Examples of the the word, apology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( apology ), is the 5320 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As BJU's intolerant policies. On February 26,Bush issued a formal letter of, apology ,to Cardinal John Joseph O'Connor of New York for failing to denounce Bob Jones
  2. Through the destruction of his own family, and its purpose is to serve as an, apology ,for the coronation of Bathsheba's son Solomon instead of his older brother
  3. Of unfair discrimination on the grounds of his religious beliefs, seeking an, apology ,from his father and the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa.
  4. On October 5,2009,Letterman devoted a segment of his show to a public, apology ,to his wife and staff. Three days later, Worldwide Pants announced that Burkitt
  5. Draper’s appearance. Consequently, Sullivan was obligated to write a letter of, apology ,to Ford’s adverting agency, Kenyon & Eckhart, promising to never again move
  6. Controversial, and there have recently been calls for it to issue an official, apology ,for its role. As early as 1748,Pope Benedict XIV tried to ban castrate from
  7. Occasion his zeal certainly outran his knowledge. The letter opens with all, apology ,that a" foolish Scot" should be charged to write for a Lombard king. He
  8. To crime committed by neighboring tribes or communities included formal, apology , compensation or blood feuds. A blood feud or vendetta occurs when arbitration
  9. And in 2000,the General Convention of the Episcopal Church issued an, apology ,to those" offended or alienated during the time of liturgical transition to
  10. In February 2008 in returning to Parliament to witness the Federal Government, apology ,to the Aboriginal Stolen Generations by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. On 21
  11. Were injured by being pressed against the store's glass by the crowd. As an, apology ,to the fans who were injured, the band released a limited edition cassette tape
  12. The Pope at the time (Innocent III, see reference at end of paragraph); the, apology ,was formally accepted by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Many things
  13. The strip was reinstated with an omnibus covering the issues missed and a full, apology , * The strips scheduled to run from October 31 to November 5,2005, and a Sunday
  14. Drawings published in a book. In 1997 the Linear Society issued a posthumous, apology ,to Potter for the sexism displayed in its handling of her research. Potter
  15. Some rancor to the present day. In 2004,Pope John Paul II extended a formal, apology ,for the sacking of Constantinople in 1204,which was importantly also strongly
  16. Were ordered to pay a fine to a children's charity and publish a public, apology , As of 2009 the film was still banned due to an ongoing case brought by "
  17. Of the Saville report the British prime minister, David Cameron, made a formal, apology ,on behalf of the United Kingdom. The Provisional Irish Republican Army's (IRA
  18. Internet campaign, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an official public, apology ,on behalf of the British government for the way in which Turing was treated
  19. Recommended legislative remedies consisting of an official Government, apology ,and redress payments of $20,000 to each of the survivors; a public education
  20. Or foreign, many barbarian words that actually have to be introduced with an, apology , Moreover, the path is not a beaten highway of authorship, nor one in which the
  21. The semester in question with a 3.5 GPA. The Kentucky fan base demanded an, apology ,from Knight, which he gave on April 19 through his employer, ESPN. Books about
  22. Proceedings are significant and in practice imprisonment is rarely ordered as an, apology ,or fine are usually considered appropriate. United States Under American
  23. Ocean. In 2009,Exxon Valdez Captain Joseph Hazelwood offered a" heartfelt, apology ," to the people of Alaska, suggesting he had been wrongly blamed for the
  24. Heritage Memorial Fund, allowing them to stay at Bletchley Park. Government, apology ,In August 2009,John Graham-Cumming started a petition urging the British
  25. 20 years after the accusations, Virginia Lamp Thomas, Thomas ' wife, sought an, apology ,from Hill in an office voicemail left for her. Hill dismissed the request
  26. As slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest. " It offered an, apology ,to all African-Americans for" condoning and/or perpetuating individual and
  27. 61 per cent of Britons and 70 per cent of Northern Irish agreed with Cameron’s, apology ,for the Bloody Sunday events. Stephen Pollard, solicitor representing several
  28. Of female education in boarding schools (1797) contain a book list,an, apology ,for the work, and an advert for" Miss Parkers School ". The work probably
  29. By Peter Audi, the first writer of original Albanian prose and poetry,an, apology ,for George Cast riot (1636) by Frank Bard hi, who also published a dictionary
  30. I'm a comedian, not a politician. " GLAND responded by identifying Carolla's, apology ,as" empty. " Television 1999 through 2004 Corolla began his first original
  31. Journey they have undertaken (to flee from the Black Plague). It ends with an, apology ,by Boccaccio, much like Chaucer's Retraction to the Tales. A quarter of the
  32. The thought of the century. " Another commentator in the same edition said“ No, apology ,need be made for the few literary or scientific follies of the author of that
  33. Ohlin's suicide note read" Please excuse all the blood" and included an, apology ,for firing the weapon indoors. Before calling the police, Aarseth went to a
  34. Date and time the court appoints to next sit. In practice a groveling letter of, apology ,to the court is sufficient to ward off this possibility, and in any event the
  35. Anger and legal threats from author Margaret Mitchell, and led to a printed, apology ,within the strip. In October 1947,Li'l Abner met Rockwell P. Squeeze blood
  36. J. Johnson, Derby. 4to,128 pages; last two leaves contain a book list,an, apology ,for the work, and an advert for" Miss Parkers School ". *Erasmus Darwin
  37. The character names to those of the Fable players. It is preceded by a mock, apology ,to Ernest Thayer for the mangling of" his beloved poem ". David Rogue penned a
  38. To U. S. Gen. MacArthur for Japan's actions during World War II – including an, apology ,for the December 7,1941, attack on Pearl Harbor. According to Patrick Lennox
  39. For which was thrown upon him. Bernard considered it his duty to send an, apology ,to the Pope, and it is inserted in the second part of his" Book of
  40. And officially condemned by the United Nations in 1985. In 2004 a formal, apology ,by a government minister of the Federal Republic of Germany followed. Middle
  41. Election. *2008 – Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd makes a historic, apology ,to the Indigenous Australians and the Stolen Generations. *2010 – A bomb
  42. Not made in the North American release. Later, Warner Brothers issued a public, apology ,for the hurt caused to Hindus. Home media The original DVD release of Eyes Wide
  43. It was quickly shown that this person was still alive, and the FBI issued an, apology , It was also quickly determined that Mohamed Atta was the pilot among the
  44. Internees began to receive individual redress payments and a letter of, apology , Edvard Munch (,12 December 1863 – 23 January 1944) was a Norwegian Symbolism
  45. To Don Markstein's Tokopedia. On November 13, 1977,Camp retired with an, apology ,to his fans for the recently declining quality of the strip, which he said had
  46. On 3 September 2008,however, publisher Harper Collins issued a public, apology ,for its book" The Daring Book for Girls" which openly encouraged girls to
  47. Upon before the duel. Honor was saved and Winchelsea wrote Wellington an, apology , He had grown up in Ireland, and later governed it, so had some understanding
  48. Self-assured personality. The President's speech commences, and he offers an, apology ,for failing to be at the summit in person while offering the content of the
  49. According to Patrick Lennox Tierney, on the day the Emperor came to offer this, apology , MacArthur refused to admit him or acknowledge him. Tierney was an eyewitness
  50. Years old served as tea-boys. In 2006 the Canadian government issued a formal, apology ,to the Chinese population in Canada for their treatment both during and

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