Examples of the the word, theft , in a Sentence Context

The word ( theft ), is the 4511 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It as the basis for the oppression of the workers. In his words," interest is, theft , Rent Robbery, and Profit Only Another Name for Plunder. " Tucker believed that
  2. To 18th century, books were often chained to a bookshelf or a desk to prevent, theft , These chained books are called Libra catenary. At first, books were copied
  3. Descends to Hades and announces himself as Heracles. Abacus laments Heracles's, theft ,of Cerberus and sentences Dionysus to Acheson and torment by hounds of Cactus
  4. Former dictator Luis Garcia Mesa to 30 years in jail without parole for murder, theft , fraud and violating the constitution. *1994 – The first discoveries of
  5. Libel, but he did make multiple accusations against the Jews, including: usury, theft , receiving stolen goods, pimping,divination and magic. He finishes with this
  6. Books could not be borrowed and often were chained to reading stands to prevent, theft , The beginning of modern public library begins around 15th century when
  7. Pindar, was that he offered to his guests the ambrosia of the Deathless Ones,a, theft ,akin to that of Prometheus, Karl Kearny noted (in Heroes of the Greeks). *In
  8. With" wrongs" ( Latin: Delta). Thus, the Hellenic laws treated all forms of, theft , assault, rape,and murder as private wrongs, and left action for enforcement
  9. Used),and assuming that the key is not otherwise available (such as via, theft , extortion, or compromise of computer systems). The widely accepted notion
  10. Commodore responded by filing lawsuits against four former engineers for, theft ,of trade secrets. This was intended to, in effect, bar Trammel from releasing
  11. The other Greek forces. At this same time, burning with rage over Agamemnon's, theft , Achilles prayed to his mother Thesis to convince Zeus to help the Trojans gain
  12. Property and that" ... interference with copyright does not easily equate with, theft , conversion, or fraud. The Copyright Act even employs a separate term of art to
  13. Dire" Minstrel Boy" was his minstrelsy song. All pop music is love and, theft , and in 40 years of records whose sources have inspired volumes of scholastic
  14. Bad and SHU Lien, with the assistance of Sir Te's servant Master BO, trace the, theft ,to Governor Yu's compound and learn that Jade Fox has been posing as Jen's
  15. State jurisdictions. Scots common law covers matters including murder and, theft , and has sources in custom, in legal writings and previous court decisions. The
  16. Name" Politics daily. Com"/> name" DigitalJournal./JJ"> com"/> The, theft ,was organized by the Swedish former Nazi, Anders Angstrom.
  17. Lockable mini-garages, and patrolled cycle parks are used in order to reduce, theft , Local governments promote cycling by permitting bicycles to be carried on
  18. Was (c. 1150). Pro-life activist Barre Knudsen was linked to a 1994 art, theft ,as part of a pro-life drive in Norway surrounding the 1994 Winter Olympics. A
  19. Only 35 of the 650 animals in the facility survived. This was a result of, theft ,of some animals for human food, and starvation of caged animals that had no
  20. I property crimes include burglary, arson,larceny/ theft , and motor-vehicle, theft , All other crimes count come under Part II. For convenience, such lists usually
  21. Vessel or its cargo. These activities may include desertion, illegal scuttling, theft ,of the ship or cargo, and/or committing any actions which may not be in the
  22. The theft was discovered and Belle was suspended; Grisly later owed up to the, theft , Belle further inflamed matters by spurning the Indians and signing a large
  23. Of masculinity and male authority. Jen’s desire to use the sword, and her, theft ,of it, thus also represents her wish to attain both the freedom and the power
  24. All activities such as murder, homicide,rape, trespass,robbery, burglary, theft , and fraud, the ethics of private property is also incompatible with the
  25. Concrete wall, where they cut four metal bars blocking the opening. After the, theft , authorities replaced the stolen sign with a replica, which was originally made
  26. All merchants who did not maintain their own records were at greater risk of, theft ,by their employees and agents: it is not by accident that the first and last
  27. Through the ceiling from the visitor's clubhouse and stole the bat. The, theft ,was discovered and Belle was suspended; Grisly later owed up to the theft .
  28. Tempered by juries who refused to convict, or judges, in the case of petty, theft , who arbitrarily set the value stolen at below the statutory level for a
  29. Rape of women or children to consensual but improper activities; or the, theft ,of public or sacred property. Two well-known cases are found in the speeches of
  30. Protection services, and therefore it seemed logically inconsistent to oppose, theft ,while also supporting a tax-funded protector. So, they advocated what may be
  31. Was the BNP's South East London organizer, has 17 convictions for burglary, theft , possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer. * Richard Edmonds, at the
  32. The Canaanite fertility god. Other sins followed, including homicide, perjury, theft , and sexual sin. Hosea declares that unless they repent of these sins, God will
  33. i. e., direct violence, assault,murder) or property (i.e., fraud,burglary, theft , taxation). The initiation of force is usually referred to as aggression or
  34. Some 13,000 members as of 2011,and they have been accused of widespread land, theft , murder and drug trafficking. Government The government of Colombia takes place
  35. Of land vehicles or ships, skyjacking is not usually committed for robbery or, theft , Most aircraft hijackers intend to use the passengers as hostages, either for
  36. A static poem partially preserved in the Prose Edda, relates the story of the, theft ,of Brísingamen by Loki. One day when Freya wakes up and finds Brísingamen
  37. 130 and 180 AD) on the Twelve Tables treated fur tum (in modern parlance: ", theft ,") as a tort. Similarly, assault and violent robbery involved trespass as to
  38. Occasions. Once in 1998 (in which the museum's curator was convicted of the, theft ,and jailed for five years and two months along with two accomplices) and most
  39. That circulate in impoverished communities about child kidnapping and organ, theft , Sociocultural anthropologists have increasingly turned their investigative eye
  40. The women who were saved by Oskar Schindler. " Albeit yacht free" sign, theft ,The, wrought-iron " Albeit yacht free" sign over the entrance to
  41. The country had been exhausted and humiliated by the war. Bribe-taking, theft ,and corruption were everywhere. Encouraged by public opinion he began a period
  42. Vessel or its cargo. These activities may include desertion, illegal scuttling, theft ,of the ship or cargo, and/or committing any actions which may not be in the
  43. This is sometimes called plutocracy (rule by wealth) or kleptocracy (rule by, theft ,). Corrupt governments may favor one set of business owners who have close ties
  44. That were punishable by death, including crimes such as shoplifting, petty, theft , stealing cattle or cutting down trees in public place. The severity of the
  45. Locations *Personal security application on mobile phones for prevention of, theft ,or loss of items. The protected item has a Bluetooth marker (e.g. a tag)
  46. Crimes, called male in see, count as outlawed in almost all societies, ( murder, theft ,and rape, for example). English criminal law and the related criminal law of
  47. Technology. Courts have distinguished between copyright infringement and, theft , holding, for instance, in the United States Supreme Court case Dowling v.
  48. Name" Auschwitz death camp sign/IN"> stolen"/> Such was the concern about its, theft ,that Poland declared a state of emergency. Name "/IN"> guardian"/> Police found
  49. And Candide is fined heavily by a Dutch magistrate for petulance over the, theft , Before leaving Suriname, Candide feels in need of companionship, so he
  50. Of behavioral rules, to be violated when it suited them. Kidnapping, murder and, theft ,were justified by their special status as holy warriors. One by one they

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