Examples of the the word, furnish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( furnish ), is the 5252 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Impose a congestion charge, the decision of some diplomatic missions not to, furnish ,payment has proved controversial. In London, embassies have amassed
  2. To disparage the things of the spirit. In fact, to pursue science rightly is to, furnish ,the framework on which the spirit may rise. " *" The camera hound of the
  3. Residence rights in a family dispute, a court counselor will be required to, furnish ,a report to the court on merits of the proposed agreement. Parties to a private
  4. Their fleets into the Aegean, and Sparta's other allies were also slow to, furnish ,troops or ships. The Ionian states that rebelled expected protection, and many
  5. In Cuba. Hearst, when informed by Frederic Remington, whom he had hired to, furnish ,illustrations for his newspaper, that conditions in Cuba were not bad enough to
  6. Techniques for partial differential equations. Furthermore, vector spaces, furnish ,an abstract, coordinate-free way of dealing with geometrical and physical
  7. General Montgomery C. Meigs," General Mags will please, furnish ,better mules; those you have furnish ed recently are very inferior. " On March
  8. With few exceptions. His refusal to listen or answer does not by itself, furnish ,such grounds. As long as the police do not convey a message that compliance
  9. And where such series of transactions take place within a month; (b) to, furnish ,information of transactions referred to in clause (a) to the Director within
  10. Him sufficient money to register for classes, purchase texts, and procure and, furnish ,a dormitory. Allan did send additional money and clothes, but Poe's debts
  11. Refusing all duties, considering that they have furnish ed and are inclined to, furnish , elements conducive to international revolution which would be destructive to
  12. No war. " Hearst responded" Please remain. You furnish the pictures, and I'll, furnish ,the war. " Historians now believe that no such telegrams ever were sent. But
  13. That he be allowed to keep Naples (in Italy). He was, moreover,prepared to, furnish ,money to help expel Philip V from Spain. The Allies, however,imposed more
  14. In Cuba were not bad enough to warrant hostilities, Hearst responded:" You, furnish ,the pictures, and I'll furnish the war. " This new" yellow journalism" was
  15. In Cuba and" There will be no war. " Hearst responded" Please remain. You, furnish ,the pictures, and I'll furnish the war. " Historians now believe that no such
  16. Of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high appellation if the laws, furnish ,no remedy for the violation of a vested legal right. " One of the key legal
  17. A New Yorker named John Kennedy wrote to the U. S. Army in 1862,offering to, furnish ,discs for all officers and men in the Federal Army, enclosing a design for the
  18. In Cuba were not bad enough to warrant hostilities, allegedly replied," You, furnish ,the pictures, and I'll furnish the war. " McKinley, Speaker of the House Thomas
  19. Because requires the Secretary the power to" evaluate the proposal and, furnish ,a recommendation to the Secretary of State which shall be binding on the
  20. Of tickets to be distributed in your County. Any assistance and advice you can, furnish ,him with, as to suitable districts & characters, will I am sure be rendered. "
  21. Troops. Governor Thomas S. Drew issued a proclamation calling on the state to, furnish ,one regiment of cavalry and one battalion of infantry to join the United States
  22. Cut in marble on the walls of this temple. The ruins of Ankara still, furnish ,today valuable bas-reliefs, inscriptions and other architectural fragments.
  23. Is a landform where a part of a body of water is protected and deep enough to, furnish ,anchorage. Many such harbors are bias. Natural harbors have long been of great
  24. For most of the Middle Ages, demanding that the freemen should build, man and, furnish ,ships for war if demanded by the king—ships with at least 20 or 25 oar-pairs (
  25. More thought than admits of expression in a concept determined by words. They, furnish ,an aesthetic idea, which serves the above rational idea as a substitute for
  26. To make still clearer the meaning and origin of the word; and section V will, furnish ,a more detailed explanation of the formation of the Breviary. History Early
  27. Of their translation of Altars work, C. F. Buckingham and G. W. B. Hunting ford, furnish ,evidence that points to Altars death in Rome, and admit that he may have died
  28. Was successful and Jenner wrote," I don’t imagine the annals of history, furnish ,an example of philanthropy so noble, so extensive as this. ” Jenner's
  29. Of Maialen museum. The farmhouse was listed in 1983. Efforts to restore and, furnish ,the houses as they were during the time of her occupancy were begun in 1997.
  30. Had entered into a pooling agreement with Britain's Trade wind Airways to, furnish ,charter cargo service between that country and Khartoum under a subsidiary
  31. To receive a certain indulgence, so that Pope Alexander VI was able to, furnish ,Cesare with funds for his enterprise. In the north the pendulum swung back
  32. Are not merely accompanying works, but rather seem to critically revise, or, furnish , commentary on, certain spiritual or moral aspects of the text. Because the
  33. To warrant hostilities, allegedly replied," You furnish the pictures, and I'll, furnish ,the war. " McKinley, Speaker of the House Thomas Bracket Reed, and the
  34. Panics. Other purposes are stated in the Federal Reserve Act, such as" to, furnish ,an elastic currency, to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, too
  35. And other federal property. Rather than, furnish ,troops and access for an attack on their fellow southern states, Virginia
  36. One night, which may be regarded as a symbolical history of Israel, intended to, furnish ,consolation to the returned exiles and stir up hope in their minds. The
  37. Muslims: *"monuments are useful historical evidence for chronologies;" *"they, furnish ,evidence for Holy Scriptures, since the Qur'and mentions them and their people;
  38. Into production. However, by 1951,he got funding from the Goethe AG company to, furnish ,the new Technical Development Center in his private house in Linda on Lake
  39. On geology and its concept of uniformitarianism, and his efforts instead to, furnish ,an alternative empirical explanation of observable phenomena which was
  40. Before the arrival of Persian, Le Cor busier relied on ready-made furniture to, furnish ,his projects, such as the simple pieces manufactured by Tho net, the company
  41. Lloyd–La Follette Act of 1912. It guaranteed the right of federal employees to, furnish ,information to the United States Congress. The first US environmental law to
  42. Construction based on the fact that trope is recorded as a verb, meaning " to, furnish ,with tropes" ) states, however,that Hugo Brandt Corsairs, in his book
  43. Brought National League baseball back to New York. It was demolished in 2009 to, furnish ,additional parking for the adjacent Citi Field, the current home of the Mets.
  44. To warrant hostilities, Hearst responded:" You furnish the pictures, and I'll, furnish ,the war. " This new" yellow journalism" was, however,uncommon outside New
  45. The 1979 Constitution. Accordingly, it is the duty of the Islamic government to, furnish ,all citizens with equal and appropriate opportunities, to provide them with
  46. As we marched through the country of our Allies, commissars were appointed to, furnish ,us with all manner of necessaries for man and horse … the soldiers had nothing
  47. Men to attempt the destruction of the mortal body in order that he might, furnish ,the proof of immortal life. Nothing could kill this Life of man. Jesus could
  48. Contends that these attributes were deliberately but subtly used by Lewis to, furnish ,elements of the stories of each book: In The Lion the Defense children become
  49. And a Challenger 601 for domestic trips. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police also, furnish ,constant personal security for the prime minister and his or her family. All of
  50. Protection, and many rejoined the Athenian side. The Persians were slow to, furnish ,promised funds and ships, frustrating battle plans. Perhaps most importantly

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