Examples of the the word, alteration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alteration ), is the 6572 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Where recapitulation involves heterochromia. Heterochromia represents a gradual, alteration ,in the original phylogenetic sequence due to embryonic adaptation. As well, von
  2. Introducing changes drawn up by his predecessor Pope Pius XII The most notable, alteration ,is the shortening of most feasts from nine to three lessons at Matins, keeping
  3. For a number of years before the official name change occurred. However,the, alteration ,did cause some controversy: Columnist Andrew Cohen called Canada Day a term of
  4. New Brunswick under Frank McKenna. Since then there has been greater political, alteration ,in the provincial electoral landscape in Fredericton. In 1991,the right-wing
  5. Cerebra) and can be disrupted by physical means (for example,Magneto's, alteration ,of the Earth's magnetic field). Xavier can perceive the distinct mental
  6. The production of β-lactamases. # Alteration of target site: for example, alteration ,of PBP—the binding target site of penicillin—in MRSA and other
  7. Lima, and minimum width between Kendall Point and Asian. A 45 degree course, alteration ,is required for the ships at this point. The current can reach 7-8 knots at
  8. Face destruction through land development and recreational usages, as well as, alteration ,to prevent the encroachment of sand onto inhabited areas. Some countries
  9. Be obeyed by Catholics in good standing. Some rules are more susceptible to, alteration ,or exception than others, and this rule has been affirmed for some time. The
  10. If more evidence along these lines were given, one might conclude to an, alteration ,of the original k because of a different environment. A more complex case
  11. The quite in the enclosing volcanic rock. This green silicate may give rise by, alteration ,to a brown iron oxide (lignite),producing a rusty appearance on the outside
  12. That" introduction of trade in intermediate product necessitates a fundamental, alteration ,in classical analysis. " It took many years until recently Y. Shiozawa succeeded
  13. Factors involved in producing different pitches on a brass instrument: One is, alteration ,of the player's lip tension (or" embouchure" ), and another is air flow.
  14. Are united in one hypostasis" without mingling, without confusion, and without, alteration ,". These two natures" did not separate for a moment or the twinkling of an eye
  15. Implications for rural communities. Crop alteration and biotechnology Crop, alteration ,has been practiced by humankind for thousands of years, since the beginning of
  16. Reception was effected by a constitution, the common law was still subject to, alteration ,by a legislature's statute. One could note a certain irony: one of the first
  17. Associations with teratogens strongly suggest that autism's mechanism includes, alteration ,of brain development soon after conception. Just after birth, the brains of
  18. Necessarily, no time elapses in this temporal void, then there could be no, alteration , and therefore nothing (including time) would ever come to be: so the
  19. Being one of the lower-quality early manuscripts in terms of editor error and, alteration , It is now widely rejected by scholars as an authentic Caucasian tale
  20. You’ve just been bluejacket! "). Blue jacking does not involve the removal or, alteration ,of any data from the device. Blue jacking can also involve taking control of a
  21. Which is change in quantity; # locomotion, which is change in space; and #, alteration , which is change in quality. The coming to be is a change where nothing
  22. The rear and forward sights are totally blocked prior to and during the course, alteration , The ships approaching from the opposite direction cannot be seen round these
  23. And consumers, and may have negative implications for rural communities. Crop, alteration ,and biotechnology Crop alteration has been practiced by humankind for thousands
  24. By the star system, but as can be seen here, it is unlikely that such an, alteration ,would be complete, and some of the star's natural light would still be present
  25. The most common effects reported by users include: *A general and subjective, alteration ,in consciousness *Feelings of empathy, compassion,and forgiveness toward
  26. Colorized the film had he wanted to. Welles' original contract prevented any, alteration ,to the film without his, and eventually his estate's, express consent. Turner
  27. To Pearson, the dry cleaners lost his pants (which he brought in for a $10.50, alteration , ) and refused his demands for a large refund. Pearson believed that a
  28. Twentieth-century Catholic theologians to present the Eucharistic change as an, alteration ,of significance (transmogrification rather than transubstantiation) was
  29. A second aspect of printer technology that is often forgotten is resistance to, alteration ,: liquid ink, such as from an ink jet head or fabric ribbon, becomes absorbed by
  30. About the conditions of the treaty. Pushmataha assertively stated" that no, alteration ,shall be made in the boundaries of the portion of our territory that will
  31. Processing, sometimes referred to as audio processing, is the intentional, alteration ,of auditory signals, or sound. As audio signals may be electronically
  32. Planetary nebula NGC 6302 shows evidence for carbonates in space, where aqueous, alteration ,similar to that on Earth is unlikely. Other minerals have been proposed which
  33. Napoleon. Squealer justifies every statement Napoleon makes, even the pigs ', alteration ,of the Seven Commandments of Animalism. " No animal shall sleep in beds" is
  34. Highly dangerous point for ships navigation. At senior, the necessary course, alteration ,is 80 degrees. All the dangers and obstacles characteristic of narrow waterways
  35. A relatively common colloquialism. This is one of the most obvious targets for, alteration ,in modern reprints, along with the replacement of golliwogs with teddy bears or
  36. Itself in two different legal ways. The first is" any anatomical or functional, alteration ,of the organism" ( thus technically including little scratches and bruises too
  37. Stress levels on ecosystems and predicting system reactions to defined types of, alteration ,in their settings (such as increased or reduced energy flow, and
  38. Passage of laws; adoption of the state budget; declarations of war and peace;, alteration ,of the boundaries of the Republic; calling referendums; carrying out elections
  39. Of: pain, illness,old age, death,bereavement * Viparinama-dukkha (pain of, alteration ,) is suffering caused by change: violated expectations, the failure of happy
  40. During H2O phase changes in hydrothermal systems, and during hydrothermal, alteration ,of rock. The latter effect results in preferential removal of the 10B (OH)4
  41. Transport network. The main contractor selected to carry out the expansion and, alteration ,works on the DLR network was Taylor Woodrow. A few stations (Elver son Road
  42. But before the coronation, he had to take an oath. Andrew made a radical, alteration ,in the internal policy followed by his predecessors and he began to bestow the
  43. Jurisdiction of certain church-related matters (e.g., discipline of clergy, alteration ,of church property, and issues related to churchyards). Their separate status
  44. In 879. It restored St. Photos to his See in Constantinople and condemned any, alteration ,of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed of 381. 9. The Fifth Council of
  45. Change of direction of a wind vane on a boat on the Thames, caused not by an, alteration ,of the wind itself, but by a change of course of the boat relative to the wind
  46. To the previous motive. The new Breitkopf & Cartel and Bärenreiter make this, alteration ,differently, but the result is a reading that is different from what was
  47. To the game, such as colored clothing, white balls, day/night matches, and an, alteration ,to the fielding restrictions. The South African cricket team participated in
  48. S Disease Wilson's Disease is an autosomal-recessive gene disorder whereby an, alteration ,of the ATP7B gene results in an inability to properly excrete copper from the
  49. Of the seacoast, destruction of habitats by coastal construction (for example, alteration ,of the mouths of rivers, construction of ports),and diminution of fisheries
  50. World may be variable in a wide range owing to different degrees of secondary, alteration ,of carbonates, dissimilar criteria used for selection of the least altered

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