Examples of the the word, grants , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grants ), is the 8278 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Good after the war. Indeed, in 1783 the soldiers and officers were given land, grants ,to cover the wages they had earned but had not been paid during the war. Not
  2. The only location in Canada. Students may also receive government loans and, grants ,while attending selected private institutions. There has been some controversy
  3. And consciousness, and preparatory steps to attain those necessary governmental, grants , In 1914,war broke out in Europe between Britain with allies against Germany
  4. EBRO, as well as other Iris and foreign countries are extending considerable, grants ,and loans. Total loans extended to Armenia since 1993 exceed $800 million.
  5. His chamberlain, he bestowed the earldom of Derby upon Lord Stanley along with, grants ,and offices in other estates. Henry rewarded Oxford by restoring to him the
  6. Forces with the promise of freedom, protection for their families, and land, grants , Tens of thousands of slaves escaped to British lines throughout the South
  7. Can set bounds to generosity of the Royal Majesty, and the best measure of, grants , for a monarch, is immeasurableness ". He gave away everything - money
  8. Est. ) Budget: revenues: $155.4 million (37 % in local revenue and 63 % in US, grants ,) expenditures: $183.6 million (FY07) Agriculture - products: bananas
  9. Seen in the United States arrives from India. *1829 – The British Parliament, grants ,freedom of religion to Roman Catholics. *1861 – American Civil War: Fort Sumter
  10. Are parallel courts for labor law, electoral law and military law. The STF, grants ,Extraordinary Appeals (Recurs Extraordinary) when judgements of second
  11. And the Gates request Moses to assign them the land east of the Jordan. Moses, grants ,their request after they promise to help in the conquest of the land west of
  12. Governor's main problem was with his own military officers, who wanted large, grants ,of land, which Phillip had not been authorized to grant. The officers were
  13. For a small category of votes a quorum of 6000 was required, principally, grants , of citizenship, and here small colored stones were used, white for yes and
  14. Hill is among the schools that have received grants . In some cases these, grants ,have been controversial due to their requiring research or teaching related to
  15. Personal income taxes (22.3 %),corporate and other taxes (19.6 %),and, grants ,from the federal government primarily for infrastructure projects (9.8 %).
  16. Competitions. In Britain there is the British Dance Council, which, grants , national and regional championship titles, such as the British Ballroom
  17. Which is managed by a national fund called Fun bio. GEF also established a small, grants ,program for NGOs, which focused on the Gerardo during its pilot phase. The
  18. There is no plea entered of guilt or innocence. There is only a judgment that, grants ,money damages or some other kind of equitable remedy such as restitution or a
  19. And over 5,500 municipalities. Government of Brazil The 1988 constitution, grants ,broad powers to the federal government, made up of Executive, Legislative,and
  20. Into new technology and energy reserves. Unlike Civilization II, new technology, grants ,access to additional unit components rather than pre-designed units, allowing
  21. Without any limitation or restraint; * (b) limited, as when the Sovereign, grants ,letters of denization to an alien, and the alien's male heirs, or to an alien
  22. Unique stability of civic life under the rule of law—a hard-won stability which, grants ,independence and space to every private citizen. " In a series of writings
  23. Strong, and France provided development assistance in the form of loans and, grants , It was no longer Chad's leading customer for agricultural exports, but it
  24. Became Ontario. The British resettled them there after the war, providing land, grants ,as compensation for some of their losses. At the peace conference following the
  25. In academia. The charitable foundation of BB&T Corporation has also given, grants ,for teaching Rand's ideas or works. The University of Texas at Austin, the
  26. Jasper Tudor the Duke of Bedford. He returned to his mother the lands and, grants ,stripped from her by Richard, and proved to be a filial son, installing her as
  27. Estates by the pharaoh in payment for their services. Pharaohs also made land, grants ,to their mortuary cults and local temples to ensure that these institutions had
  28. The Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act, also signed in 1862,provided government, grants ,for agricultural colleges in each state. The Pacific Railway Acts of 1862 and
  29. Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are among the schools that have received, grants , In some cases these grants have been controversial due to their requiring
  30. 100 radio stations in Belarus: 28 AM,37 FM and 11 shortwave stations. This, grants ,the freedom of press; however, Article 5 states that slander cannot be made
  31. Operated by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, funded by advertising and, grants ,from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Aimed at the Asia-Pacific
  32. Bill h111-5929&tab summary Computer Science Education Act, which calls for, grants ,to states to develop plans for improving computer science education and
  33. Suffered from a lack of available labor, due to the practice of giving land, grants ,to all arrivals. Wakefield's idea was for the Government to survey and sell
  34. Organized the Anthem Foundation for Objectives Scholarship, which provides, grants ,for scholarly work on Objectives in academia. The charitable foundation of
  35. Gujarat and the Morin of Cali cut sent embassies, offering alliances and local, grants ,to fortify. Conquest of Malacca,1511 In February 1511,through a friendly
  36. And city government. Atlanta's city government awarded $130,000 in, grants ,to neighborhood groups to plant trees. Typical of the southeastern U. S.
  37. May be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government, grants , special tax breaks, and so forth. Crony capitalism is believed to arise when
  38. To the Parish Priest or to another priest to whom he or the local hierarchy, grants ,permission, a permission that can be presumed if in accordance with canon law.
  39. At college. ) In the US this refers to a post-high school institution that, grants ,either associate's or bachelor's degrees while in the UK it refers to any
  40. The World Trade Organization (WTO),and participates actively in its work. It, grants ,at least MFN treatment to all its trading partners. As of December 2007
  41. And the federal supreme court, called the Supreme Federal Tribunal (). The STJ, grants ,a Special Appeal (Recurs Especial) when a judgement of a court of second
  42. From book sales with public speaking engagements, school visits, residencies, grants , and teaching positions. Ghostwriters, technical writers, and textbooks writers
  43. In most cases is available only if the Court exercises its discretion and, grants ,a writ of certiorari. In contrast, appeal as of rights to the Supreme Court of
  44. Are attached to the end, since it is necessary for the tribes to receive their, grants ,before they allocate parts of it to others. The Transjordanian tribes are
  45. When Charlemagne visited the pope in Rome. There he confirmed his father's, grants ,of land, with some later chronicles claiming—falsely—that he also expanded them
  46. To be imprisoned under the 1975 State Protection Act (Article 10 b),which, grants ,the government the power to imprison people for up to five years without a
  47. Membership dues,18 % came from court awarded attorney fees,12 % came from, grants , 4 % came from investment income and the remainder from other sources. Its
  48. Of economic activity, high unemployment, and a heavy dependence on foreign, grants ,and technical assistance. Agriculture contributes 40 % to GDP, employs 80 % of
  49. Often lack the basic supplies for their day-to-day work. The 2010 constitution, grants ,the President almost absolute power. Elections for the National assembly are to
  50. The country (tied with Stanford) in the number of students awarded Fulbright, grants , according to the October 2010 ranking compiled by the Chronicle of Higher

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