854 carried the group of immigrants who were to become the Wends
  31. The other, the concept of a circuit is consistent (unlike IP, where any given, packet ,could get to its destination by a different route than the others). Another
  32. Operations, administration and management (OAM) purposes, and to delineate, packet ,boundaries in some Pals. Several of ATM's link protocols use the HEC field to
  33. By up to eight response packet s. The requestor then sent an acknowledgement, packet ,containing a bit mask indicating which of the response packet s it received, so
  34. Libraries in the virtual address space. Deep packet inspection The use of deep, packet ,inspection (DPI) can detect, at the network perimeter, very basic remote
  35. Expensive than wire-based or terrestrial wireless systems. WIMAX and forms of, packet ,radio can also be used. Depending on the speed and latency of these networks
  36. Has no personal fortune to speak of, apart from his frequently fluctuating wage, packet ,from the Prince, as he says: 'If I'm running short of cash all I have to do is
  37. Pictured as the mean energy of the probability cloud of the electron's wave, packet ,which surrounded the atom. Orbital names Orbitals are given names in the form::
  38. Particle momenta are associated with waves, it is the formation of such a wave, packet ,which localizes the wave, and thus the particle, in space. In states where a
  39. Number, aka the telephone number). An Electronic Serial Number is a, packet ,of data which is sent by the handset to the cellular system for billing
  40. Link layer or higher protocol layers is known as statistical multiplexing or, packet ,mode communication, for example asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). In this
  41. License, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) received an anonymous, packet ,of pornographic Li'l Abner drawings. The National Cartoonists Society (NCS)
  42. One of the founding fathers of the Internet and one of the inventors of the, packet ,switching network, and Norman Joseph Woodland the inventor of barcode
  43. The ironic coupling terms. The most popular methods for propagating the wave, packet ,associated to the molecular geometry are: * the multi-configuration
  44. Electron at some point in the wave-function which described its associated wave, packet , The new quantum mechanics did not give exact results, but only the
  45. Exchange, with no need to set up or tear down connections. An ATP request, packet ,could be answered by up to eight response packet s. The requestor then sent an
  46. Where a quantum mechanical particle is bound, it must be localized as a wave, packet , and the existence of the packet and its minimum size implies a spread and
  47. Is localized to a smaller region in space, the associated compressed wave, packet ,requires a larger and larger range of momenta, and thus larger kinetic energy.
  48. Is bound, it must be localized as a wave packet , and the existence of the, packet ,and its minimum size implies a spread and minimal value in particle wavelength
  49. SysOps were transplants of the amateur radio community and thus amateur and, packet ,radio were often popular topics. As the BBS phenomenon grew, so did the
  50. Using a modem, but by the early 1990s some BBSes allowed access via a Telnet, packet ,switched network, or packet radio connection. Ward Christensen coined the term

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