Examples of the the word, genocide , in a Sentence Context

The word ( genocide ), is the 6696 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Against the civilians of Canaan - men, women and children - that amounts to, genocide , " In doing this he is carrying out harm as commanded by Yahweh in Deuteronomy
  2. Of which began with the conquests of Joshua.; The enemy - ethnic cleansing and, genocide ,Joshua" carries out a systematic campaign against the civilians of Canaan -
  3. Not serving black interests. They note his lack of action during the Rwanda, genocide ,and his welfare reform which some claim led to the worst child poverty since
  4. Of the Armenian Genocide. Countries that officially recognize the Armenian, genocide ,include Argentina, Armenia,Austria, Belgium,Canada, Chile,Cyprus, France
  5. History. Tens of millions were killed in wars between nation-states as well as, genocide ,perpetrated by nation states against political opponents (both perceived and
  6. As Artaxerxes II). The Book of Esther tells a story of palace intrigue and, genocide ,thwarted by a Jewish queen of Persia. Plot summary Chasers, ruler of a
  7. Villages. One single most prominent example is the Srebrenica Massacre, ruled, genocide , by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. An estimated
  8. After Hitler's fall from power, and particularly after the extent of the Nazi, genocide ,of Jews became known, the term" antisemitism" acquired pejorative
  9. An international war crimes commission to investigate alleged torture and, genocide ,by the USA in South Vietnam. The following month, he protested to Alexei
  10. The international law, but that these acts did not, in themselves, constitute, genocide , The Court further decided that, following Montenegro's declaration of
  11. By the Clinton administration as greatly exaggerated. A U. N. Court ruled, genocide ,did not take place, but recognized," a systematic campaign of terror
  12. Warlord who is responsible for the slaying of Conan's parents and the, genocide ,of his people. Later, Thulsa Doom becomes a cult leader of a shamanism religion
  13. Refugees seeking to be admitted to Palestine following Nazi oppression and, genocide ,in the Second World War. Rather than deal with the issue, Britain announced in
  14. He saw fit and transmit to the Auschwitz Camp Commander. Selection process and, genocide ,By July 1942,the SS were conducting the infamous" selections," in which
  15. See also Armenian Genocide, Greek genocide ) who were the subjects of the, genocide ,that marked the end of the Ottoman Empire. For Aramaic-speaking Jews,1950 is a
  16. And Second Congo Wars By 1996,tensions from the neighboring Rwanda war and, genocide ,had spilled over to Zaire. Rwandan Hutu militia forces (Interchange),who had
  17. Increased; the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has warned that a, genocide ,like that in Darfur may yet occur in Chad. In 2006 and in 2008 rebel forces
  18. Command and control Due to its large size and key role in the Nazi, genocide ,program, the Auschwitz Concentration Camp encompassed personnel from several
  19. Were killed at Casanova and that between and Serbs were victims of the entire, genocide ,campaign. A resistance movement soon emerged and in June 1941 the 1st Sisal
  20. R. J. Rommel as" the murder of any person or people by a government, including, genocide , politicize, and mass murder. " Rommel created the term as an extended concept
  21. The Jews" control all the world's governments, and that" the Jews" plan, genocide ,on all the Arabs in the West Bank. Others write less sensational stories, and
  22. Of overseeing the slaughter of 8,000 Muslim men and boys and for war other, genocide ,charges. The judges ruled that the criteria for genocide with the specific
  23. Groups living in eastern Turkey in general (see also Armenian Genocide, Greek, genocide , ) who were the subjects of the genocide that marked the end of the Ottoman
  24. The Ethiopian Red Terror of the late 1970s and who was later convicted of, genocide ,and crimes against humanity. Castro backed Dentist Hail Mariam even when the
  25. As well as Croatia. The Bosnian government charged Serbia of complicity in, genocide ,in Bosnia during the war at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ
  26. Third ". The first part of this program began during WWII with a planned, genocide ,in Casanova and other locations in the NDH The main targets for persecution
  27. Movement wound up being involved in the betrayal of Far Eastern nations, in a, genocide ,and in the suffering today imposed on 30 million people there. Do those
  28. During the electoral campaigns, but after being elected, has not used the word, genocide ,in his first annual April 24 speech in 2009. Disputes
  29. And destruction and that tempts or commands humanity into committing mayhem and, genocide , These writings refer to the Biblical God variously as" a demiurges "," an
  30. The Ottoman Empire). During World War I, the Armenian Genocide, the Greek, genocide ,(especially in Pontus),and the Assyrian Genocide almost entirely removed the
  31. Time. Such scholars purport that passages in scripture related to slavery, war, genocide , female marginalization, and sex between men may not necessarily be about God
  32. Or RSHA, which was a key SS organization involved in the, genocide ,program. Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler was known to issue orders to the camp
  33. Has been joined by many nations, in demanding recognition of the Armenian, genocide , Countries that officially recognize the Armenian Genocide include Argentina
  34. Effort to have the 1930s famine, the Holodomor, recognized as an act of, genocide ,against the Ukrainian people are in fact historical revisionism. According to
  35. Forms of government murder that are not covered by the legal definition of, genocide , and it has become accepted among other scholars. Rommel presents his
  36. Maltreatments ". The term" ethnic cleansing" was used as an alternative to ", genocide ," to denote not just ethnically motivated murder but also displacement, though
  37. Boys and for war other genocide charges. The judges ruled that the criteria for, genocide ,with the specific intent (dolls specialist) to destroy Bosnian Muslims were
  38. Decide is the murder of any person or people by a government, including, genocide , politicize, and mass murder. Decide is not necessarily the elimination of
  39. To be international, though exonerating Serbia of direct responsibility for the, genocide ,committed by Serb forces of Republika Srpska. The ICJ concluded, however,that
  40. Of Republika Srpska. The ICJ concluded, however,that Serbia failed to prevent, genocide ,committed by Serb forces and failed to punish those who carried out the
  41. Culture. Ethical commitments in anthropology include noticing and documenting, genocide , infanticide, racism,mutilation including circumcision and subincision, and
  42. Minions and to justify their actions among their people. Rothko pf then cites, genocide ,and. " The most important way to deal with cultural influence in any nation
  43. And existence has led to numerous ideologies and historical events such as, genocide , On this basis, he argues that ethics must focus on 'dialectically integrating
  44. Today Serbia) before the International Court of Justice for aggression and, genocide ,during the Bosnian War which was dismissed and Serbia was found innocent.
  45. Camp, spending 945 days there, not only actively gathering evidence of, genocide ,and supplying it to the British in London by Polish resistance movement
  46. Committed by Serb forces and failed to punish those who carried out the, genocide , especially general Ratio Magic, and bring them to justice. Ratio Magic was
  47. A sacrifice in place of Samuel (1 Samuel 13:8-14),and he fails to carry out, genocide ,as God has ordered (1 Samuel 15). The Deuteronomist's negative view of Saul
  48. A chemical warfare plant) had been destroyed. To stop the ethnic cleansing and, genocide ,of Albanians by nationalist Serbians in the former Federal Republic of
  49. Intelligences, aliens,variable physics, space battles, love,betrayal, genocide , and a conversation medium resembling Usenet. A Fire Upon the Deep won the Hugo
  50. An Apache helicopter crash. Opinions in the popular press criticized pre-war, genocide ,statements by the Clinton administration as greatly exaggerated. A U. N. Court

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