Examples of the the word, mobility , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mobility ), is the 4522 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Road concept when it was first announced, all three toll roads have improved, mobility ,in and around the Austin area and are significantly exceeding their revenue
  2. Voice and data calls between Bluetooth devices. Additionally," TCS BIN defines, mobility ,management procedures for handling groups of Bluetooth TCS devices. " TCS-BIN
  3. Full role-based access control, workload partitions (which enable application, mobility ,), enhanced security (Addition of AES encryption type for NFS v3 and v4) and
  4. Poor nations. Female emancipation The safety bicycle gave women unprecedented, mobility , contributing to their emancipation in Western nations. As bicycles became
  5. Offer a higher level of protection from artillery burst fragments, and greater, mobility ,in more terrain types. The basic APC design was substantially expanded to an
  6. Palsy, who would not at all able to walk or stand (exoskeletons). * Wheeled, mobility ,products that enable people with reduced mobility to move freely indoors and
  7. Took an existing anti-tank gun and mounted it on a convenient chassis to give, mobility , usually with just a three-sided gun shield for protection. For instance,202
  8. And Are with positive side-chains, pI ½ (par + pKa2). Amino acids have zero, mobility ,in electrophoresis at their Selectric point, although this behavior is more
  9. These are more often termed 'rubber tired trams' as they have limited or no, mobility ,away from their guide ways. Liveries Transit buses are normally painted to
  10. Of the Jews, Jews rapidly urbanized and experienced a period of greater social, mobility , With the decreasing role of religion in public life tempering religious
  11. Cincinnati's new quarterback, Virgil Carter, was known for his great, mobility ,and accuracy but lacked a strong arm necessary to throw deep passes. Thus
  12. Little more than stopgap solutions, mounting a gun on a tracked vehicle to give, mobility , while others were more sophisticated designs. An example of the development of
  13. The heavy firepower of tanks. Artillery Self-propelled artillery vehicles give, mobility ,to artillery. Within the term are covered self-propelled guns (or howitzers)
  14. May exist to fund and operate bus transport, usually using specially modified, mobility ,buses or otherwise accessible buses (See Accessibility section). Some use
  15. Jews formed about 3½ percent. This dramatic increase combined with the upward, mobility ,of some Jews contributed to a resurgence of antisemitism. In the first half of
  16. They robbed the Vikings of their major strategic advantages: surprise and, mobility , Administration and taxation To obtain the needed garrison troops and workers
  17. Organism to mucous membranes. Flagella are the organelles of cellular, mobility , They arise from cytoplasm and extrude through the cell wall. They are long and
  18. But the German attack failed and they retreated. Mechanical problems, poor, mobility , and piecemeal tactical deployment limited the military significance of the tank
  19. Infrastructure is highly complex, providing a very diverse range of urban, mobility , A total of 979 bridges cross 197 kilometers of intercity waterways, of roads
  20. After cell division; and moves parts of the cell in processes of growth and, mobility , The eukaryotic cytoskeleton is composed of microfilaments, intermediate
  21. To americium. It is especially noticeable at low temperatures, where the, mobility ,of the produced lattice defects is relatively low, by broadening of X-ray
  22. Encumbered by their armor, actually drowned in their helmets. Their limited, mobility ,made them easy targets for the volleys from the English archers. The mud also
  23. The particle, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and \mu is the particle's, mobility ,in the fluid. George Stokes had shown that the mobility for a spherical
  24. Firing. However, crews tended to fire their weapons from their vehicles for the, mobility ,this method provided, with consequent casualties. This undoubtedly inspired
  25. Exoskeletons). * Wheeled mobility products that enable people with reduced, mobility ,to move freely indoors and outdoors (wheelchairs/scooters) * Vehicles
  26. Of such technology these wheelchair users could only use specialist para transit, mobility ,buses. Accessible vehicles also have wider entrances and interior gangways and
  27. And other factors. A few people employ guide dogs to assist in, mobility , These dogs are trained to navigate around various obstacles, and to indicate
  28. Argument is that positive externalities, such as higher growth due to global, mobility , outweigh the microeconomic losses and justify continuing government
  29. Is porous and therefore can be used to measure microorganism motility and, mobility , The gel's porosity is directly related to the concentration of agarose in the
  30. English has also developed, as a result of mass media and geographic and social, mobility , and broadly describes the English typically heard from network newscasters
  31. As k_B=R/N, and the fourth equality follows from Stokes' formula for the, mobility , By measuring the mean square displacement over a time interval along with the
  32. Of his people, after which he began to raid deeper into Iraq. Using the, mobility ,of his light cavalry he could easily raid any town near the desert and within
  33. It is still too early to predict their patterns of assimilation and social, mobility , Today, an increasingly large percentage of the population lives abroad, most
  34. A single, all around type. It is distinguished by its high level of firepower, mobility ,and armor protection relative to other vehicles of its era. It can cross
  35. The sidewalk at street crossings. While these curb cuts enable pedestrians with, mobility ,impairments to cross the street, they also aid parents with carriages and
  36. Independently, using a wide range of tools and techniques. Orientation and, mobility ,specialists are professionals who are specifically trained to teach people with
  37. Guide dog team does the directing, based upon skills acquired through previous, mobility ,training. In this sense, the handler might be likened to an aircraft's
  38. Battles take place on a level of planning and execution known as operational, mobility , German strategist Carl von Clausewitz stated that" the employment of battles
  39. And explores the surrounding environment. Action plays a major role in the, mobility ,of this system. Environments with high levels of cell adhesion molecules or CAM
  40. In operations around Stalingrad during the Soviet counter-offensive. German, mobility ,had been a significant factor in the Wehrmacht's earlier victories. Before
  41. And Mexican-American boxers popularized this style. Many brawlers tend to lack, mobility , preferring a less mobile, more stable platform and have difficulty pursuing
  42. Subordinates, and then implement this decision through action. Through superior, mobility ,and faster decision-making cycles, mobile forces could take action on a
  43. And growth, animals a vegetative and a sensitive soul, responsible for, mobility ,and sensation, and humans a vegetative, a sensitive, and a rational soul
  44. Movement of infantry in a combat zone, minimising casualties and maximizing, mobility , APC's are fundamentally different from the previously used armored half-tracks
  45. Study is that the English language is as diverse as ever, despite our increased, mobility ,and constant exposure to other accents and dialects through TV and radio. " It
  46. With armorers seeking to create better protection without sacrificing, mobility , Well known armor types in European history include the LOLICA Havana, Lorica
  47. Mu is the particle's mobility in the fluid. George Stokes had shown that the, mobility ,for a spherical particle with radius r is \mu 1/ (6\pi\eta r),where \eta is
  48. A red tip - the international symbol of blindness - may also be used to improve, mobility , A long cane is used to extend the user's range of touch sensation. It is
  49. With orientation and navigation, but it is not a replacement for traditional, mobility ,tools such as white canes and guide dogs. Technology to allow blind people to
  50. Then there safely. Some blind people use GPS for the visually impaired as a, mobility ,aid. Such software can assist blind people with orientation and navigation, but

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