Examples of the the word, sensible , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Preventing absorbed heat from leaving the structure through convection, i. e., sensible ,heat transport. The greenhouse effect heats the earth because greenhouse gases
  2. Exceptions for" window" bands),and most heat loss from the surface is by, sensible ,heat and latent heat transport. Radiative energy losses become increasingly
  3. By making oneself pure unwariness or pure externality, by escaping from the, sensible ,world or being engulfed by it, by yielding to eternity or enclosing oneself in
  4. Cassius Did said that this act" though delighting the rabble, grieved the, sensible , who stopped to reflect, that if the offices should fall once more into the
  5. Started offering the group career advice that turned out to be so smart and, sensible ,that eventually he became the band's new manager. Under Puerto, The Beach
  6. And from him is carried to another, and so on the whole round. The most, sensible ,effects are produced on the approach of Mesmer, who is said to convey the fluid
  7. A greenhouse-gas-emissions cap ultimately would constrain energy production. A, sensible ,climate policy would emphasize building resilience into our capacity to adapt
  8. Christianity. Although not yet a Christian, he probably judged it a more, sensible ,policy than open persecution, and a way to distinguish himself from the" great
  9. A series of" formal words" which are necessary to form sentences and have no, sensible ,correlates. Examples of formal words are" a "," the "," more than "," over
  10. Beliefs arrived at by faith, not reason. The belief that the universe is a, sensible ,place and that our minds allow us to arrive at correct conclusions about it, is
  11. Turbans). The variances of climate in North Africa led the French Army to the, sensible ,expedient of letting local commanders decide on the appropriate" tenure de four
  12. Of" the least bad of all murders, that of a King ". In 1756, he wrote: I am, sensible ,that from the prostitution of patriotism, from the art of ministers who have
  13. Refers to a series of objects (the extension of the concept). The way we know, sensible ,objects is called" sensible intuition ". Husserl also identifies a series of "
  14. Including the distinction between the faculties of intellectual thought and, sensible ,receptivity. Not to observe this distinction would mean to commit the error of
  15. About abstractions from sensibility alone. The reason why we do not deal with, sensible ,objects in mathematics is because of another faculty of understanding called "
  16. Alexander's urbane manner and willingness to discuss and compromise were a, sensible ,way to maintain inter-Allied cooperation, but Alexander's reserve was such
  17. With a movement that should be" utterly rejected with cold contempt by every, sensible ,mind ". He then printed Beyond Good and Evil at his own expense, and issued in
  18. And disease. However, Marlborough was convinced of the urgency –" I am very, sensible ,that I take a great deal upon me ", he had earlier written to Go dolphin," but
  19. Chinese writing is just so many meaningless squiggles ", is able to create, sensible ,replies, in Chinese, by following the instructions of the program; that is, by
  20. Marketed to Western readers and its editors delay for as long as fiscally, sensible ,(usually about 25 years). For example, despite continuous revision, the 14th
  21. Of the" realist" strain of modern Arthurian fiction have attempted a more, sensible ,Camelot; inspired by Alcock's Cadbury-Camelot excavation, writers Marion
  22. Hand in Switzerland and New England during his western exile. He" praised 'the, sensible ,and sure process of grassroots democracy, in which the local population solves
  23. Have shorter legs, larger,rounder heads, broader,more obtuse muzzles, and a, sensible ,depression at the union of nose and forehead, which is more arched and broad.
  24. Of the documents in BDA are legal documents, the language in them had to be, sensible ,throughout the Jewish community from the start, and Hasmonaean was the old
  25. Eugene conducted another cautious campaign in 1735,once again pursuing a, sensible ,defensive strategy on limited resources; but his short-term memory was by now
  26. Itself acquires each day in this country, from all these reflections, I am, sensible , that prerogative and power have been exceedingly fortified of late within the
  27. The ancient Pre-Dynastic period, who was also identified with weaving. This is, sensible , as some Greeks identified Athena's birthplace, in certain mythological
  28. Convective cooling. In the greenhouse effect, rather than retaining (, sensible ,) heat by physically preventing movement of the air, greenhouse gases act to
  29. Of pure thought the categories or criteria of reason proper to the universe of, sensible ,perception or experience (phenomena). Empirical reason cannot here play the
  30. Mathematics, the different formal categories are the objects of study, not the, sensible ,objects themselves. The problem with the psychological approach to mathematics
  31. Presents a distinction between a supra natural, unknowable reality and the, sensible ,materiality of which the demiurge is creator. However, in contrast to Plato
  32. This is arrived at because they have observed the world being consistent and, sensible , not because they have faith that it is. Beliefs held" by faith" may be seen
  33. Latter, guided solely by the light of nature, advances slowly by reasoning on, sensible ,objects and effects, and only after long and laborious investigation is it able
  34. Reading, Berkeley’s two theses — that there are no abstract ideas and that, sensible ,objects must be perceived in order to exist — entail one another. Pampas '
  35. Sensible heat plus latent heat) of the entering air is unchanged. Some, sensible ,heat of the entering air is converted to latent heat by the evaporation of
  36. In the data cable devoted only to transmission management, which saves money. A, sensible ,protocol for the use of such transmission flow control signals must be used, too
  37. Of the evolution of DDT resistance in mosquitoes and concluding: It is more, sensible ,in some cases to take a small amount of damage in preference to having none for
  38. Time, and causality, but it can never explain why objects have the particular, sensible ,properties they happen to have or why I am this determinate individual rather
  39. Categorial abstraction. " Through this faculty we are able to get rid of, sensible ,components of judgments, and just focus on formal categories themselves. Thanks
  40. Outside air through a wet pad, such as a large sponge soaked with water. The, sensible ,heat of the incoming air, as measured by a dry bulb thermometer, is reduced.
  41. Air, as measured by a dry bulb thermometer, is reduced. The total heat (, sensible ,heat plus latent heat) of the entering air is unchanged. Some sensible
  42. Journal, Cleveland weighed in on the women's suffrage movement, writing that ", sensible ,and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed
  43. At the expense of descriptive characteristics, and thus ignore biologically, sensible , clearly defined groups which do not fall into clades (e.g. reptiles as
  44. These words: ... In the beginning of the contest with G. Britain, when we were, sensible ,of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the Divine Protection. -- Our
  45. Which we have by natural reason contains two things: images derived from the, sensible ,objects; and the natural intelligible light, enabling us to abstract from them
  46. The chemical operations, and reaches not far from the particles with any, sensible ,effect. " In 1819,on the heels of the invention of the voltaic pile, Jöns
  47. Constituting multiple states of affairs. For example, suppose a and b are two, sensible ,objects in a certain situation of affairs. We can use it as basis to say," a
  48. The extension of the concept). The way we know sensible objects is called ", sensible ,intuition ". Husserl also identifies a series of" formal words" which are
  49. Is not a distinct thing but is only the moving object and an intermediary ", sensible ,species" is not needed to transmit an image of an object to the eye. Scholars
  50. Is through a faculty of understanding called" categorical intuition ". Through, sensible ,intuition our consciousness constitutes what Husserl calls a" situation of

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