Examples of the the word, chew , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chew ), is the 6573 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chewing is predominantly a male habit. Yemenis use traditional costumes and, chew ,the stimulating plant in the afternoons. Chewing that is also part of the
  2. Tapioca balls to harden, making them difficult to suck up through a straw and, chew , To prevent this from happening, these slushies must be consumed more quickly
  3. Kittens. They can also develop odd eating habits. Some cats like to eat or, chew ,on other things, most commonly wool, but also plastic, paper,string, aluminum
  4. Knock his teeth in! " The teammates convinced young Gehrig (Gary Cooper) to, chew ,up the hat; he got away with it. In the second scene, the players go to a
  5. 120 g 4.23 oz History of sugar (sucrose) production People used to, chew ,the cane raw to extract its sweetness. Indians discovered how to crystallize
  6. Tasks are to mate with the females while still within the fig meconium and to, chew ,a hole for the females to escape from the fig interior. This is the reverse of
  7. Small objects). An infant with CP may not be able to suck, swallow or, chew ,and this can result in difficulty eating. Play is also included as a productive
  8. The Knock, ( pesky bat-like vermin that would attach to spaceship hulls and, chew ,through power conduits to feed off the raw energy),are said to be
  9. 14:8 - The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not, chew ,the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses. ) because the
  10. Tobaccos are a form of smokeless tobacco. Dip is occasionally referred to as ", chew ,", and because of this, it is commonly confused with chew ing tobacco, which
  11. Name" The Kosher Pig? " /> Although it has split hooves, it does not, chew ,its cud. Name" Tamar Levy, St. Louis, MO – Block Yeshiva High School
  12. Located in areas with animals such as beavers are vulnerable since beavers, chew ,off the bark at a fairly precise height. This process is known as girdling, and
  13. Break down proteins into smaller molecules, making the meat easier to, chew ,). Etymology and history As early as the late 17th and early 18th centuries
  14. A claim, take a shine to, in on the first floor, bite off more than one can, chew , off/on the wagon, stay put, inside track, stiff upper lip, bad hair day, throw
  15. Flat breads made from corn and bean flour. Tobacco The Mohave do not seem to, chew ,plugs of tobacco. The Mohave of both sexes are very fond of cigarettes. Anyone
  16. To those of cattle and sheep. They regurgitate the vegetation they have eaten, chew ,it as cud, and then swallow it again for final digestion. Different species of
  17. Head. This can make it hard for the person to breathe; talk clearly; and bite, chew ,and swallow food. Speech therapy often starts before a child begins school and
  18. Box with the ingredients for a good chew ing session. There was also a custom to, chew ,Area nut and betel leaf among lovers because of its breath-freshening and
  19. Empire. Formerly in India and Sri Lanka it was a custom of the royalty to, chew ,Area nut and betel leaf. Kings had special attendants carrying a box with the
  20. Any furniture, electrical wiring or anything else that they could possibly, chew ,on. Try to place fresh willow or oak branches in a favorite spot (e.g. near a
  21. When using Ecstasy, Pacifiers (babies dummies) to satisfy the need to, chew ,caused by taking Ecstasy and glow sticks which were used whilst dancing to
  22. Can be chew ed with either chew ing gum or fried peanuts to make it easier to, chew , Due to the availability of rapid, inexpensive air transportation, the plant
  23. His" hook up" is Bolivian president Evo Morales. Chávez reportedly said" I, chew ,coca every day in the morning ... and look how I am" before showing his biceps
  24. And regarded as an unrefined, gross way of chew ing. Usually people prefer to, chew ,thin slices of the dry nut, which is sometimes roasted. " Kill ", a mixture of
  25. Nevertheless, there was a catch. The Pythias, when about to deliver, would, chew , leaves from Apollo's sacred laurel tree and would then sit on her holy tripod
  26. As Spanish/Portuguese comer but elsewhere is replaced by, originally " to, chew ," (French manger, Italian mangier, Romanian mania). In some cases, one
  27. You observed a new peculiarity in this city — everyone chew ed leaves as goats, chew ,the cud. There is a type of leaf, rather wide and about two fingers in length
  28. To softer prey such as earthworms, larvae,and slugs, and eventually have to, chew ,their food between smooth jaw bones. The brain of Sheldon fills only half of
  29. Odin's skills. But when Odin attacks the Vania he bites off more than he can, chew ,and peace is negotiated after the destructive and indecisive Æsir-Vanir War.
  30. Example, in order to be considered kosher, mammals must have split hooves and, chew ,their cud. The pig is arguably the most well-known example of a non-kosher
  31. With female victims, he removed the uterus. Chikatilo said,“ I did not so much, chew ,them as bite them, they were so beautiful and elastic ”. A court submission at
  32. Secondary cell wall development, this makes shoots softer and easier to, chew ,and digest. As shoots grow and age, the cells develop completed cell walls that
  33. The echo produced to find hollow chambers inside. Once a chamber is found, they, chew , a hole into the wood and get grubs out of that hole with their narrow and bony
  34. Researchers estimate that about 70–80 % of Yemenis between 16 and 50 years old, chew ,that, at least on occasion, and it has been estimated that Yemenis spend about
  35. Hot ground. Camels have been known to swim. Their mouth is very sturdy, able to, chew ,thorny desert plants. Long eyelashes and ear hairs, together with sealable
  36. That the last of the Spanish Habsburgs, Charles II of Spain, could not properly, chew ,his food. * Besides the jaw deformity, Charles II also had a huge number of
  37. Teeth that they use for catching fish, squid or other marine life. They do not, chew ,but swallow prey whole. When they catch large prey, such as when the orca (
  38. Not kosher. Camels possess only one of the two Kosher criteria; although they, chew ,their cud, they do not possess cloven hooves (See: Taboo food and drink).
  39. Leaves, although the interpretation of them is tricky. Adult Micropterigidae, chew ,the pollen or spores of ferns. In the Agathiphagidae, larvae live inside Kari
  40. The limbs of victims may have been taken home as trophies. The Ceiling would, chew ,and spit out one mouthful of flesh of a very brave warrior, so that he could
  41. Rubbed into the hair during the grooming process. Groups of boars will often, chew ,each other's hair, but this is a method of establishing hierarchy within a
  42. Quickly to snap. Turtles have a rigid beak. Turtles use their jaws to cut and, chew ,food. Instead of teeth, the upper and lower jaws of the turtle are covered by
  43. A dangerous drug and Habitat has been outlawed. The plant itself is allowed to, chew ,and sell as no harm was found in normal quantities. Saudi Arabia In Saudi
  44. Able to bridge these with shelter tubes, and it has been known for termites to, chew ,through piping made of soft plastics and even some metals, such as lead, too
  45. They are generally nighttime fliers and when they alight on a host, they, chew , down into the folded, emerging fronds of coconut palms to feed on sap. V-shaped
  46. They settle down for the night. Lovebirds are also very active and love to, chew ,things. When they are flying within a household, it is wise to watch them
  47. To gnash the teeth ", origin of the English word masticate) or Hassan (" to, chew ,"). Within the European Union, Mastic production in Chaos is granted protected
  48. Both as a breath freshener and for cosmetics. It was the Sultan's privilege to, chew ,mastic, and it was considered to have healing properties. The spice's use was
  49. Animals Only meat from particular species is permissible. Mammals that both, chew ,their cud (ruminate) and have cloven hooves can be kosher. Animals with one
  50. Of toys, such as willow branches, swings,tunnels, boxes and safe things to, chew ,on and play with. Lack of toys, keeping the birdcage covered too many hours

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