Examples of the the word, defect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( defect ), is the 3822 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By up to 85 %. Another form of carbon nanotube defect is the Stone Wales, defect , which creates a pentagon and heptagon pair by rearrangement of the bonds.
  2. Lean muscle growth, due primarily to hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy. The, defect ,in the breed's myostatin gene is maintained through linebreeding. This
  3. False — this is not a sufficient condition for constructability. However, this, defect , can be remedied by considering the normal closure of Q (z)/Q. The
  4. Properties The number of vertices is 720° divided by the vertex angle, defect , The cuboctahedron and icosidodecahedron are edge-uniform and are called
  5. Of contract. Thus, only the immediate purchaser could recover for a product, defect , and if a part was built up out of parts from parts manufacturers, the ultimate
  6. Paper is apt: if a half a piece of paper is inserted in a stack of paper,the, defect ,in the stack is only noticeable at the edge of the half sheet. The screw
  7. In the structure of the heart which are present at birth.; Atrial septal, defect ,: Defect in the interatrial septum that permits blood flow between atria
  8. Baseness sometimes carry a simple recessive gene which, when homozygous for the, defect , causes genetic Hemolytic Anemia. Most 21st-century baseness are descended from
  9. Trichromacy. Is the lack of ability to distinguish colors; caused by cone, defect ,or absence. Monochrome occurs when two or all three of the cone pigments are
  10. Had a slight impediment in his speech, not serious enough to be considered as a, defect ,but sufficient to render him incapable of ready eloquence. He was far better in
  11. Arteriosus to close on birth.; Patent foramen oval (PFO): An atrial septal, defect ,in that the foramen oval fails to close at birth.; Persistent trucks
  12. C in air. Defects As with any material, the existence of a crystallographic, defect ,affects the material properties. Defects can occur in the form of atomic
  13. Time to treat a cut or bruise and equipment managers to repair an equipment, defect , Cycle recalled that before the '88 AFC title game the Buffalo Bills had
  14. Glasses or central visual acuity of more than 20/200 if there is a visual field, defect ,in which the peripheral field is contracted to such an extent that the widest
  15. To the Crown Court in England and Wales. Sometimes, the appellate court finds a, defect ,in the procedure the parties used in filing the appeal and dismisses the appeal
  16. Site nor is the atom on an interstitial site, and it is called a substitutional, defect , The atom is not supposed to be anywhere in the crystal, and is thus an
  17. From six, while the total number of atoms remains the same, a topological, defect ,has formed. An example is the Stone Wales defect in nanotubes, which consists
  18. i. e., in the lower court),it may" modify" the ruling to correct the, defect , or it may nullify (" reverse" or" vacate" ) the whole decision or any part
  19. Occurred fits a legal definition at issue). If the appellate court finds no, defect , it" affirms" the judgment. If the appellate court does find a legal defect
  20. Cases result from an action on the part of a business or a particular product, defect ,or policy that applied to all proposed class members in a typical manner. After
  21. Government declined to introduce amending legislation to make good the, defect ,in the 'two year rule '. Building societies, like mutual life insurers, arose
  22. A nearby pair of a vacancy and an interstitial is often called a Frankel, defect ,or Frankel pair. This is caused when an ion moves into an interstitial site and
  23. Ferroelectric effect; ferromagnetic; magnon; phonon; spin glass; topological, defect ,; multiferroics ** Types - amorphous solid; granular matter; quasi crystals **
  24. Or" remit" ) to the lower court for further proceedings to remedy the, defect , In some cases, an appellate court may review a lower court decision de Nova (
  25. And the mass of the electrons is negligible for many purposes),and the mass, defect ,is usually very small compared to the mass, the atomic mass of an atom is
  26. e.g. an O atom with only one Si bond (a dangling bond) can be considered a, defect ,in silica. *Complexes can form between different kinds of point defect s. For
  27. The rejection of the results from the Brazil expedition was due to a, defect ,in the telescopes used which, again,was completely accepted and
  28. Both parents carry the gene. When a horse has this disease, there is a collagen, defect ,that results in the layers of skin not being held firmly together. Thus, when
  29. Bengal. This move had the effect of isolating Data and causing more troops to, defect ,to Aurangzeb. Shula, however,uncertain of Aurangzeb's sincerity, continued to
  30. Result is lowered conductivity through the defect ive region of the tube. A, defect ,in armchair-type tubes (which can conduct electricity) can cause the
  31. Regurgitation from the right ventricle into the right atrium. Congenital heart, defect ,Congenital heart defect s are defect s in the structure of the heart which are
  32. And can be seen with normal color vision, but not with a particular color, defect , The full set of tests has a variety of figure/background color combinations
  33. Or a pair of vacancies in an ionic solid) is sometimes called a Scotty, defect , *Interstitial defect s are atoms that occupy a site in the crystal structure at
  34. Exhibits an increase in peripheral T cells, an impaired T cell response, and a, defect ,in neural tube closure. Interestingly, these mice were found to be resistant to
  35. Not walk bipedally. Dogs can stand or move on two legs if trained, or if birth, defect ,or injury precludes quadrupedalism. The garner antelope stands on its hind
  36. Soldiers stood in front of it with orders to shoot anyone who attempted to, defect , Additionally, chain fences, walls,minefields and other obstacles were
  37. Some Afghan troops who had fought for the Communist Government began to, defect , In May 1986 he was replaced as party leader by Mohammad Najibullah. Despite
  38. Color combinations, and enable diagnosis of which particular visual, defect ,is present. The anomaloscope, described above, is also used in diagnosing
  39. The same, a topological defect has formed. An example is the Stone Wales, defect ,in nanotubes, which consists of two adjacent 5-membered and two 7-membered atom
  40. This, together with her personal ambition for a role in government, led her to, defect ,to the ALP in 1997. In the 1998 federal election, the Democrats' candidate
  41. Can lower the tensile strength by up to 85 %. Another form of carbon nanotube, defect ,is the Stone Wales defect , which creates a pentagon and heptagon pair by
  42. Defect, it " affirms" the judgment. If the appellate court does find a legal, defect ,in the decision" below" ( i.e., in the lower court),it may" modify" the
  43. Cava, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, and aorta).; Ventricular septal, defect ,: Defect in the ventricular septum that permits blood flow between ventricles.
  44. The atom is on a site usually occupied by a B atom, and is thus an antis ite, defect , This is neither a vacancy nor an interstitial, nor an impurity. *Topological
  45. Are not extended in space in any dimension. Strict limits for how small a point, defect ,is, are generally not defined explicitly, but typically these defect s involve
  46. Abnormalities: pulmonary stenosis, overriding aorta, ventricular septal, defect , and right ventricular hypertrophy.; Transposition of the great vessels (TGV)
  47. Muscle may be strengthened by a piece of surgical mesh placed over the, defect ,and sutured in place. Perforator techniques such as the DIED (deep inferior
  48. Comprises a structure in which a helical path is traced around the linear, defect ,(dislocation line) by the atomic planes of atoms in the crystal lattice. The
  49. Employed without significant loss of function. It can be moved into the breast, defect ,while still attached to its blood supply under the arm pit (maxilla). A
  50. Manufacturers, the ultimate buyer could not recover for injury caused by a, defect ,in the part. Winterbottom v. Wright,10 M&W 109,152 Eng. Rep. 402,1842 WE

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