Examples of the the word, irrelevant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( irrelevant ), is the 5313 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That if a diagnostic category is valid, cross-cultural factors are either, irrelevant ,or are only significant to specific symptom presentations. Of the authors who
  2. Is so different from the subsequent Agency usage as to make it almost, irrelevant , Consequently, according to OMS, there was no a prior reason to believe that
  3. English habits of living. In 1955,defense arguments were accepted to be, irrelevant ,because of the dominance of air power; thus, both the British and French
  4. Ruling of safe and making Holliday's apparent failure to touch the plate, irrelevant , The Rockies completed the fifth-greatest regular season comeback in Major
  5. Notes the sound is produced almost entirely at the tone holes and the bell is, irrelevant , # The air in the bore of the instrument is at normal atmospheric pressure and
  6. Powers as the judge may exclude evidence he/she believes is not trustworthy or, irrelevant ,to the legal issue at hand. As said by Judge Megan L. A Brown all evidence must
  7. Thought experiment depends, illicitly,on your imagining too simple a case,an, irrelevant ,case, and drawing the 'obvious' conclusion from it. "; Speed and complexity
  8. Note the following points: *Repetition (multiplicity) of elements is, irrelevant ,; for example, (These are consequences of the definition of equality in the
  9. Aphorism, that war is a continuation of policy by other means, is not only, irrelevant ,today but also inapplicable historically. For an opposing view see Astrakhan
  10. Time girt went down the gurgle, arguing that the anthem's lyrics were largely, irrelevant ,to modern Australian life and that" girt by sea" is" simply an antiquated
  11. And zombies: meaninglessness Several replies argue that Searle's argument is, irrelevant ,because his assumptions about the mind and consciousness are faulty. Earle
  12. The British Admiral Percy Scott predicted that battleships would soon be made, irrelevant ,by airplanes. By the end of World War I, aeroplanes had successfully adopted
  13. Agent to handle the task, whilst minimizing wait times and long lists of, irrelevant ,options for people calling in, as well as for outbound calls, where lead
  14. A minimal state as a present" necessary evil" that would become increasingly, irrelevant ,and powerless by the gradual spread of knowledge. Godwin advocated
  15. Which had come close to second nature, but which was becoming increasingly, irrelevant , After the KGB had confiscated Solzhenitsyn's materials in Moscow, during
  16. Development. There were/are real-life examples where the CMM was arguably, irrelevant ,to successful software development, and these examples include many shrink wrap
  17. In 1974,municipal boroughs were finally abolished (having become increasingly, irrelevant ,). However, the civic traditions of many boroughs were continued by the grant
  18. Will tend to doubt the quality of their arguments, even if the bad trait is, irrelevant ,to the arguments. Types Abusive ad hominem (also called personal abuse
  19. Also varies widely armies and other circumstances. Surprise may be essential or, irrelevant , It depends on what effects are required and whether the target is
  20. Making heavy gun armament irrelevant . The armor of a battleship was equally, irrelevant ,in the face of a nuclear attack as tactical missiles with a range of or more
  21. In pairwise comparison, does that candidate always lose? * Independence of, irrelevant ,alternatives—Is the outcome the same after adding or removing non-winning
  22. Majority, can collude to make the parliamentary discussion on the issue, irrelevant ,by consistently disregarding the arguments of the opposition and voting against
  23. Formality arising out of a contractual relationship between persons, totally, irrelevant , Rather, the most important factor in the boundary would be the nature of the
  24. Form of intelligent life would do; so, specifying carbon-based life, per se, is, irrelevant , The anthropic principle has given rise to some confusion and controversy
  25. Of Lara Croft's body, already analyzed to death by film theorists, are, irrelevant , to me as a player, because a different-looking body would not make me play
  26. Would later be dropped, some on mere technicalities, some for actually being, irrelevant ,or false. Color desperately tried to resist impeachment by rallying the
  27. That the person may have been unaware that the rock had been thrown at him is, irrelevant ,under this definition of assault. Aggravated assault is, in
  28. Found unsatisfactory and whose animal sacrifices increasingly distasteful and, irrelevant , In Greece, China and India there was a return to fundamental questions and a
  29. Intelligence by studying psychology or neurology? Or is human biology as, irrelevant ,to AI research as bird biology is to aeronautical engineering? By the 1980s
  30. Some Christians believe that the Law was" completed" by Jesus and has become, irrelevant ,to" faith life ", for details see Biblical law in Christianity. Although
  31. State, not the hardware (which is why the brain, being hardware, is, irrelevant , ); and that * Since implementation is unimportant, the only empirical data that
  32. Was signed by all de jure Axis countries. However, for Hitler the matter was, irrelevant ,and he saw Finland as an ally. Western historians such as Norman Davies and
  33. Equality. The new ideology expressed in the speech made Galleries and Magician, irrelevant ,to Constantine's right to rule. Indeed, the orator emphasizes ancestry to the
  34. Is a part" Earle explains. The fact that man does not understand Chinese is, irrelevant , because it is only the system as a whole which matters.: Earle notes that (
  35. Still turn up in some" Neo-druidic" works, the documents are considered, irrelevant ,by most serious scholars. T. D. Kendrick's dispelled (1927) the
  36. Three-dimensional structure need not have identical amino acid sequences; any, irrelevant ,similarity between the sequences is evidence for common descent. In certain
  37. One had been married several times in life),Jesus said that marriage will be, irrelevant ,after the resurrection as the resurrected will be (at least in this respect)
  38. And C (G, H ). Since the order of E, F,G, and H in the above definition is, irrelevant , the four letters may be permuted in any way. Put simply, Z is constructive
  39. Of considerations, some of which may of course be immediately rejected as, irrelevant ,by the agent (consciously or unconsciously). Those considerations that are
  40. Many of the gemological characteristics of diamonds, such as clarity and color, irrelevant ,for most applications. This helps explain why 80 % of mined diamonds (equal to
  41. Of premise (3) are so advanced that premises (1) and (2) are considered, irrelevant ,by most scientists. Whether biological traces of memory or personhood might
  42. Involve pointing out factual but apparent character flaws or actions that are, irrelevant ,to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because
  43. Such fundamentals even exist - or suggestion that if they do exist, they may be, irrelevant , It is exemplified by movements such as deconstructionism, conceptual art, etc.
  44. Some of these passages, and suggested that others of them had been rendered, irrelevant ,by changed conditions. He also dismissed the argument (based upon the writings
  45. The following positions to advocates of strong AI: * The study of the brain is, irrelevant ,to the study of the mind; and * The Turing test is adequate for establishing
  46. Engagement ranges were becoming longer and longer, making heavy gun armament, irrelevant , The armor of a battleship was equally irrelevant in the face of a nuclear
  47. It was warmed up, in case of an emergency landing abort),should have been, irrelevant ,to the computer. But an electrical phasing mismatch between two parts of the
  48. Between molecules taking part in biotic messages and similar molecules being, irrelevant ,in the situation. So far five different primary signalling molecules are known
  49. Is left unoccupied, so pieces form a symmetric hexagonal pattern. Color is, irrelevant ,in this variant, so players take turns hopping any game piece over any other
  50. Sinclair. With many traditional domestic Liberal policies now regarded as, irrelevant , he focused the party on opposition to both the rise of Fascism in Europe and

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