Examples of the the word, aftermath , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aftermath ), is the 6571 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hard during this time. Another economic setback occurred during the, aftermath ,of Hurricane Lenny in 2000. Transportation Anguilla is served by Clayton J.
  2. Was conquered by a succession of foreign powers in this late period. In the, aftermath ,of Alexander the Great's death, one of his generals, Ptolemy Voter
  3. From the Earth to the Moon tells the story of the Apollo 1 tragedy and its, aftermath , It stars Mark Boston as Gus Frisson, Chris Isaac as Ed White and Ben Marley
  4. Countries and international organizations: War on Terrorism In the immediate, aftermath ,of the attacks, the U. S. government decided to respond militarily, and began
  5. Soldiers are unable to immediately gauge the significance of the combat; in the, aftermath ,of the Battle of Waterloo, some British officers were in doubt as to whether
  6. Influential. Agrippina and Nero would see each other on short visits. Death and, aftermath ,The circumstances that surround Agrippina's death are uncertain due to
  7. A Christian commentary on the incident and its, aftermath ,The Amu Darya (, Āmūdaryā;, də AMU Find;, Jihôn or Calhoun;, Gozan),also
  8. Grid in hot weather, when most units are operating under heavy load. In the, aftermath ,of the 2003 North America blackout locals were asked to keep their air
  9. 1,500 well-connected British officers who would have become redundant in the, aftermath ,of the Seven Years War, London would have had to discharge them if they did not
  10. Have again been removed by one of his successors. The Babylonian Conquest and, aftermath ,In 586 BC, the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple. There is
  11. England, Scotland,and Ireland, a political union was not spelled out. In the, aftermath ,of the Civil War, in which the Covenants had fought for the King, Oliver
  12. Bennett won an unexpected majority. After several weeks of silence in the, aftermath , a sitting of the House was finally called and in the speech from the Throne
  13. Denied, as Sparta was facing the largest helot revolution in its history. An, aftermath ,of the war was that Simon was ostracized, and the relations between Athens and
  14. A severe liquidity crisis facing the already-troubled airline industry in the, aftermath ,of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Congress sought to provide cash
  15. War, and they were mandated to Belgium in 1924 by the League of Nations. In the, aftermath ,of the First World War, the Prussian districts of Eu pen and Calmed were
  16. Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Afghan Armed Forces ". In the, aftermath ,of the Taliban's removal from northern Afghanistan, forces loyal to Dos tum
  17. Dynasty. In a 2005 reprinting, Olney included a new epilogue covering the, aftermath ,of the 2001 World Series up to the Boston Red Sox epic comeback from down 3–0
  18. To 29 September 1918,when the Armistice of Thessalonica was signed. In the, aftermath ,of the Balkan Wars, Bulgarian opinion turned against Russia and the western
  19. Of her support for its reintroduction for the worst cases of murder in the, aftermath ,of the murder of two 10-year-old girls from Sham, Cambridgeshire, in August
  20. Nation. During the mid-2000s a multi-billion dollar reconstruction began in the, aftermath ,of the 2005 Kashmir earthquake. Agriculture is a part of Azad Kashmir's
  21. Attackers and just one defender died in the actual fighting, but in the, aftermath , de Launch and seven other defenders were killed, as was the 'prevent DES
  22. Lancastrian King Henry VI and his only son, Edward of Lancaster, died in the, aftermath ,of the Battle of Tewkesbury. Their deaths left the House of Lancaster with no
  23. Between the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plate and Empire of Brazil in the, aftermath ,of the United Provinces' emancipation from Spain. *Plating War (1851–1852):
  24. In upper layers) during the last glaciation and for some time after. In the, aftermath ,of the Ice Age, water levels in the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea rose
  25. Slaughter then followed at Ora, another stronghold of the Assani. In the, aftermath ,of Massage and Ora, numerous Sassanians fled to the fortress of Pornos.
  26. Under Baltic Mehmet Pasha won a major victory at the Battle of Prut. In the, aftermath , Russia returned Azov back to the Ottomans, agreed to demolish the fortress of
  27. Taranto. *1918 – Japan announces that it is deploying troops to Siberia in the, aftermath ,of World War I. *1918 – The first general strike in Canadian history takes
  28. Written in 1882,said that antisemitism was an inherited predisposition: In the, aftermath ,of Kristallnacht, Goebbels announced:" The German people are anti-Semitic. It
  29. Camp approach eventually wore thin and the show was canceled in 1968. In the, aftermath , the Batman comics themselves lost popularity once again. As Julius Schwartz
  30. Of the rural Blacks to urban areas, the Great Migration. The long boom in the, aftermath ,of World War II induced a massive migration of the African American population
  31. Did not include spousal support and a reimbursement of attorney's fees. In the, aftermath ,of Schwarzenegger's infidelity scandal, actress Brigitte Nielsen came forward
  32. Of weights and measures throughout France. Final days, execution,and, aftermath ,He was a powerful figure in the deeply unpopular Fermi General,28 feudal tax
  33. Were born to Lot and Lot's younger and elder daughters, respectively,in the, aftermath ,of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible refers to both the
  34. Internationalism, as has the conservative side of Australian politics. In the, aftermath ,of World War I and the Russian Revolution of 1917,support for socialism grew
  35. Influence was Halo Kurosawa,Akira's older brother by four years. In the, aftermath ,of the Great Kant earthquake of 1923,which devastated Tokyo, Heigo took the
  36. Passed in 1798 by the Federalists in the 5th United States Congress. In the, aftermath ,of the French Revolution's reign of terror and during an undeclared naval war
  37. Tense relations with Britain and its colonial government in Canada in the, aftermath ,of the war. Lingering resentment over the perception of British sympathy toward
  38. Arc widely considered as the most defining in the history of Spider-Man. The, aftermath ,of the story also deepened both the characterization of Mary Jane Watson and
  39. Antaeus was uninterested in reconciliation within the Judea State. The, aftermath ,of the Judea Civil War consisted of popular unrest, poverty and grief over the
  40. States the core beliefs of the Arians: First Council of Nicaea and its, aftermath ,In 321,Arius was denounced by a synod at Alexandria for teaching a heterodox
  41. Members of the Delian League save Athens, was the last to revolt, and in the, aftermath ,of the Syracuse Expedition enjoyed a success of several years, inspiring all
  42. My Life in 2004. In 2007,he released and garnered positive reviews. In the, aftermath ,of the 2005 Asian tsunami, U. N. Secretary-General KOF Anna appointed Clinton
  43. They would remain neutral. Victory and, aftermath ,Historians have debated whether the Confederacy could have won the war. Most
  44. Marines. However, two new branches of artillery emerged during that war and its, aftermath , both used specialized guns (and a few rockets) and used direct not indirect
  45. Captured the Roman usurper Peter and had him executed. Battle of Mouillé and, aftermath ,(Summer 507) near Poitier's; there the Goths were defeated and Alaric slain
  46. To fire Storms. On the NASA side, Joseph Shea became unfit for duty in the, aftermath ,and was removed from his position, although not fired. Program recovery Gene
  47. Affairs, the treatment of soldiers, both living and dead, in the war's, aftermath , depictions of the war in literature and art, evaluations of heroes and
  48. Inevitable result was the speedy resignation of William Hague in the election, aftermath , Some believed that Hague had been unlucky, although most considered him to be
  49. Japanese Kongo class were formally redesignated as battleships. Plans in the, aftermath ,of World War I HMS Hood, launched in 1918,was the last First World War
  50. For the bill, although his own speech was a standard one of toleration. In the, aftermath ,of the debate Beating resigned the leadership and feuded with Stanley, leader

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