Examples of the the word, sexually , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sexually ), is the 5318 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Little published data on how many heterosexual men would like their anus to be, sexually ,stimulated in a heterosexual relationship," but that," Anecdotally, it is a
  2. 1898),was published in Amsterdam in 1898 and dealt specifically with, sexually ,explicit subject. However, most of the hundred copies printed for the
  3. Years later, on Inside the Actor's Studio, Goldie Hawn claimed that Camp had, sexually ,propositioned her during her auditions for the 1964 New York World's Fair;
  4. Decreased appetite, long-term weight gain and decreased ability to function, sexually ,may occur. Some side effects may decrease as a person adjusts to the drug, but
  5. Two periods (i.e., during her employment at ED and EEOC) that Thomas made, sexually ,provocative statements. Although Hill was a career employee and therefore had
  6. Order of length, and sex chromosomes (here X/Y) at the end: Fig. 3. Like many, sexually ,reproducing species, humans have special consoles (sex chromosomes, in
  7. And pharmacology The book is known for the discovery of contagious diseases and, sexually ,transmitted diseases, the introduction of quarantine to limit the spread of
  8. American culture. In October 1994,Lee confessed to, and was convicted of, sexually ,molesting a 13-year-old girl in 1989. It is not known if church leaders had
  9. Easy to use, having few side effects, and of offering protection against, sexually ,transmitted diseases. However, according to a study in the Sexually Transmitted
  10. A date for females by Marie Claire Magazine, and was ranked as the No. 2 most, sexually ,satisfied city in the country in 2008,according to Men's Health Magazine
  11. Theft were justified by their special status as holy warriors. One by one they, sexually ,appropriated several of the women captives, claiming them as ` wives `. The
  12. Recounted by one biographer, his hospital treatment in 1960 for condylomota,a, sexually ,transmitted disease. The question of how Warhol's sexuality influenced his
  13. 10. *2004 – U. S. media release graphic photos of American soldiers abusing and, sexually ,humiliating Iraqi prisoners at Abu Grain prison. *2008 – Two skeletal remains
  14. Animals. It is not entirely understood why the ability to reproduce, sexually ,is so common among them. Current hypotheses suggest that asexual reproduction
  15. Peregrine, and ultimately died days later from it. Reproduction Bald Eagles are, sexually ,mature at four or five years of age. When they are old enough to breed, they
  16. Have the capability to reduce the chances of pregnancy and the spread of some, sexually ,transmitted diseases when used correctly. A recent American Psychological
  17. Diseases. Anal sex carries with it a much greater risk of passing on, sexually ,transmitted diseases than vaginal sex, as the anal sphincter is delicate tissue
  18. The human characters in the novel are cold and passionless, unable to become, sexually ,excited unless some kind of technology is involved (typically architecture and
  19. And the experimentation, they worry, may be linked to the current increase in, sexually ,transmitted diseases. Anal sex carries with it a much greater risk of passing
  20. That when the youth swims to visit Hero at Seats, the sea god Neptune becomes, sexually ,excited," imagining that Ganymede,displeas'd ... the lusty god embrac'd him
  21. Into strips, cooked with carrots, onions,and strips of bacon. This excited him, sexually ,}. Wertheim described how Fish’s account of the culinary process was“ like a
  22. A number of watercolors depicting both Batman and Robin in suggestive and, sexually ,explicit poses. DC threatened both artist and the Kathleen Cullen Fine Arts
  23. Or undesirable for the nation; they do not provide full protection against, sexually ,transmitted infections, while belief in their protective powers was thought to
  24. During sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy and spreading, sexually ,transmitted diseases (STDs—such as gonorrhea, syphilis,and HIV). It is put
  25. Of constitutionally protected non-obscene materials which portray juveniles in, sexually ,related roles," while arguing that child pornography deemed obscene under the
  26. Of 1.3 % which" may translate into a high risk for individuals who are very, sexually ,active. " With proper knowledge and application technique—and use at every act
  27. Also has the highest rate of sexual assault in the nation. The average age of, sexually ,assaulted victims is 16 years old. In four out of five cases, the suspects were
  28. And eradication of recurrent cases of BV. Pregnant women and women with, sexually ,transmitted infections are especially at risk for getting this infection.
  29. Activity, there is no clear evidence of sexual transmission. It is possible for, sexually ,inactive persons to get infected with bacterial vaginosis. Rather, BV is a
  30. Bollywood has begun to question such an acceptance. The new era features more, sexually ,explicit and violent films. Nigerian viewers, for example, commented that older
  31. One is predisposed to fall in love with,whether one desires that person, sexually , Lately, the predominant use of the term" sexual orientation" is considered
  32. An adult male bear may kill the cubs of another bear either to make the female, sexually ,receptive or simply for consumption. Cubs flee up a tree when they see a
  33. To be eunuchs for the sake of heaven in Matthew 19 is considered a call to be, sexually ,continent. Some say this developed into mandatory celibacy for priests who are
  34. About symphorophilia or car-crash sexual fetishism: its protagonists become, sexually ,aroused by staging and participating in real car-crashes. The novel was written
  35. Was committed. In 2005,in Noida, India,a man named Panther was charged with, sexually ,abusing and eating body parts of children of the nearby areas. In September
  36. That Abigail is deceptive and disloyal to her husband and even that she was ", sexually ,turned on by an outlaw and a criminal. " Abigail was the mother of one of David
  37. In addition to its non-procreative nature, it leaves the hymen intact. Among, sexually ,active heterosexuals, the concept of" technical virginity ", which includes
  38. To insure the" good health" of the spouses, in particular in regard to, sexually ,transmitted diseases (STD) and" life hygiene" ( sic). The institute also
  39. American men (played by white actors in blackface) as unintelligent and, sexually ,aggressive towards white women, and the portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan (whose
  40. By swooping down and snatching the fish out of the water with its talons. It is, sexually ,mature at four years or five years of age. The Bald Eagle builds the largest
  41. Is a disease of the vagina caused by bacteria. It is not considered to be a, sexually ,transmitted infection by the CDC. BV is caused by an imbalance of naturally
  42. Sows will bleat or hum when communicating with their cubs. Females mature, sexually ,between the age of 5 and 7 years, while males usually mate a few years later
  43. The appropriate use of condoms ", and " promote condom use for those who are, sexually ,active. " In the United States, teaching about condoms in public schools is
  44. Premises of the traditional view of sex as a lower instinct, but he responds, sexually ,to Deign, who represents his highest values. Rear den struggles to resolve this
  45. And Diego Luna. It was a provocative and controversial road comedy about two, sexually ,obsessed teenagers who take an extended road trip with an attractive married
  46. Year. In preventing STDs Condoms are widely recommended for the prevention of, sexually ,transmitted diseases (STDs). They have been shown to be effective in reducing
  47. Plumage to assess and assert social dominance, to display breeding condition in, sexually ,selected species, or to make threatening displays, as in the Sunbittern's
  48. Scorn. On numerous occasions, participants in the various series have become, sexually ,involved with each other, sometimes engaging in intercourse in front of Big
  49. Are generally bulky and robust animals with relatively short legs. Bears are, sexually ,biomorphic with regard to size, with the males being larger. Larger species tend
  50. Refer to: *Bisexuality, in human sexuality, describes a man or woman that is, sexually ,or romantically attracted to persons of both sexes *Bisexual characteristics

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