Examples of the the word, hatch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hatch ), is the 6717 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To fish and other aquatic animals. At pHs lower than 5 most fish eggs will not, hatch ,and lower pHs can kill adult fish. As lakes and rivers become more acidic
  2. Five minutes to open all three hatch layers, and they could not drop the inner, hatch ,to the cabin floor as intended, so they pushed it out of the way to one side.
  3. Veteran moon-walker John Young, a redesign of the LM to incorporate a smaller, hatch ,had not been followed by a redesign of the PLSS backpack, so some of the
  4. With Teflon. * Block II had already been planned to use a completely redesigned, hatch ,which opened outward, and could be opened in less than ten seconds. Concerns of
  5. Spider - GPN-2000-001100. JPG|David Scott stands in the opened Command Module, hatch ,File: Schweickart spacer kosmiczny GPN-2000-001108. JPG|Rusty Schweickart
  6. Almost all of these frogs live in wet tropical rainforests and their eggs, hatch ,directly into miniature versions of the adult, passing through the tadpole
  7. Connection to the spacecraft, while Scott filmed him from the command module, hatch , Schweickart was due to carry out a more extensive set of activities to test
  8. Scheduled. Armstrong initially had some difficulties squeezing through the, hatch ,with his Portable Life Support System (PLSS). According to veteran
  9. Dragon eggs are left. At the end of A Game of Thrones Daenerys is able to, hatch ,her three dragon eggs in the funeral pyre of Khan Dog, bringing the species
  10. Such as the first worldwide Indian rhinoceros birth and Greater flamingo, hatch ,in a zoo. These and other achievements lead Forbes Travel to rank Zoo Basel as
  11. Murrelets, like the Ancient Murrell, leave the nest the night after they, hatch , following their parents out to sea, where they are raised away from
  12. Likely killed nearby ground personnel. It took five minutes to open all three, hatch ,layers, and they could not drop the inner hatch to the cabin floor as intended
  13. Their nuptial flight to selectively fertilize future eggs. The first workers to, hatch ,are weak and smaller than later workers, but they begin to serve the colony
  14. Said they saw White on the television monitors, reaching for the inner, hatch ,release handle as flames in the cabin spread from left to right and licked the
  15. And two sample boxes containing more than of lunar surface material to the LM, hatch ,using a flat cable pulley device called the Lunar Equipment Conveyor. Armstrong
  16. The Airlock Module's manufacturer, McDonnell Douglas, even recycled the, hatch ,design from its Gemini spacecraft and kludged what was originally designed for
  17. Not equipped with. In 2010 Mexico displayed a wagon variant with a second gun, hatch ,to cover the rear of the vehicle. Additionally, Polish forces of ISAF operate
  18. A stand-up EVA, during which the LM was depressurized and the top docking, hatch ,opened to allow him to photograph their surroundings. Lunar surface Throughout
  19. Recovery helicopter hooked onto the spacecraft, the astronaut blew the escape, hatch ,to exit the capsule. It was also possible to exit the capsule through the nose
  20. For herself a place to rest. (15) There the hoot owl shall nest and lay eggs, hatch ,them out and gather them in her shadow; There shall the kites assemble, none
  21. The Soviet (now Russian) definition is the time when the outer airlock, hatch ,is open and the cosmonaut is in a vacuum. An American EVA begins when the
  22. Had a tremendous effect. The anti-communist feelings that had just begun to, hatch ,in the U. S. were given a great boost, and a silenced Congress voted
  23. The front of the vehicle, by climbing over the seats, or by opening the door or, hatch ,at the rear. Peltier's vehicle was red with a white roof; not a red, open-tray
  24. Cabin pressure made it impossible for the senior pilot to remove the inner, hatch , until the excess cabin pressure (16.7 psi absolute,2 psi above ambient) had
  25. Or perhaps abandon the vehicle. A Molotov cocktail thrown through an open, hatch ,into the crew spaces would, like most other grenades, seriously affect the crew
  26. And larvae are adapted to an aquatic lifestyle. Frogs, toads,and newts all, hatch ,from the egg as larvae with external gills. Afterwards, newt larvae start a
  27. Using the end of a broom handle as an extra lever, to allow Yeager to seal the, hatch ,of the X-1. Yeager's flight recorded Mach 1.07,however, he was quick to point
  28. Options for even for the most demanding maps. Moreover, computers can easily, hatch ,patterns in colors to give even more options. This is very beneficial, when
  29. Along with the chest pack used by Collins an hour later when they opened the, hatch ,for the third and final time. Experiments There were 10 other experiments that
  30. By the lunar module pilot (LMP) who remained at the open command module, hatch , These trans-Earth Evans were the only spacewalks ever conducted in deep space.
  31. For 2 hours and 6 minutes, in addition to two stand-up EVA's in the spacecraft, hatch ,for an additional 3 hours and 24 minutes. Aldrin's interested in scuba diving
  32. A resulting fire was quickly extinguished, and the crew escaped through the top, hatch ,with only a minor back injury to the co-pilot. The Air Force investigation
  33. Eggs that remain within the mother's body up until they hatch or are about to, hatch , This strategy of birth is known as ovoviviparity. It is similar to military in
  34. For the entire Apollo program. Wendt's face was the last they saw before the, hatch ,was sealed, and immediately after liftoff Gisele said with a mock German accent
  35. 10. This was to be just a standup EVA, where Collins would 'stand' in the open, hatch ,and take some photographs of stars as part of experiment S-13. They used a 70
  36. States, so the Osgood cabin could not have been left depressurized by an open, hatch ,; otherwise the air-cooled electronics would have overheated. Therefore a
  37. Of the flight, Yeager was in such pain that he could not seal the airplane's, hatch ,by himself. Ridley rigged up a device, using the end of a broom handle as an
  38. Pupa Image: Christian Bauer Paris RAPACE cocoon. JPG|Paris RAPACE pupa, ready to, hatch , Image: Christian Bauer Paris RAPACE young adult. JPG|A Paris RAPACE adult
  39. Animals develop within eggs that remain within the mother's body up until they, hatch ,or are about to hatch . This strategy of birth is known as ovoviviparity. It is
  40. The weight of a brooding adult, making it nearly impossible for the eggs to, hatch , But by the 1950s there were only 412 nesting pairs in the 48 contiguous states
  41. On Monday, July 21 (10:39pm EDT, Sunday July 20),1969,Armstrong opened the, hatch , and at 02:51 UTC began his descent to the lunar surface. The Remote Control
  42. By a vertical shaft that penetrated the float and continued down to the sphere, hatch , In the Trieste the pressure sphere provided just enough room for two people.
  43. Exists over which of the two franchises came first. Eponymous creatures Digimon, hatch ,from eggs called Digi-Eggs or Digital. In the English iterations of the
  44. Of the Fortress with a cursive" Dr. Strange love" painted over the rear entry, hatch ,on the right side of the fuselage. Fail-Safe Red Alert author Peter George
  45. Their riders, formed by mental impressions which the dragons receive when they, hatch ,from their eggs. Some modern pseudo-biological accounts of dragons give them
  46. Bits of data. The data then recomposes itself as a Digicel, which will, hatch ,when rubbed gently, and the Digimon goes through its life cycle again. Digimon
  47. The EVA after only 25 minutes. It took the crew eight minutes to close the, hatch ,as they had some difficulty with the of umbilical cord. It was jettisoned along
  48. Support. Its name derives from the astronaut" standing up" in the open, hatch , usually to film or assist a spacewalking astronaut. Evans may be either
  49. Might be available at the end of the fast if the eggs had not been allowed to, hatch , The surplus, if any, had to be eaten quickly to prevent spoiling. Then, with
  50. Edible elaiosome-like structure and are taken into the ant nest where the young, hatch , Most ants are predatory and some prey on and obtain food from other social

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