Examples of the the word, interestingly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interestingly ), is the 6695 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Quickly and titillate audiences. In Saintsbury's view," They are curiously, interestingly , almost enthralling bad. " Saints bury indicates that Robert Louis Stevenson
  2. e.g. the Anglican clergyman Canon James Goodman (1828–1896) from Kerry, who, interestingly , had his villain pipes buried with him at Create (Church of Ireland) cemetery
  3. However, cause carotenoid. The carotenoid synthetic form of beta-carotene was, interestingly ,associated with an increase in lung cancer when it was studied in a lung cancer
  4. Variety of flora species that occur on the islands within the Great Salt Lake;, interestingly , there is historic evidence that some species that were earlier documented to
  5. Church music and, in its orchestration and dramatic power, the Mess compares, interestingly ,with Verdi's Requiem. While studying at the Conservatory, Puccini obtained a
  6. 3 7/10. Consequently, f is subjective; however, f is not injective —, interestingly ,enough, the values for which f (x) coincides are those at opposing ends of
  7. Became a Soviet satellite even though there was not a Soviet army present (, interestingly ,enough, surrounding countries including Eastern Austria were occupied by the
  8. The Spanish-speaking countries, the United States and the United Kingdom and, interestingly ,enough, Germany,where there was a major Verdi revival in Berlin between the
  9. The presence of a perusal ballad encasing the ossicles of the ear. However, interestingly , the bones themselves may have some resemblance to those of rodents. Habitat
  10. The majority of conservative Arab nations were in support of Pakistan, although, interestingly , enough non-Arab Muslim nations such as Indonesia and Turkey sympathized and
  11. Sit either side of the two large escalators which lead into the Stacie, which, interestingly , enough sits underneath a large and popular park. On the lawns are several glass
  12. Court. The Cellini of Clutch and Owen appears in the Welsh Triads as well;, interestingly , this early Welsh material places Wales' greatest leader outside its national
  13. Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (Trips) and Farmers' Rights, interestingly ,lists and describes the cases of turmeric (India),Also possible under US law
  14. Or functions from one of these to another. The truth of a sentence, and more, interestingly , its logical relation to other sentences, is then evaluated relative to a model
  15. Men, consistent condom use drops in that same sector. Female use of condoms, interestingly , was not similarly affected. In the African continent, condom promotion in some
  16. The Book of Job, we see son of man used a total of three times (all of which, interestingly ,enough, fall within poetry): Job 16:18-21 :18 :19 :20 :21 :22 :18" Earth
  17. In doing, it. " *"If you're willing to fail interestingly , you tend to succeed, interestingly , " *"That's what happens in plays, yes? The shit hits the fan. " *"Creativity
  18. On lunar maps (Conrad and Bean did not formally name their landing site, interestingly ,enough, though the intended touchdown point was nicknamed Pete's Parking Lot
  19. With the basic CPU the system could also include a floating-point unit, or, interestingly , a fixed-point decimal option with three 6-bit decimals per word. It had 11 I/O
  20. By Mendelssohn's endeavor to speak out a vague, an almost nugatory Content as, interestingly ,and spiritedly as possible. This was the start of a movement to downgrade
  21. Meta-IV" ) is used to define major portions of PL/1 (as given in EMMA 74 -, interestingly ,a" formal standards document written as an abstract interpreter" ) in BASIC
  22. Artists by profession include Mister Miracle, Ms. Liberty and The Escapist (, interestingly , Mister Miracle and The Escapist were both based on escape artist-turned-comic
  23. For that round. Although the dices are the same the game on every board differs, interestingly , where the case of one team member winning and the other one losing is very
  24. A combination of ingredients made from soybeans, wheat,salt, and caramel, is, interestingly , milder compared to its other Asian counterparts—possibly an adaptation to the
  25. Right-handers, which gave them advantage over most opponents and produced an, interestingly ,unorthodox combination. The night before the minus, the gladiators were given a
  26. You sign with love and kisses later come back signed 'Insufficient Funds' ' -, interestingly , this line seems to echo part of Martin Luther King Jr. is 'I Have a Dream '
  27. Mind the tongues of fire. In modern times, this practice has been revived, and, interestingly , adapted as well, to include the strewing of origami doves from above, or
  28. Made to date. Godzilla was portrayed by stunt actor Shinji Sakai. There are, interestingly , no major female characters in the movie, making this the only Godzilla film
  29. Stanzas had full command of several foreign languages and was, interestingly , known, for his aphorisms, to the point that a booklet of his most famous ones
  30. It is the notion of" mutually exclusive and exhaustive" classes. More, interestingly , an axiomatic system need not include the notion of" contradiction ".
  31. Around 50 to 100 thousand years ago, suggesting regular use from this time;, interestingly , resistance to air pollution started to evolve in human populations at a
  32. Acted improperly by imposing an arbitrary limit of three licenses (although, interestingly ,no complaint was made about the decision to prefer BVI Cable TV's improbable
  33. Of a bricklayer who had raised himself to the status of a gentleman and who, interestingly , owned property adjoining the Curtain theater in Shore ditch. Middleton was just
  34. First processor with super scalar and speculative execution. It was, perhaps, interestingly , introduced at about the same time as Intel's first" in-order" processor
  35. The production was eventually fashioned into an independent feature film which, interestingly , featured Will Shepherd — the Panthers of Richard Schechner's Dionysus in '69
  36. To relinquish some privileges appertaining to a baroness — though, interestingly , the mores of the period did permit upper-class wives to live physically
  37. That the K Foundation's exhibition of money had been done before and more, interestingly ,", leaving Drummond and Catty obliged to pursue other options. The duo
  38. Small Federal District which holds the capital of Brazil; the Green Party, interestingly ,came second to Wilma in Amapá, Amazonas,Pernambuco and in Rio de Janeiro in
  39. A sad replay of the events surrounding the OMR LP/RLGGP split a decade earlier (, interestingly ,Role Gillard, who had rejoined the OMR LP upon the RLGGP's demise, also took
  40. He believed that his mother had married below her class status. Rather, interestingly , Lydia Lawrence wasn't born into the middle-class. This personal family
  41. Of consciousness there's no point in doing it. " *"If you're willing to fail, interestingly , you tend to succeed interestingly . " *"That's what happens in plays, yes? The
  42. One day he found one of his purest crystals nevertheless worked well, and, interestingly , it had a clearly visible crack near the middle. However, as he moved about the
  43. Since then, Italo-Slovene relations can be characterized as excellent. Although, interestingly ,there does not appear to be any scheduled flights between the two countries and
  44. From that of the individual humans in that bureaucracy); but perhaps more, interestingly , emergent behavior can also arise from more decentralized organizational
  45. Was accosted at the streets of Taipei. They have a son and daughter. Li is, interestingly ,known for generally appearing in public wearing a Fred Rogers-like cardigan
  46. Lewis who landed 195 punches to Evander Holyfield's 137 punches, although, interestingly , Lewis landed 119 power shots and 76 jabs, showing a definite shift in his
  47. Julius Caesar, Augustus,Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Constantine,and also, interestingly ,Alexander the Great. This was a satiric attack upon the recent Constantine
  48. Opened by the Duke during a rescheduled visit on 21 October 2009. Perhaps, interestingly , the land on which the Engine House stands was previously owned by the SVR
  49. Deviates than almost any LCG. A common Presence twister implementation, interestingly ,enough, uses an LCG to generate seed data. A Linear Feedback Shift Register
  50. In practice by Joe Manner and his students (whose atonal inclinations, interestingly ,typically avoid any reference to just intonation whatsoever). Other equal

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