Examples of the the word, loyalty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( loyalty ), is the 4520 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Themes in their sermons, while most Church of England ministers preached, loyalty ,to the King. Religious motivation for fighting tyranny reached across
  2. The United Kingdom. *1927 – Metropolitan Series proclaims the declaration of, loyalty ,of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Soviet Union. *1934 – The first
  3. And David Hunter (in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida) to keep the, loyalty ,of the border states and the War Democrats. Lincoln warned the border states
  4. Remaining Tepid nation, and as such her support was a guarantee of the Genius ', loyalty ,to Helices. The latter could also count on the support of the Lombard
  5. In conquest, the building of patronage relationships throughout the Empire,the, loyalty ,of many military soldiers and veterans, the authority of the many honors
  6. Petitions and pleas for intervention from a monarch to whom they still claimed, loyalty , In late 1772 Samuel Adams in Boston set about creating new Committees of
  7. The idea came up in bureaucratic circles that it would be useful to require a, loyalty ,oath from all state functionaries, including university professors. Not always
  8. Like contests and games, sweepstakes,product giveaways, samples coupons, loyalty ,programs, and discounts. The ultimate goal of sales promotions is to stimulate
  9. Is strong, and feeling often runs high in favor of a union with Italy, loyalty ,to France, as evidenced by elections, remains stronger. Climate Main sights *
  10. Is the opposite of selfishness. Altruism can be distinguished from feelings of, loyalty ,and duty. Altruism is a motivation to provide a value to a party who must be
  11. Without issue Bibliography * And, Clifford,Imperial ideology and provincial, loyalty ,in the Roman Empire, University of California Press,2000. * Bihar, A. D. H. (
  12. Term. He was the only Whig in the Illinois delegation, but he showed his party, loyalty ,by participating in almost all votes and making speeches that echoed the party
  13. Do well, help me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for truth is, loyalty ,and disregard for truth is treachery. The weak amongst you shall be strong with
  14. Although details of the negotiations are lacking, Gruffydd app Llewellyn swore, loyalty ,to King Edward, The diocese had suffered a serious raid from the Welsh in 1055
  15. No longer in direct control of the provinces and their armies, he retained the, loyalty ,of active duty soldiers and veterans alike. To a large extent the public was
  16. His affection for its head, can boast but an imperfect and spurious species of, loyalty ,(R v O'Connell (1844) 7 ILL 261). There were four kinds of allegiances (
  17. Death unflinchingly when confronted by The Big Four and possessing unwavering, loyalty ,towards Poirot. However, when forced to choose between Poirot and his wife in
  18. He found it a necessary evil in order to maintain party unity and ensure the, loyalty ,of his fellow Liberals. As prime minister, he asked the soldier accompanying
  19. Service personnel on Belorussian soil were required to either take an oath of, loyalty ,to Belarus, or leave. This oath however did not alleviate concerns regarding
  20. Assistance. Charles was among a delegation from Ajaccio in 1769,offered his, loyalty ,and was appointed assessor. Market also offered Charles-Marie one appointment
  21. Country, than in the whole of Russia. They may also be seen as a reward for the, loyalty ,of its relatively western-oriented population during the Crimean war and during
  22. The old world is obviously collapsing and Deign has shifted her attention and, loyalty ,to saving the captive Salt. In the end, he stays with the broken-down Comet in
  23. Sisters on the opposite. * Caligula added his sister's names in to motions. In, loyalty ,oaths, it was," I will not value my life or that of my children less highly
  24. And condescension, for their high regard for personal honor, for their tribe, loyalty ,and for their readiness to use force to settle disputes. As tribal warfare and
  25. Asking random people 'do you work on Mobile Me? ' ". Users While this brand, loyalty ,is considered unusual for any product, Apple appears not to have gone out of
  26. Down. James Haggard knows he is friends with Hank Rear den and challenges his, loyalty , and Larking assures Haggard that he will go along with them. *Eugene Lawson
  27. Never or rarely flown before became regular fliers, even joining frequent flyer, loyalty ,programs and receiving free flights and other benefits from their flying. New
  28. And over the years these traditions themselves came to command adherence and, loyalty , Potentially this would create a crisis of identity, were secular and religious
  29. The capital, Stephen Hagiochristophorites moved to arrest Isaac Angelo's, whose, loyalty , was suspect. Isaac killed Hagiochristophorites and took refuge in the church of
  30. As the Ptolemies supported time-honored traditions in an effort to secure the, loyalty ,of the populace. They built new temples in Egyptian style, supported
  31. To Belarus, or leave. This oath however did not alleviate concerns regarding, loyalty ,to Russia in time of crisis, especially since nearly 50 % of all military
  32. A name which may have been manufactured as a gesture of democratic, loyalty ,; the name can also be found in Eolian Genus, not a particularly democratic
  33. Minilab group at the time of the Russian invasion. This group also enjoyed the, loyalty ,of most Afghan Arab fighters. The continuing internecine strife between various
  34. Legacy King Manuel I of Portugal was convinced too late of Albuquerque's, loyalty , and endeavored to atone for the ingratitude with which he had treated him by
  35. The Ku Klux Klan. As a result, Elsie breaks off their relationship out of, loyalty ,to her father. Gus, a freedman and soldier, follows Flora Cameron as she goes
  36. That he had defied the Nero Decree, but then assured Hitler of his personal, loyalty , bringing tears to the dictator's eyes. Serena goes on to note that Speer's
  37. As much as he did brutality by repelling invading Carthaginians and winning the, loyalty ,of the denizens of his land. However, many later disapproved of his actions
  38. Of all backgrounds today agree with Du Boys, as they note African Americans ', loyalty ,and contributions during the Civil War years and Reconstruction, including the
  39. The Churches of the Anglican Communion are linked by affection and common, loyalty , They are in full communion with the See of Canterbury and thus the Archbishop
  40. 14th of October. However, it is thought that the 4S will only sell due to brand, loyalty , as it displayed no drastic changes, and just a few new features. The iPhone 4S
  41. And EEPROM on a mission among the Parasites in an attempt to restore their, loyalty ,to both the Church and the state. Alma and his companions had some success
  42. Of Austria had been a single unit for over 700 years, it was united only by, loyalty ,to the Habsburgs. By comparison, Hungary had been a nation and a state for over
  43. His verses at drinking parties for friends and political allies men for whom, loyalty ,was essential, particularly in such troubled times. In his second book, in an
  44. Ascribed to it may involve members of the movement, who have taken a pledge of, loyalty ,to Osama bin Laden, or the much more numerous" al-Qaeda-linked" individuals
  45. Skill in feats of arms, delighted in tournaments and knightly exercises. His, loyalty ,to the emperor Frederick, and the expenses incurred in this connection, aroused
  46. Released the officials in the Austrian half of the empire from their oath of, loyalty ,to him. Two days later, he issued a similar proclamation for Hungary. However
  47. Developments including computer reservations systems, frequent flyer, loyalty ,programs and two-tier wage scales. Expansion in the 1980s and 1990s After
  48. Through legislation in their respective Parliaments; and assumed allegiance and, loyalty ,to the British Crown in all their members. However, from the first, the
  49. Properties. Because of this, Hasan Ali Shah decided to secure a pledge of, loyalty ,from the members of the community to himself and to the Ismail form of Islam.
  50. His non-committal stance, until the crucial point of a battle, earned him the, loyalty ,of his men, who felt he would not needlessly send them to their deaths. Even

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