Examples of the the word, glove , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glove ), is the 6072 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be required equipment in some areas. Many players wear Castro glove s: a padded, glove ,which is designed to protect hands from abrasion from contact with the ground (
  2. Bill James wrote that Zimmer often put a piece of beefsteak inside his baseball, glove ,to protect his catching hand from Young's fastball. Two years after Young's
  3. Year) still on the mound. Then, Leon Durham had a sharp grounder go under his, glove , This critical error helped the Padres win the game 6–3,with a 4-run 7th
  4. Are placed on top of each other horizontally in front of the face with the, glove ,of one arm being on the top of the elbow of the other arm. This style is
  5. Constraint induced movement therapy, the alternative limb is constrained with a, glove ,or sling and the patient is forced to use their affected limb. In constraint
  6. Wounds on less well protected legs. Butchers also commonly wear a single mail, glove ,to protect themselves from self-inflicted injury while cutting meat.
  7. Other problems can be controlled. Gauntlet or gantlet may mean: * Gauntlet (, glove ,), protective glove s used as a form of armor * Gauntlet track, a section of
  8. Final home game of 2005 free of charge and bringing back the classic" ball and, glove ," logo of the club's glory days on" Retro Friday" home games, during which
  9. And desperately wanted to play the part, feeling it would" fit like a kid, glove ,". Ben Cross, who plays Harold Abrahams, was discovered while playing Billy
  10. Be dropped balls for him to catch. On his fifth attempt, a baseball entered his, glove ,at what could be estimated to be up to 154 mph. It slammed his glove hand into
  11. Out: recorded against a runner who is touched by a fielder with the ball or a, glove ,holding the ball, while the runner is not touching a base. It is possible to
  12. In preparation of defense, to be fearful. The building turns out to be the huge, glove ,of Kramer, who has been snoring throughout the night, causing what seemed to
  13. The ninth on NBC's Game of the Week when Rye Sandberg, known mostly for his, glove , slugged a game-tying home run off ace closer Bruce Sutter. Despite this, the
  14. Humorous intent, the two editors took for their name and masthead the anarchic, glove ,puppet, Mr. Punch. Punch was an unexpected success, yet,a year later, Mayhew
  15. Were never fully embraced by Brewers fans who missed the beloved" ball in, glove ," logo and dubbed the newer uniforms" More Game ", as the interlocking" M "
  16. Whose molecules are mirror images of each other (like a left and a right, glove ,). Monosaccharides with four or more carbons may contain multiple chiral
  17. Gear, ( optionally) a neck guard, chest/arm protector, blocker,catch, glove , and leg pads. Injury Ice hockey is a full contact sport and carries a high
  18. His glove at what could be estimated to be up to 154 mph. It slammed his, glove ,hand into his face with such force, that he broke his upper jaw in twelve
  19. For metal-containing compounds that are reactive toward air, Schlenk line and, glove ,box techniques are followed. Volatile compounds and gases are manipulated in “
  20. A seam, which would line up with the jacket seam and provide a weak spot. *One, glove ,for the weapon arm with a gauntlet that prevents blades from going up the
  21. Give it All You Got," referred to the flügelhorn as" the 'right' baseball, glove , " Pop flügelhorn players include Robyn Gregory (Brian Wilson Band),Rick
  22. Batman, of Northbrook, IL,reached for the ball and deflected it away from the, glove ,of Moises Aloud for the second out of the inning. Aloud reacted angrily toward
  23. The wall of the NIDA that points into the NIDA, like the finger of a rubber, glove ,pushed inwards. When a adipocyte fires, the finger pops out. If the cell is a
  24. As is a skeleton glove . Medieval Europeans probably used a complete leather, glove , Eurasiatic archers who used the thumb or Mongolian draw protected their thumbs
  25. Forearms and shoulder together, or if enough time is allowed for a parry,the, glove ,(elusively),elbow, or shin will be used. Mid-section roundhouse kicks can
  26. With it are carried out in a specially designed laboratory equipped with a, glove ,box and radiation shielding. When actinium trichloride is administered
  27. Gloves' fabric extending from between the digits of the hand, typical of kid, glove ,design of the era. Depiction as a regular mouse When the Cat's Away, first
  28. The crew also sneaked various in-jokes into the film itself, such as the clawed, glove ,of Freddy Krueger, the primary antagonist of the A Nightmare on Elm Street
  29. Or thumb ring. A simple tab of leather is commonly used, as is a skeleton, glove , Medieval Europeans probably used a complete leather glove . Eurasiatic archers
  30. Guard for his face. The drawing digits are normally protected by a leather tab, glove , or thumb ring. A simple tab of leather is commonly used, as is a skeleton
  31. But currently cannot move the fingers of his left hand. He wears a compression, glove ,to protect against blood pooling due to non-movement. His publicist announced
  32. Bat and balls" are a common reference to the male genitalia, while ", glove ," or" mitt" can refer to the female anatomy. There are many euphemisms for
  33. And would also deteriorate with time. In traditional Japanese archery a special, glove ,is used, provided with a ridge which is used to draw the string. Release aids
  34. Which intentionally takes the incoming punch on that portion of the defender's, glove , *The cover-Up – Covering up is the last opportunity (other than rolling with
  35. An F-14 to accurately locate itself. The pod was carried on the right wing, glove ,pylon. And guided Labs using a new hand controller. Initially the hand
  36. S name appears in a word for sponge; Njarðarvöttr (Old Norse" Njörðr's, glove ,"). Additionally, in Old Icelandic translations of Classical mythology the
  37. Was a 'Gorillas in the Mist' kind of observation … What do they put in their, glove ,compartments? What snack foods do they eat? What posters are on their bedroom
  38. The logo that was to define the club—"M" and" B" in the shape of a baseball, glove , The logo was designed by Tom Manuel, an art history student at the University
  39. Under the fuselage tunnel attached to special aerodynamic pallets, plus 2 under, glove ,stations. A full load of 6 Phoenix missiles and the unique launch rails weigh
  40. Think Clark knew what pitch was coming. Afterward, Maddux would speak into his, glove ,during any mound conversation, beginning what is a norm today. Mark Grace was
  41. An attacker, or blocking a goal situation with a lifted skate, thrown stick or, glove ,and so on. Also, the defenders (except the goal-keeper) are
  42. 86 centimeters) long, and not longer than 42 inches (106 centimeters). *The, glove ,or mitt is a fielding tool, made of padded leather with webbing between the
  43. Hand-staining and difficult to apply. ) Many players prefer a slick pool, glove ,over hand chalk or talc because of the messiness of these powders; buildup of
  44. It seems quite probable that the shape of the flowers suggested the idea of a, glove , and that associated with the name of the botanist Fuchs, who first gave it a
  45. Had packs of Glove Beagles, so named since they were small enough to fit on a, glove , and Queen Elizabeth I kept a breed known as a Pocket Beagle, which stood at
  46. As well. There are three basic tools of baseball: the ball, the bat, and the, glove ,or mitt: *The baseball is about the size of an adult's fist, around 9 inches (
  47. Began a sporting goods store in Chicago. In 1877,Spalding began to use a, glove ,to protect his catching hand. People had used glove s previously, but never had
  48. Devised ", and " brilliant, so deliberately does it fit the language like a, glove , " The principal reason Hangul has attracted this praise is its partially
  49. Back to its present position of until Young's fourth season; he did not wear a, glove ,until his sixth season. Particularly after his fastball slowed, Young relied on
  50. To the east, claiming that there Thor crouched cowering in the thumb of a, glove , mockingly referring to him as a" hero," and adding that such behavior was

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