Examples of the the word, ranging , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ranging ), is the 5316 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Mosque are located near the Leidseplein. Both focus on broad programming, ranging ,from indie rock to hip hop, R&B,and other popular genres. Other more
  2. Harshness. In this developed condition, ambergris has a specific gravity, ranging ,from 0.780 to 0.926. It melts at about 62 °C to a fatty, yellow resinous liquid
  3. As" the Western Continent or the New World ". It discusses American republics, ranging ,from the U. S. to" the republic of Mexico, the Central American republics of
  4. Water – Aegean Sea Intermediate Water extends from 40 to 50 m to with temperatures, ranging ,from 11 to 18 °C. *Aegean Sea Bottom Water – occurring at depths below 500–1000 m
  5. Views is called an" antisemitic ". Antisemitism may be manifested in many ways, ranging ,from expressions of hatred of or discrimination against individual Jews to
  6. Often used interchangeably. The manifestations of autism cover a wide spectrum, ranging ,from individuals with severe impairments—who may be silent, mentally disabled
  7. Herbs. Approximately 60 species are recognized, with inflorescence and foliage, ranging ,from purple and red to gold. Members of this genus share many characteristics
  8. To light and moves away from it, scotophilia. Cave fishes are generally small, ranging ,up to in length. Most do not have pelvic fins, although Amblyopia spelled has
  9. With ASD; there are no firm data, but studies have reported prevalence, ranging ,from 11 % to 84 %. Many anxiety disorders have symptoms that are better
  10. After a year. Kurosawa's responsibilities increased, and he worked at tasks, ranging ,from stage construction and film development to location scouting, script
  11. Shops in Çıkrıkçılar Yokes (Weavers' Road) near Plus, where myriad things, ranging ,from traditional fabrics, hand-woven carpets and leather products can be found
  12. The fund's annual growth have been paid out each year to eligible Alaskans, ranging ,from an initial $1,000.00 in 1982 (equal to three years' payout, as the
  13. From 5 to 10 weight percent ammonia. Fermentation Solutions of ammonia, ranging ,from 16 % to 25 % are used in the fermentation industry as a source of nitrogen
  14. Pteropod, and siliceous oozes. Covering most of the ocean floor and, ranging ,in thickness from they are thickest in the convergence belts, notably at the
  15. While restaurants in smaller towns served what their customers requested, ranging ,from pork chop sandwiches and apple pie to beans and eggs. They developed
  16. Are often found to be as white as western men. Ainu also have very long beards, ranging ,from straight to wavy. Genetic testing of the Ainu people has shown them to
  17. Columbia's foothills forests). The southern quarter of the province is prairie, ranging ,from short grass prairie in the southeastern corner to mixed grass prairie in an
  18. Decay, with some exceptions. At least 10 nuclear isomers have been described, ranging ,in atomic mass from 66 to 84. The most stable of arsenic's isomers is 68mAs
  19. Lasts from 10 to 60 minutes, with diagnosis and treatment for a single session, ranging ,from $25 to $80 in 2011. Sometimes needles are left in the ear for up to 3
  20. In Salah. Rainfall is fairly abundant along the coastal part of the Tell Atlas, ranging ,from annually, the amount of precipitation increasing from west to east.
  21. Thick veneer, with summer temperatures of 21–26 °C and winter temperatures, ranging ,from in the north to in the south. *Aegean Sea Intermediate Water – Aegean Sea
  22. An estimated 0.5 % to 10 % of individuals with ASD show unusual abilities, ranging ,from splinter skills such as the memorization of trivia to the extraordinarily
  23. Study of 48 young adults diagnosed with ASD as preschoolers found outcomes, ranging ,through poor (46 %),fair (32 %),good (17 %),and very good (4 %); 56
  24. Concentration, with the density of matter in the interstellar medium (ISM), ranging , from 105 to 109 atoms/m3. The Sun is believed to be inside the Local Bubble, a
  25. Of a select number (left argument: 6 in this case) of random integers, ranging ,from 1 to a specified maximum (right argument: 40 in this case),which, if
  26. Line of NH3. The cores are not generally spherically shaped, with aspect ratios, ranging ,from 1.1 to 4.4. It is also found that cores with stars have broader lines than
  27. Are a large and diverse group of simple, typically autotrophic organisms, ranging ,from unicellular to multicellular forms, such as the giant helps that grow to
  28. This expansive region varies greatly. The plateau regions have high elevations, ranging ,from 4500 to. Extensive horizontal mesas are capped by sedimentary formations
  29. Assessing nations' levels of religious regulation and persecution with scores, ranging ,from 0 to 10 where 0 represented low levels of regulation or persecution, Angola
  30. A wide variety of platforms has allowed different aspects of AI to develop, ranging ,from expert systems, albeit PC-based but still an entire real-world system, too
  31. Levels of education in the same school. The city also has various colleges, ranging ,from art and design to politics and economics which are mostly also available
  32. Political party, the Democratic Party, split along sectional lines. Northerners, ranging ,from the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to the moderate Republican leader
  33. By permit (see Permit Office under" Legal System" ). A number of tour boats, ranging ,from large motorized vessels to small sailing yachts, visit the Antarctic
  34. To extract aluminum. In Europe aluminum experiences high rates of recycling, ranging ,from 42 % of beverage cans,85 % of construction materials and 95 % of
  35. And Antoine Lavoisier, in their 1780 treatise on heat, arrived at values, ranging ,from 1,500 to 3,000 below the freezing-point of water, and thought that in any
  36. To the nature of destiny and the human condition. The characters in the book, ranging ,from doctors to vacationers to fugitives, all help to show the effects the
  37. Hubris included what would today be termed assault and battery; sexual crimes, ranging ,from forcible rape of women or children to consensual but improper activities;
  38. Been reported from the upper Salt Wash Member to the upper Brushy Basin Member, ranging ,from the middle to late Kimmeridgian age, about 154-151 million years ago. A.
  39. In cosplay, where they dress up as anime characters. Also, guests from Japan, ranging ,from artists, directors,and music groups are invited. In addition to anime
  40. From its own membership randomly selected boards of ten responsible for areas, ranging ,from naval affairs to religious observances. Altogether, the Boyle was
  41. They deployed the EASE, which included a passive seismograph and a laser, ranging ,retroreflector. Then Armstrong loped about from the LM to snap photos at the
  42. Cross-time societies that utilize a variety of means for cross-time travel, ranging ,from high-tech capsules to mutant powers. Harry Turtledove has launched the
  43. Generates a typical set of Pick 6 lottery numbers: six pseudo-random integers, ranging ,from 1 to 40,guaranteed non-repeating, and displays them sorted in ascending
  44. Types Northrop Frye discussed what he termed a" continuum of allegory,", ranging ,from what he termed the" naive allegory" of The Faerie Queen, to the more
  45. Of the term, there have been and are people who, with a very limited following, ranging ,from very few to some hundred, claim to be Pope. They thus do not fit the
  46. Pharaoh himself (Exodus 7:9). Various dates for his life have been proposed, ranging ,from approximately 1600 to 1200 BC. Account in the Hebrew Bible Traditional
  47. Or human sacrifice, therefore,attract anthropological attention and theories, ranging ,from nutritional deficiencies to genes to acculturation have been proposed, not
  48. The mil is approximately equal to a milliradian. There are several definitions, ranging ,from 0.05625 to 0.06 degrees (3.375 to 3.6 minutes),with the milliradian
  49. 5.73 g/cm3. As of 2003,at least 33 radioisotopes have also been synthesized, ranging ,in atomic mass from 60 to 92. The most stable of these is 73As with a half-life
  50. Triangles are: \left (\cos\franc, \sin\franc, ( -1)OK h \right) with k, ranging ,from 0 to 2n-1; if the triangles are equilateral, :2h^2=\cos\franc-\cos\franc.

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