Examples of the the word, reconstruction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reconstruction ), is the 4514 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The dam provided to the nation. During the mid-2000s a multi-billion dollar, reconstruction ,began in the aftermath of the 2005 Kashmir earthquake. Agriculture is a part of
  2. Supplies from Azerbaijan an impossibility. This led the government to propose, reconstruction ,of the Armenian Atomic Power Station at Metaphor, which was closed after the
  3. Is need to ensure the correct results. In more problematic materials, correct, reconstruction , may be impossible due to limited knowledge of the true magnification;
  4. Of change with many of the surrounding buildings being renovated. Despite the, reconstruction ,of the tram line crossing, it has retained its socialist character, including
  5. And ongoing, that were faced by African Americans. Some of these were slavery, reconstruction , development of the African-American community, participation in the great
  6. Remained low in the entire country. The country receives substantial amounts of, reconstruction ,assistance and humanitarian aid from the international community. Support for
  7. Inside Afghanistan. Despite these problems, Pakistan is a participant in the, reconstruction ,of Afghanistan, pledging $250 million in various projects across the country
  8. And Icings and Calibrates, two famous architects, were responsible for the, reconstruction , During the 5th century BC, the Acropolis gained its final shape. After winning
  9. And lexicons for unstudied languages; historical linguistics, including the, reconstruction ,of past languages, from which our current languages have descended;
  10. Assistance to Afghanistan and has participated in multiple socio-economic, reconstruction ,efforts, including power, roads,agricultural and educational projects. There
  11. A scale model of the Abbey complex, a computer-generated 'fly-through ', reconstruction ,of the church as it was when complete, and a viewing gallery with excellent
  12. Algiers-Aga-Elafroun, Algiers-Aga-Zeralda. Three new cable cars, reconstruction ,of roads and restoration of the city station—which will accommodate the
  13. Protected by the intervention of the prefect Constantius, who organized the, reconstruction ,of the walls that had been previously damaged by earthquakes, and,in some
  14. Shape. After winning at Jurymen in 468 BC, Cimon and Themistocles ordered the, reconstruction ,of southern and northern walls, and Pericles entrusted the building of the
  15. Demolition of which began in February 2006 and has been completed. The, reconstruction ,of the Baroque Stadtschloss at the site has been in planning. Alexanderplatz is
  16. Is disputed by Georg (2004),who states:" The traditional Tungusological, reconstruction ,*NASA = cannot be replaced by the nasal-initial one espoused here, needed for
  17. About at least the names and lengths of the originals, so that proper, reconstruction ,is possible. Most archivers also store metadata about a file that the operating
  18. 700 million over the originally contracted price for the completion of the, reconstruction ,of the Admiral Gershon, bringing the total requested price to $2.9 billion. On
  19. Afghanistan is in their interest. India and Iran have actively participated in, reconstruction ,efforts in Afghanistan, with India being the largest regional donor to the
  20. Out his initial fieldwork in the Andaman Islands in the old style of historical, reconstruction , However, after reading the work of French sociologists Émile Durkheim and
  21. Rather than treasure. The council also supervises museums and monument, reconstruction ,programs designed to preserve the historical legacy of Egypt. Analog Brothers
  22. Otherwise unfossilizable parts of organisms; as such it is helpful in the, reconstruction ,of ecosystems and organisms. The chemical composition of the resin is
  23. Many of them also have infixes. Protolanguage Much work has been done on the, reconstruction ,of Promotion–Khmer in Harry L. Shorto's Mon–Khmer Comparative Dictionary.
  24. 1765,presumably because statics was not taken into account well enough at the, reconstruction ,after the city fire of 1634. The collapsing tower struck two children of the
  25. Of demand, it is unlikely these will be constructed. However, beginning with the, reconstruction ,of the Author department store in 2004,and the biggest underground railway
  26. Type atomic species information. The instrument allows the three-dimensional, reconstruction ,of up to hundreds of millions of atoms from a sharp tip (corresponding to
  27. Agreed to be The Suppliants, The Egyptian and The Daniels. A plausible, reconstruction ,of the trilogy's last two-thirds runs thus: In The Egyptian, the
  28. Mission to the site and uncovered the remains of a funeral lion (a, reconstruction ,was given in the,a publication of the EFA which is available online).
  29. Council of the early church; which considered ecclesiastical policy for the, reconstruction ,of the Christian church after the persecutions, and in particular the treatment
  30. Two most serious economic problems. The country receives substantial amounts of, reconstruction ,assistance and humanitarian aid from the international community but will have
  31. Detector, to a three-dimensional visualization of atomic types, is termed ", reconstruction ,". Reconstruction algorithms are typically geometrically based, and have
  32. One example of archaeological evidence of the Roman abacus, shown here in, reconstruction , dates to the 1st century AD. It has eight long grooves containing up to five
  33. Notes covering the years 56 to 53 B. C. This is largely a period of post-war, reconstruction ,and exploration in the Nephrite nation. Simple Outline This outline is based on
  34. Geometrically based, and have several literature formulations. Most models for, reconstruction ,assume that the tip is a spherical object, and utilize empirical corrections to
  35. To have space away from white control or oversight. While the post-war, reconstruction ,era was initially a time of progress for African Americans, in the late 1890s
  36. For flying. The overall brain anatomy was reconstructed using the scan. The, reconstruction ,showed that the regions associated with vision took up nearly one-third of the
  37. It buy iconographic evidence in late vase-painting, made a plausible, reconstruction ,of an ancient Actaeon myth that Greek poets may have inherited and subjected to
  38. 17 of its workers in a town called Mutter who were working in post 2004 Tsunami, reconstruction ,effort in Sri Lanka due to violence. The independent Sri Lanka Monitoring
  39. And were removed prior to parsing in a trivial perplexing stage called" line, reconstruction ,". What the compiler would see in the above example would be" if token
  40. Of decay and taxonomy must be accounted for before a correct anatomical, reconstruction ,can be made. A consideration of the combination of characters allows
  41. S 13th century city wall. The Stern tor (star gate) in the town center is a, reconstruction ,using the last remnants of the medieval city wall. To date,Bonn's Roman fort
  42. Subway. This led to riots, and as a result the original plans for large-scale, reconstruction ,were abandoned and the neighborhood was rebuilt with smaller-scale residence
  43. Of Nahuatl dialects, Maya hieroglyphic writing, and the first attempt at a, reconstruction ,of Uto-Aztecan. He also published many articles in the most prestigious
  44. And he involved his students in designing low-cost, small-scale housing for the, reconstruction ,of war-torn Finland. While teaching at MIT, Aalto also designed the student
  45. Of dollars for development were mooted by international aid agencies for the, reconstruction ,and rehabilitation of earthquake-hit zones in Azad Kashmir, though much of that
  46. The war, orchestras and choruses, undergoing economic hard times during the, reconstruction ,of Japan, promoted performances of the piece around New Year because of the
  47. Of grammatical correspondences, as well as a few important changes to the, reconstruction ,of Photovoltaic. For example, while most of today's Altaic languages have
  48. Help with infrastructure, humanitarian aid, economic development, and military, reconstruction ,in Herzegovina and Bosnia. The U. S. Agency for International Development (
  49. Poets may have inherited and subjected to expansion and dismemberment. His, reconstruction ,opposes a too-pat consensus that has an archaic Actaeon aspiring to Female, a
  50. Of successive layers of material from the sample, the lateral and in-depth, reconstruction ,values are highly anisotropic. Determination of the exact resolution of the

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