Examples of the the word, unacceptable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unacceptable ), is the 6070 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is to be considered unnecessary and as such exposes the patient to an, unacceptable ,risk of suffering a severe adverse reaction. Additionally, antibiotics have no
  2. Presumably these authorities did not consider any of Marlowe's works to be, unacceptable ,(apart from the Azores). Sexuality Like his contemporary William Shakespeare
  3. Not giving God all that God deserves. Just as the priests have been offering, unacceptable ,sacrifices, so the people have been neglecting to offer their full tithe to the
  4. Not allow for the return of original art for a story to its creators. This was, unacceptable ,to Don Rosa, since a part of his income came from selling the originals, and
  5. That of other organisms and mechanisms) can be common, unusual,acceptable, or, unacceptable , Humans evaluate the acceptability of behavior using social norms and regulate
  6. Or pharmacological treatment that will produce the desired effect without, unacceptable ,toxicity * Optimal Biological Dose, the quantity of a radiological or
  7. Deal with the publisher's staff on site, whose song suggestions he regarded as, unacceptable , He was on the verge of quitting, until Presley ordered the Hill and Range
  8. Agreeing that this could become support for propaganda. Many would also find it, unacceptable ,that an ISP, whether by law or by the ISP's own choice, should deploy such
  9. And Ghana where it is used for fishing. " The residues in crops at levels, unacceptable ,for export have been an important factor in recent bans in several tropicals
  10. Prospect of the unification of France, Spain and their respective colonies,an, unacceptable ,state of affairs for England and the other powers of Europe. The British Empire
  11. In France. The French government responded by describing his comments as ", unacceptable ,", as did the French representative Jewish organization CRIF, which denied
  12. Or harassment of any other party in the courtroom. Direct contempt is an, unacceptable ,act in the presence of the judge (in face curiae),and generally begins with
  13. Players, only recently freed from the bondage of the reserve clause, found this, unacceptable , and withdrew their labor, striking on June 12. Immediately, the U. S.
  14. Fund the purchase of any additional B-2s,arguing that to do so would require, unacceptable ,cuts in existing conventional and nuclear-capable aircraft to pay for the new
  15. Outright, as they found this arbitrary classification unreasonable, unfair and, unacceptable , This newly frozen materialization of caste created a growing resentment
  16. Law, which automatically permits polygamy unless spouses specify that this is, unacceptable ,upon marriage. Although violence against women is prohibited, domestic violence
  17. Refer to the infamous four-letter words. In American English, words that are, unacceptable ,on television, such as fuck, may be represented by deformations such as freak —
  18. To straight-8 engines. The long crankshafts of the latter suffered from an, unacceptable ,amount of flex when engine designers began using higher compression ratios and
  19. Persons that should have their own specific rights, and that it is morally, unacceptable ,to keep them captive for entertainment purposes, or to kill them; either
  20. Referred to the antisemitism reported in this study as being“ completely, unacceptable , ” The head of a local Islamic council joined Jewish leaders and Halloween in
  21. Of many traditional liturgical forms and of the episcopate was already seen as, unacceptable ,by those promoting the most developed Protestant principles. In the first half
  22. Human behavior may also depend upon the common, usual,unusual, acceptable or, unacceptable ,behavior of others. Behavior became an important construct in early 20th
  23. When possible, suppliers stop using the terms because the county found them, unacceptable ,in light of its" cultural diversity and sensitivity ". Serialized, overlapped
  24. And libraries exact a performance and/or memory or other resource cost which is, unacceptable ,to normal operations of the software. Thus, they are only used in the lab. As
  25. Of ordaining women demonstrates an understanding of Priesthood which is totally, unacceptable ,to the Catholic and Orthodox churches as they believe that the Universal Church
  26. Chamber works allowed him to experiment and express ideas which would have been, unacceptable ,in his more public symphonic pieces. In September 1937,he began to teach
  27. That none of the money would go to" underwriting terrorism or other, unacceptable ,activities. " The ACLU views this clause, both in Federal law and in the donors
  28. Resulting in stalls scattered throughout a session. Unpredictable stalls can be, unacceptable ,in real-time environments such as device drivers, in transaction processing, or
  29. He suggests that Pritsak's etymology is" ingenious but for many reasons, unacceptable ,". However, he suggests that these names were" not the true names of the Hun
  30. In fact, he first quotes and then dismisses it as representing one of the two, unacceptable ,extremes ". Cameron also points out that whether he refers to Plato or to
  31. Where the journey delay caused by a flight of locks at either side would be, unacceptable ,) the center of the valley can be spanned by an aqueduct - a famous example in
  32. Proportional representation and a change of Prime Minister. The former was, unacceptable ,to Heath's Cabinet and the latter to Heath personally, so the talks collapsed.
  33. Then the covenant of marriage, and to portray it in such a way was completely, unacceptable ,; however, a few more open-minded critics such as the Irish playwright George
  34. As consequences of disinhibition, that is loss of control over socially, unacceptable ,behavior. Paradoxical reactions are rare in the general population, with an
  35. In these approaches are synthetic constructs denoting ecclesiastic identities, unacceptable ,to those to whom the labels are applied. Hence, the Roman Catholic Church does
  36. Some countries, such as the UK, with a 10-15 minute delay to allow libelous or, unacceptable ,content (such as references to people who are not taking part in the program
  37. Levels of creative control over the Dales' appearances and scripts that were, unacceptable ,to the BBC. Eventually talks between Hancock and the BBC progressed more
  38. Kilometre to give close to optimum results. Unfortunately this design led to, unacceptable ,lateral forces on the trains, so a reduction in train speed was required and
  39. The Deaconess–Goodman–My hill theorem shows how to derive the constructively, unacceptable ,law of the excluded middle, or a restricted form of it, in constructive set
  40. The land north of Peoria, effectively handing over all Aegean Macedonia. These, unacceptable ,demands together with the Bulgarian refusal to demobilize its army after the
  41. The armed forces of the United States, because their presence" would create an, unacceptable ,risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit
  42. The use of ciprofloxacin as a first line agent in treating anthrax due to the, unacceptable ,risk documented within the Antimicrobial Postexposure Prophylaxis for Anthrax
  43. Over what role they should play in sex education classes. They are considered, unacceptable ,in almost all situations by certain religions, notably the Catholic Church.
  44. Any significant gains. War against Magnetic This new state of affairs was, unacceptable ,to Constantius, who felt that as the only surviving son of Constantine the
  45. Speed of assembly; however, modern computers perform two-pass assembly without, unacceptable ,delay. The advantage of the two-pass assembler is that the absence of a need
  46. MiB addressable space, PC AT hardware dependencies, etc.) were seen as clearly, unacceptable ,for the newer computer platforms. Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) is a
  47. But for a Latin American country to ally openly with the USSR was regarded as, unacceptable , given the Soviet-American enmity since the end of World War II in 1945. Such
  48. Levitical Code (e.g. Leviticus 1:3) in condemning the priest for offering, unacceptable ,sacrifices. In the third dispute (concerning divorce),the author of the book
  49. Lee, and was suspended indefinitely by Jim Hendry, who called the conduct ", unacceptable , " On July 20,Daniella announced his retirement, effective at the end of the
  50. This enemy is on many counts the projection of the self; both the ideal and the, unacceptable ,aspects of the self are attributed to him. The enemy may be the cosmopolitan

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