Examples of the the word, injured , in a Sentence Context

The word ( injured ), is the 7724 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 600 protesters were arrested and thousands were injured . Three policemen were, injured ,by friendly fire, and one by a thrown rock. Some protesters destroyed the
  2. Detonated a bomb near the house of a Basil an province mayor. One teenager was, injured , * February 21 - One Abu SAAF senior leaders, Albader Parade, has been killed.
  3. Anger of Achilles, which is the theme of the Iliad. In the Iliad, when Diomedes, injured ,Aeneas, Apollo rescued him. First, Aphrodite tried to rescue Aeneas but
  4. Bahá'í Faith) *National Day of Mourning, to commemorate workers killed, injured , or suffering illness from occupational hazards and accidents. (Canada)
  5. Murder for the purpose of testing an old revolver. Fatty invites the, injured ,party to rise, but no one does so, since the dead do not speak. Toby bribes all
  6. Juninho Koizumi apologizes for Japan's war record. *2006 – 243 people are, injured ,in pro-democracy protest in Nepal after Nepali security forces open fire on
  7. Statue of the perjured Bourbon king Ferdinand VII. This journey materially, injured ,his health, but he rallied again on his return to Rome. Towards the latter end
  8. Infections in patients at military medical facilities in which service members, injured ,in the Iraq/Kuwait region during Operation Iraqi Freedom and in Afghanistan
  9. Schwarzenegger's 13-year-old son Christopher Schwarzenegger was seriously, injured ,in a boogie-boarding accident in Malibu, on July 17, 2011. In a joint statement
  10. Victory at home since 1985. With several England players having retired or been, injured ,after the 2005 series, Australia regained The Ashes in the 2006–07 series with
  11. Arrived in Agra to pay their respects to the Mughal Emperor Shah Japan and his, injured ,daughter the Mughal princess Chandra. Meanwhile, Dara gathered his forces, and
  12. He also appealed to common observations such as the eye being dazzled or even, injured ,if we look at a very bright light. He instead developed a highly successful
  13. Medical care, rehabilitation services and financial assistance to those, injured ,by Agent Orange. The Vietnamese government provides small monthly stipends to
  14. The Army suffered 75 fatalities—far more than any other branch. Another 106, injured , were treated at area hospitals. The Pentagon is bordered by Interstate 395 and
  15. Many protesters take training in first aid and act as medics to other, injured ,protesters. In the USA, some organizations like the National Lawyer's Guild
  16. Dwindled, he had to chase prey on foot. During one such chase he was badly, injured ,when he tumbled from a cliff, lying unconscious for about a day. (His prey had
  17. Backgrounds. Several hundred peaceful demonstrators, rioters,and police were, injured ,and hundreds were arrested during the days surrounding the G8 meeting; most of
  18. Where on 17 November 1973,more than 13 students were killed and hundreds, injured ,inside the university during the Athens Polytechnic uprising, against the
  19. Which 10 men—seven strikers and three Pinkerton's—were killed and hundreds were, injured , Pennsylvania Governor Robert Patti son ordered two brigades of state militia to
  20. In an explosion in Guadalajara, Mexico,206 people are killed, nearly 500, injured , and 15,000 left homeless. *1993 – Version 1.0 of the Mosaic web browser is
  21. Solo. * July 11 - Eight Filipino government soldiers were killed, nine others, injured ,and six missing following a gun battle against Abu SAAF soldiers, supported
  22. Miranda, Manila,Philippines with several anti-Marcos political candidates, injured , *1976 – Operation Paul Bunyan at Panmunjom, Korea. *1979 – Soviet dancer
  23. And classmate, Bäumer. Kemmerich is shot in the leg early in the story; his, injured ,leg had to be amputated, and he dies shortly after. In anticipation of
  24. Orange, saying:" We are sympathetic with people who believe they have been, injured ,and understand their concern to find the cause, but reliable scientific
  25. Tornado outbreak in recorded history. The death toll is 315,with nearly 5,500, injured , *1975 – Bobby Fischer refuses to play in a chess match against Anatomy Karol
  26. To death. Berwick, Fatty and Moses, rising to identify themselves as the, injured ,parties, proclaim " in the whole human race / there is no greater criminal /
  27. Suit against Union Carbide for the disaster which killed an estimated 2,000 and, injured ,another 200,000. *1987 – Los Angeles Dodgers executive Al Campania resigns amid
  28. Drops and stalactites, just as it exuded from the ducts and receptacles of the, injured ,trees. It is thought that, in addition to exuding onto the surface of the tree
  29. Apollo rescued him. First, Aphrodite tried to rescue Aeneas but Diomedes, injured ,her as well. Aeneas was then enveloped in a cloud by Apollo, who took him to
  30. Collide and the wreckage falls into the crowd. 75 are killed and 346 seriously, injured , *1990 – Iraq declares Kuwait to be its newest province. * 1990 – The
  31. The government of Mikheil Saakashvili. *2011 – A gunman murdered five people, injured ,eleven, and committed suicide in a mall in the Netherlands. Births *1498 – John
  32. Characters are trapped in a trench under heavy attack, Bertinck, who has been, injured ,in the firefight, spots a flamethrower team advancing on them. He gets out of
  33. Housing the Supreme Court. The death toll is at least 62,with over two hundred, injured ,in the attacks. However, only 26 remained hospitalized the following day. As of
  34. Observation, most suffering from inhalation of toxic fumes. Most seriously, injured ,was a technician who suffered a fractured kneecap when the GSE cart overturned
  35. Capital, Manila. Four government soldiers, including a commanding officer, were, injured , * April 10 - Around 50 prisoners including many suspected members of the Abu
  36. The AAA Champion car in 1905. On September 10, 1907,Rex Reiterated was fatally, injured ,in a crash here. In 1916,Chevrolet won the first Universal Films Trophy at the
  37. A United Front official, while Mohammad Fa him Dash and Massed Khalil were, injured , One of the suicide attackers, Bouraoui, was also killed by the explosion while
  38. A fight to the British Army. *1819 – Seventeen people die and over 600 are, injured ,in cavalry charges at a public meeting at St. Peter's Field, Manchester
  39. The foundation held, and he succeeded in killing only six people (although he, injured ,1,042 others and caused nearly $300 million in property damage). After the
  40. Tourist and a Yemeni hotel worker. Seven others, mostly Yemenis, were severely, injured , Two fatwas are said to have been appointed by the most theologically
  41. Of the book). Have in addition has a good sense of humor. During combat, he is, injured ,in his back, fatally (Chapter 6) — the resulting wound is large enough for
  42. In Paris by the anarchist Mate Moral; instead, the bomb explosion killed or, injured ,many bystanders and members of the Royal procession. Alfonso and ENA had seven
  43. In which McDonnell Aircraft test pilot G. B. North passed out and was seriously, injured ,when testing a Mercury cabin / spacesuit atmosphere system in a vacuum chamber.
  44. Industry headquarters in Marunouchi, Tokyo,Japan. 8 are killed,378 are, injured , Eight left-wing activists are arrested on May 19, 1975 by Japanese authorities
  45. Of the Pentagon, away from the crash site. He ran to the site and assisted the, injured , Rumsfeld then returned to his office, and went to a conference room in the
  46. Record score of 364 as England made 903-7 declared. Brahman and Jack Singleton, injured ,themselves during Hutton's marathon effort, and with only nine men, Australia
  47. An army of Emperor Teardrop II. While 700 Ethiopians are killed and many more, injured , only two dice from the British/Indian troops. *1874 – The first Arbor Day is
  48. Beheaded. * October - One American serviceman was killed and another seriously, injured ,by a bomb blast in Zambian City. 2003 * February 12 - The Philippines
  49. Files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. * 2009 – Seven people are killed and 17, injured , at a Queen's Day parade in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. Births *1553 – Louise de
  50. And refused to disperse. Over 600 protesters were arrested and thousands were, injured , Three policemen were injured by friendly fire, and one by a thrown rock. Some

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