Examples of the the word, descend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( descend ), is the 5314 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. End of the Akwapim-Togo Ranges. Almost flat and featureless, the Accra Plains, descend ,gradually to the gulf from a height of about 150 meters. The topography east of
  2. Either a separate language or a dialect of Ukrainian. The East Slavic languages, descend ,from a common predecessor, the language of the medieval Kiev an Ru's' ( 9th to
  3. Chicken wings here on October 3,1964. Thousands of Western New Yorkers, descend ,into the city for food festivals during the summer months, such as the Taste of
  4. Would remain in orbit around the Moon, while a lunar excursion module would, descend ,to the Moon and then return to dock with the command ship while still in lunar
  5. Most Afro-Costa Rivals, who constitute about 3 % of the country's population, descend ,from Jamaican immigrants who worked in the construction of that railway. United
  6. This results in a tree structure where both insertion and search operations, descend ,from the root to the leaf. Write locks are only required as a tree block is
  7. People are a British people. Some genetic evidence suggests that 75–95 %, descend ,in the paternal line from prehistoric settlers who originally came from the
  8. And September as an unusual shadow occurs on the equinoxes. A shadow appears to, descend ,the west balustrade of the northern stairway. The visual effect is of a serpent
  9. Aircraft. For a glider to maintain its forward air speed and lift, it must, descend ,in relation to the air (but not necessarily in relation to the ground). Some
  10. Claim, others support that of the repatriated Bukharin branch. Both branches, descend ,in unbroken, legitimate male line from the medieval kings of Georgia down to
  11. Then down together slightly towards the chin, and use the opposite motion to, descend ,in pitch. Whether the player uses one general pivot direction or the other, and
  12. Pitch, which lay hidden on a peak on the eastern edge of the Andes where they, descend ,to the Amazon. The main surviving languages of the Andean peoples are those of
  13. Flatus is brought to the rectum by the same process which causes feces to, descend ,from the large intestine (see peristaltic movement),and may cause a similar
  14. Jesus came up from the water, Heaven was opened, and He saw the Holy Spirit, descend ,in the form of a dove and enter into Him. And a voice from Heaven said, ‘ You
  15. Myth of Attar, who attempted to rule the throne of Ba'all, but was forced to, descend ,and rule the underworld instead ". Some scholars have argued that the calm
  16. Even today, most European monarchs and many commoners of European ancestry, descend ,from El Cid, through Cristina's son, King García Ramírez of Navarre and to a
  17. Charm to ward off danger, an incantation to the angels of heaven to, descend ,.... I was not sure the magic worked outside the church walls ... in the open
  18. Curve around to the left, climb gently, level out in mid-flight, arc around and, descend ,slowly, and then finish by popping up slightly, hovering,then stalling near
  19. Descent, such as the Seeds/Sid dis, specifically the Sid dis of Karnataka, who, descend , from Zane (Black African) slaves. In Pakistan, Zanj descend ants are known as
  20. His letter to the church at Thessalonica, Paul writes," The Lord himself will, descend ,from heaven ... and the dead in Christ will rise first. ” But he adds that“ we
  21. Both by neural circuits intrinsic to the spinal cord, and by inputs that, descend ,from the brain. The intrinsic spinal circuits implement many reflex responses
  22. Very high vertically and at its highest point will quickly lose all lift and, descend ,accelerating very fast like a dive boomer so that its landing will be vertical
  23. Then was placed into the mixture and the liquid in the thermometer allowed to, descend ,to its lowest point. The thermometer's reading there was taken as 0 °F. The
  24. Levels in the atoms. A similar phenomenon occurs for emission. As the electrons, descend ,to lower energy levels, a spectrum is emitted that represents the jumps between
  25. Rule of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor, and Hayek had seen democracy, descend ,into illiberal tyranny in a host of Central and Eastern European countries. By
  26. Several serious runaways still occurred including the first locomotive to, descend ,the line. CPR officials insisted that this was a temporary expediency, but this
  27. The zebu's resistance to drought. Domestic yak, gayal and Javan cattle do not, descend ,from aurochs. Modern cattle have become much smaller than their wild forebears.
  28. Number of uncontracted peoples in the world. About 85 % to 95 % of Brazilians, descend ,from the country's indigenous peoples, Portuguese settlers, and African slaves
  29. From the engine in the event of engine failure, allowing the craft to safely, descend ,by autorotation. *Wrap-spring clutches: These have a helical spring wound with
  30. To my eye; and several days of intoxication were lost or enjoyed before I could, descend ,to a cool and minute investigation. And it was here that Gibbon first conceived
  31. The French ship and engage it closely, but his anchor took too long to, descend ,and his ship passed Guerrero entirely. Goliath eventually stopped close to the
  32. These peoples were called" Laminates ", because they were all believed to, descend ,from the Laminate group in the Book of Mormon. In 1947,the church began the
  33. Data and Serial to plant the device in Tokyo Bay. They don't diving gear and, descend ,into the water, where they find Moira at rest. Data returns to the surface as
  34. Spencer,3rd Earl of Sunderland (c. 1674–1722),and from this marriage, descend ,the modern Dukes of Marlborough. They therefore originally bore the surname
  35. History of evolutionary thought The proposal that one type of animal could, descend ,from an animal of another type goes back to some of the first pre-Socratic
  36. Twice on the same day. Following both ascents, he used multiple rappels to, descend ,to the ground. On September 12, 2007,the CN Tower was surpassed by Burn
  37. The resurrection of the righteous will occur. " For the Lord Himself will, descend ,from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet
  38. Numbers from 1 to 10 in several Finno-Ugric languages. Forms in italic do not, descend ,from the reconstructed forms. The number '2' descend s in Uric from a
  39. S Red Dog, where they are portrayed as aggressive and bloodthirsty animals who, descend ,from the Deccan Plateau into the Second Hills inhabited by Mowgli and his
  40. If he should die abroad without heirs the lands of the earldom would therefore, descend ,to his sister, Mary,his next of kin of the whole blood. The indenture also
  41. Their slopes incised by steep-sided valleys. In the southwest, the mountains, descend ,in a series of stepped foothills to the coastal plain. While the Troops
  42. Of individuals, and that even Shear Khan and Hath make way for them when they, descend ,into the jungle. The holes are despised by the wolves because of their
  43. Sound). There is, however,no assumption that the Continental Celtic languages, descend ,from a common" Proto-Continental Celtic" ancestor. Rather, in the
  44. And only in Terra del Fuel at 55°S; from 50°S,several of the larger glaciers, descend ,to sea level. The Andes of Chile and Argentina can be divided in two climatic
  45. To Mormonism has no need to be ordained to the office of bishop as they, descend ,from that lineage directly). A bishop is also a High priest in the Melchizedek
  46. Adverbs are formed from the oblique cases, which become unproductive and, descend ,to fixed forms. Cases such as the ablative are therefore called" adverbial. "
  47. Would gradually give rise to regional warlordism. Eventually, China would, descend ,into civil war immediately after the 1911 revolution that overthrew the Qing's
  48. Basques, Croats,Russians, Poles and other minorities, many of whose members, descend ,from families that have lived in Bolivia for several generations. Some 40,000
  49. Potential cognate list can be established for Romance languages, which, descend , from Latin: They evidence two correspondence sets, k: k and k:: Since French
  50. Is brought to the rectum by the same peristaltic process which causes feces to, descend ,from the large intestine. The noises commonly associated with flatulence are

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