Examples of the the word, friendship , in a Sentence Context

The word ( friendship ), is the 3819 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Novel.: * Sword of State (1999) by Nigel Granter. The novel depicts the, friendship ,between Alexander II and Patrick II, Earl of Dunbar. " Their friendship
  2. Made explicit. Turing's hopes and ambitions at school were raised by the close, friendship ,he developed with a slightly older fellow student, Christopher Moscow, who was
  3. Pleased her because he said" man" instead of" woman. " Rand also developed a, friendship ,with libertarian writer Isabel Paterson. Rand questioned the well-informed
  4. Class structure which seemed to conflict with his promotion of Anglo-American, friendship , On the matter of American annexation, Carnegie had always thought it is an
  5. Of fourteen appointed chairmen have been accused of political affiliation or, friendship , include Richard Downing and Ken Mayer (both of whom publicly endorsed the
  6. Used to denote a feeling or type of love, amounting to more than goodwill or, friendship , Writers on ethics generally use the word to refer to distinct states of
  7. To mix with others outside the parsonage, but relied upon each other for, friendship ,and companionship. The bleak moors surrounding Hayworth became their playground.
  8. Between 100,000 and 300,000. As a pactum et focus militia (" pact and, friendship ,treaty" ), adding that the treaty was put down on paper. By the conditions
  9. Rabbi Judah was very wealthy and greatly revered in Rome. He had a close, friendship ,with" Antoninus ", possibly Antoninus Pius, who would consult Rabbi Judah on
  10. The friendship between Alexander II and Patrick II, Earl of Dunbar. " Their, friendship ,withstands treachery, danger and rivalry ". Ancestry Notes Not to be confused
  11. A genial character and this has been interpreted as evidence of Plato's own, friendship ,with him (their friendship appears to be corroborated by an epitaph for
  12. In a lecture at Cambridge University on July 8,2010,Giacometti, who had a, friendship ,with author/playwright Samuel Beckett, created a tree for the set of a 1961
  13. John von Neumann and Kurt Gödel). At the institute he soon struck up a close, friendship ,with Gödel. Einstein and Gödel would take long walks together discussing their
  14. Age, James Leo Healthy, and Lawrence Darrell. Her passionate love affair and, friendship ,with Miller strongly influenced her both as a woman and an author. NIN wrote
  15. Wollstonecraft advises her readers to" calmly let passion subside into, friendship ," in the ideal companion ate marriage (that is, in the ideal of a love-based
  16. Also entered into a league with Jason of Pherae, and assiduously cultivated the, friendship ,of Athens. In 371 BC at a Panhellenic congress of the Lacedaemonian allies, he
  17. Beckett briefly feuded with Gilbert in 1869,but the two patched up the, friendship , and Gilbert even later collaborated on projects with Beckett's brother. Works
  18. When Hallowell moved to Paris in 1893,she and Rodin continued their warm, friendship ,and correspondence, which lasted to the end of the sculptor's life. After
  19. Postgraduate studies. In Munich, and continuing in Berlin, Speer began a close, friendship , ultimately spanning over 50 years, with Rudolf Walters, who also studied under
  20. The men, including the ever-cautious Billy, bet on the burly Moses, Jim,out of, friendship , bets heavily on Joe. The match is manifestly unfair; Moses not only wins but
  21. Fact, inviting people to have dinner at home is usually viewed as a symbol of, friendship , warmth and integration. Furthermore, Sunday family reunions are generally an
  22. In 1929 and the fourth congress in Athens in 1933,where he established a close, friendship ,with László Moholy-Nagy, Sigfried Gideon and Philip Morton Hand. It was
  23. Food, lighting fires, etc., at the grave, at first, maybe,as an act of, friendship ,or filial piety, later as an act of ancestor worship. The simple offering of
  24. For the devout Saxon king. According to Asset because of Pope Marines ’, friendship ,with King Alfred the pope granted an exemption to any Anglo-Saxons residing
  25. Most zealous patron. Between the younger son, Giuseppe Falter, and the artist a, friendship ,commenced which terminated only with life. The senator Falter was induced to
  26. Of the teaching diploma course. Over the next few years, Einstein and Marić's, friendship ,developed into romance, and they read books together on extracurricular
  27. In the Iliad, it appears to be generally portrayed as a model of deep and loyal, friendship , but commentators from the classical period to today have tended to interpret
  28. Circumstances checked their passion ”. According to Wollstonecraft,“ love and, friendship ,cannot subsist in the same bosom ". If women are not interested in sexuality
  29. From his previous charges. As he becomes the new staff cook, to prove his, friendship ,he secures two pounds of sugar for Bauer and half a pound of butter for Jaden
  30. Poems so that Jackson could read them before his death. De Militia (about, friendship ,) In 1942 Laurence Housman also deposited an essay entitled" A. E. Housman's
  31. Of Prussia. In foreign policy, Abdülaziz turned to the Russian Empire for, friendship , as turmoil in the Balkan provinces continued. In 1875,the Herzegovinian
  32. And Napoleon, anxious to checkmate one another in the East. Preferring the, friendship ,of France, Abbas Mira continued the war against Russia's General Kotlyarevsky
  33. With Angola) in particular. Sub-Saharan Africa Cape Verde signed a, friendship ,accord with Angola in December 1975,shortly after Angola gained its
  34. Harmony, Inc. is smaller than its counterpart, but has an atmosphere of, friendship ,and competition. With about 2,500 members in the United States and Canada
  35. He offered Larger and other members of the Hell's Angels LSD as a gesture of, friendship ,and goodwill. In the end, Barger and the other Hell's Angels that were present
  36. At the 102nd Military Base. In 1997,the two countries signed a far-reaching, friendship ,treaty, which calls for mutual assistance in the event of a military threat to
  37. And the downfall of the Antacid dynasty, and does not appear to have sought the, friendship ,of Hardship, founder of the Sassanian dynasty, although Samuel of Regarded
  38. S and Giro's relationship, but no evidence to indicate anything beyond, friendship ,and professional collaboration. Although Vivaldi's relationship with Anna Giro
  39. Figure. He mourns the deaths of both Marietta, with whom he enjoyed a close, friendship , and the Buddha. A verse of the Theravada
  40. Instead says," The said States hereby severally enter into a firm league of, friendship ,with each other, for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and
  41. Says with a sense of relief that it is good to be there. To set a seal on the, friendship ,between the two men, they go for a swim together. This contact with the ocean
  42. Should" cease to exist ". Walters did not destroy the Chronicle, and,as his, friendship ,with Speer deteriorated, allowed access to the original Chronicle to doctoral
  43. Which he cast eventually for Charles. Albert's large and liberal ideas, his, friendship , with Ulrich von Hutton, and his political ambitions, appear to have raised
  44. To disagree more about the direction the band should take, and their artistic, friendship ,ended. In 1989,after Warhol's death, Reed and John Cal ere-united for the
  45. Has been interpreted as evidence of Plato's own friendship with him (their, friendship ,appears to be corroborated by an epitaph for Aristophanes, reputedly written by
  46. Lathers After a failed siege against Gaza, Jannaeus struck a phony league of, friendship ,with the Egyptian co-ruler Ptolemy Lathers. In reality Antaeus sought the
  47. Impressed, agreed to teach Schweitzer without fee, and a great and influential, friendship ,was begun. From 1893 he studied Protestant theology at the Kaiser Wilhelm
  48. Respected by the Gentiles as well as by the Jews of Babylonia is proved by the, friendship ,which existed between him and the last Parthia king, Artaban (Avowal Sarah
  49. And were forced to make trade concessions. The Dutch Republic signed a, friendship ,and trade agreement with the United States in 1782,and was the second country
  50. Is presented as the friend of the comic poet Aristophanes, but this alleged, friendship ,did not prevent Aristophanes from harshly criticizing Marathon in at least two

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