Examples of the the word, frustration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( frustration ), is the 4521 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Taking catches. Stifling the batsman in this manner can lead to impatience and, frustration , resulting in rash play by the batsman which in turn can lead to a quick
  2. Had sent all three of his sons to Harvard, and although he rarely discussed his, frustration , it was evident to his wife. " I could tell how tired he was by the way he
  3. Stated, flaming can stem from a variety of issues, including misunderstandings, frustration , and perceptions of unfairness. One motive (from trolls especially) is the
  4. Congratulating the Red Sox as world champions. After so many years of abject, frustration , Red Sox fans around the world could taste victory. With two strikes, Mets
  5. Constraints similar to the Bernal-Fowler ice rules arising from the geometrical, frustration ,of the proton configuration in water ice. These materials are called spin ice.
  6. The formation of the representative government association. Marshaling public, frustration ,with the lack of a voice in the governing of Dominica, this group won one-third
  7. In official maps and in the game's GUI overhead. Customers have expressed, frustration ,with the ads, including an over 200-page thread on Valve's official forums
  8. Of mankind. History Apollo's cursed gift became a source of endless pain and, frustration , In some versions of the myth, this is symbolized by the god spitting into her
  9. 2) puzzlement at the new pressures and restrictions of the classroom,3), frustration , because unready learning tools – senses, cognition,brain hemispheres
  10. Was coined by their residents as a sign of their disappointment and, frustration ,with the perceived lack of assistance from the federal government. In response
  11. That it had been the last major title he had never won outright) and expressed, frustration ,at the failure to reunify the world championship. Kasparov said he may play in
  12. S efforts to succeed in 'raising the tone' of his hotel and his increasing, frustration ,at the numerous complications and mistakes, both his own and those of others
  13. Is usually carried out because an imperative priority of impatience or, frustration ,justifies it. Inhibition In the Alexander technique lexicon, the principle of "
  14. They do not work for me. " Final years He spent his final years venting his, frustration ,at various targets which included a neighbor who erected a large sign to a
  15. Wasted, all at enormous expense—often proved very taxing for Chaplin, who in, frustration ,would often lash out at his actors and crew, keep them waiting idly for hours
  16. Say that she died in poverty. " Pasternak responded by channeling his grief and, frustration ,into his next anthology, Safe Conduct. His early verse cleverly dissimulates
  17. Ground, player Paul Chapman publicly criticized the club's culture, expressing, frustration , at the lack of team mentality present with many of the players, This was the
  18. Sent Robert Devereaux,2nd Earl of Essex, to put the revolt down. To her, frustration , he made little progress and returned to England in defiance of her orders. He
  19. See below) stated that" COINTELPRO began in 1956,in part because of, frustration ,with Supreme Court rulings limiting the Government's power to proceed overtly
  20. The large number of documented non-Western mental disorders still left out, and, frustration , that even those included were often misinterpreted or misrepresented. Many
  21. Self-management, they would always have been slow to innovate as apathy and, frustration ,took their inevitable toll, and they would always have been susceptible to
  22. Win in five years, against the Steelers on September 17. Compounding the fans ', frustration ,was the Baltimore Ravens' win over the New York Giants in Super Bowl XXXV that
  23. Kirchner, who shared her love for books, dancing,and traveling, as well as her, frustration ,with the monotony of factory work. After four months they married in February
  24. Choice sweeper, and Bears was continually left out in the cold, much to his, frustration , and he refused to play for the national side while Barefoot was in charge (
  25. Foreign private investors in these operations departed the country in, frustration , In 2002,the IMF suspended Guinea's Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (
  26. Wedding, him having carried a torch for Lorna for quite some time. In his, frustration ,he turned to Annie, who had problems with the wedding too, as she was secretly
  27. Child, Lucas never learned to swim, which became a source of embarrassment and, frustration ,as he became older. Lucas has expressed in several interviews that his
  28. That her father's furious temper was at least partly a result of sexual, frustration , Lena, however,was distant and uncharitable. The three sisters were joined by
  29. Explained that his actions included" shouting and pounding the table" in, frustration , The design staff noticed a difference in the manner of work among the crew
  30. Refused to lend. Polly is generally good-natured but sometimes shows her, frustration , and odd moments of malice. In The Kipper and the Corpse, the pampered shiatsu
  31. London as Curator of Mammals at the London Zoo, eventually leaving in 1966 in, frustration ,about stagnation at the zoo. In the media Morris first came to public attention
  32. Modern use, angst was broadened by the later existentialists to include general, frustration ,associated with the conflict between actual responsibilities to self,one's
  33. Faults of the language, the calumny heaped on EDIT 2 0 0 by the vendors and the, frustration ,of the end users. So, to tighten the semantics of the language, and provide a
  34. Music Angst, in contemporary connotative use, most often describes the intense, frustration ,and other emotions of teenagers and the mood of the music and art with which
  35. Murray announced his intention not to contest the 2007 federal election, citing, frustration , arising from the Howard Government's control of both houses and his
  36. Experienced by most ethnic minorities in Germany, and the feelings of, frustration ,and resentment that being denied a German identity can cause. The song" Fred
  37. Added that" Maradona offered to the Argentines way out of their collective, frustration , and that's why people love him. There is a divine figure. " Ever since 1986
  38. The Dartmouth campus of the University of Massachusetts in 1972 or 1973. Out of, frustration ,with all the grid-based hunting games he had seen, such as Snark, Mugwump,and
  39. Captain as they enter the ship's elegant dining room, and complains about the, frustration ,of not being able to fight, but boasts about the food that has been prepared
  40. Person, the child's inherent potential must be realized. Unhappiness and, frustration ,are caused by the unrealized potential of a person, leading to failed goals and
  41. The Late Mr. Kent ", wherein Clark Kent is presumed dead, Superman expresses, frustration ,at the idea of not being Clark and having to be someone else instead (" I am
  42. Taking care of the patients. Common reactions, such as desperation, anger, frustration , and denial are possible. The focus of the patient care should be on creating
  43. Tiger-Cats wide receiver Earl Winfield was unable to field a punt properly; in, frustration , he kicked the ball out of bounds. The kick was considered a drop-kick and led
  44. Cornfield County residents, who would eventually hang up in various degrees of, frustration , causing the Operator to often say, innocently," And they wonder why we
  45. Alienation, anxiety,dissatisfaction, discomfort,anguish, stress,misery, and, frustration , In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths on Gurkha are taught as the primary means
  46. There were two instances of British troops killing civilians out of revenge or, frustration , at Portabello Barracks, where six were shot and North King Street, where 15
  47. Of Fatah's" Young Guard. " These younger leaders have repeatedly expressed, frustration ,with the entrenched corruption in the party, which has been run by the" Old
  48. Pressures they bring,4) hyperactivity growing out of nerves and jitter, from, frustration , 5) failure which quite naturally flows from the four experiences above, and 6
  49. Started in 1944 and proceeded until 1951,causing considerable suffering and, frustration , However, most of the population had returned by 1946. *1940 4 July - French
  50. In January 2011 Defense Secretary Robert Gates expressed the Pentagon's, frustration ,with the skyrocketing costs of the F-35 program when he said" The culture of

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