Examples of the the word, parks , in a Sentence Context

The word ( parks ), is the 6702 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Business Park of Berlin-Adlershof is among the 15 largest technology, parks ,worldwide. Research and development have high economic significance for the
  2. Venues for boating, swimming,and other forms of recreation within several, parks ,on the lake shores. Austin is located at the intersection of four major
  3. Program of capital improvements and natural restoration in 70 Bronx, parks ,was begun (financed by water and sewer revenues) as part of an agreement that
  4. In Fullerton, California are each named for Frisson, Chaffee and White. The, parks ,are located near a former Hughes Aircraft research and development facility. A
  5. The Bon-Accord Baths which closed down in 2006. Aberdeen has numerous skate, parks ,dotted around the city in Sorry, Westburn Park and Transition Extreme.
  6. Other sports The city council operates public tennis courts in various, parks ,including an indoor tennis center at West burn Park. The Beach Leisure Center is
  7. Played on their grounds and in the early years football was played primarily in, parks , The first football match played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) was
  8. Has been used as the logo of the city for a long time. Parks Ankara has many, parks ,and open spaces mainly established in the early years of the Republic and well
  9. In a modern context. There are 141 ecological Reserves,35 provincial marine, parks , 7 Provincial Heritage Sites,6 National Historic Sites of Canada,4 National
  10. And well maintained and expanded thereafter. The most important of these, parks ,are: Menelik Park (houses an amusement park with a large pond for rowing)
  11. Has never been implemented. In the following centuries, the land was used for, parks , senior citizens' homes, theaters,other public facilities, and waterways
  12. Small neighborhood green spots to large recreation areas. Several large city, parks ,and a university park border sections of the Huron River. Fuller Recreation
  13. On the outskirts of Málaga, and CARTA 93 in Seville. Some of these, parks ,specialize in specific sector, such as Acropolis in aerospace or Geolit in food
  14. Against the protests of the local citizenry and the town board. *Three adjacent, parks ,in Fullerton, California are each named for Frisson, Chaffee and White. The
  15. Environment. British Columbia's provincial parks system is the second largest, parks ,system in Canada (the largest is Canada's National Parks system). Another
  16. Past. Many of these areas have been utilized as playing fields, business, parks , or mixed use land (including the local comprehensive school). A recent
  17. Iowa Sports Foundation Parks and recreation The Ames area has many, parks ,and arboretums spread throughout the town. Government The city of Ames operates
  18. States. * 1843 – Tripoli Gardens, one of the oldest still intact amusement, parks ,in the world, opens in Copenhagen, Denmark. *1863 – The Anglo-Satsuma War
  19. The private sphere, although also promoted by public administration, technology, parks , have been established throughout the Community, such as the Technological Park
  20. Many cafés and restaurants as well as discotheques, cinemas,museums, amusement, parks , and various other entertainment venues. Each year, the town hosts several
  21. A joint public-private endeavor of the city's, parks ,department. Canoeing and kayaking on the borough's namesake river have been
  22. Is used by traffic infrastructure. Sporting and recreation grounds and, parks ,comprise 1 % (152.7 hectares),other areas 1.1 % (163.9 hectares). Adjacent
  23. And Park Association. Home to more than 50 public swimming pools, Austin has, parks ,and pools throughout the city. There are several well-known swimming locations.
  24. Conventions. RENA consists of 150 protected spaces, consisting of two national, parks , 24 natural parks ,21 Peruvian parks (on the fringes of cities or towns),32
  25. Over 800 distinct areas. British Columbia contains seven of Canada's national, parks ,: *Wait Havanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site British Columbia
  26. A grassroots effort to create swimming pools at two high schools and two city, parks ,would continue into the early 1960s. When the railroad came to town in the
  27. Named Wellington – in the southern suburbs, into one of the largest landscaped, parks ,in Europe, to be named the Hellenic Metropolitan Park. Many of the southern
  28. A stem (scale). Many species of Amaryllidoideae are popular as ornamentals in, parks ,and gardens. A special mention should be made of Narcissus (daffodils and
  29. Run by BC Parks of the Ministry of Environment. British Columbia's provincial, parks ,system is the second largest parks system in Canada (the largest is Canada's
  30. And is open 365 days per year. Smaller zoos exist within public gardens or, parks , such as the zoo within the National Garden of Athens. Demographics The
  31. Run by the council include: clearing snow in winter, city wardens, maintaining, parks , refuse collection, sewage,street cleaning and street lighting. Infrastructure
  32. Of. Ann Arbor's" Tree Town" nickname stems from the dense forestation of its, parks ,and residential areas. The city contains more than 50,000 trees along its
  33. Seasonal climate. Around one third of the city's area is composed of forests, parks , gardens, rivers and lakes. First documented in the 13th century, Berlin was
  34. Consists of 150 protected spaces, consisting of two national parks ,24 natural, parks , 21 Peruvian parks (on the fringes of cities or towns),32 natural sites
  35. Spaces, consisting of two national parks ,24 natural parks ,21 Peruvian, parks ,(on the fringes of cities or towns),32 natural sites, two protected
  36. A panoramic view overlooking the city. El Palmer Park is one of favorite, parks ,of Alicante. It includes walking trails,children's playgrounds, ponds and
  37. Heritage Site British Columbia also contains a large network of provincial, parks , run by BC Parks of the Ministry of Environment. British Columbia's provincial
  38. And efficiency of railway trains. Around the world, a number of amusement, parks ,were constructed with inter-war art-deco architecture, of which surviving
  39. City contains more than 50,000 trees along its streets and an equal number in, parks , In recent years, the emerald ash borer has destroyed many of the city's
  40. In the years after the Second World War. These suburbs contained many public, parks ,and wide, open spaces, and the new buildings provided improved housing
  41. Of the city's approximately 10,500 ash trees. The city contains 157 municipal, parks ,ranging from small neighborhood green spots to large recreation areas. Several
  42. Destinations Ban ff National Park and Jasper National Park. The two mountain, parks ,are connected by the scenic Ice fields Parkway. Ban ff is located west of Calgary
  43. Jerome Park Reservoir, surrounded by of stone walls and bordering several small, parks ,in the Bedford Park neighborhood. The reservoir was built in the 1890s on the
  44. A renowned venue on the Caitlin' circuit. Public art and performances in the, parks ,and on bridges are popular. Austin hosts the Fuse Box Festival each April
  45. Of the Alaska Panhandle. Parks and protected areas There are 14 designations of, parks ,and protected areas in the province that reflects the different administration
  46. Bronx Zoo, the largest urban zoological gardens in the U. S. The land for these, parks , and many others, was bought by New York City in 1888,while land was still
  47. Atlanta undertook several major construction projects to improve the city's, parks , sports facilities, and transportation. Atlanta became the third American city
  48. Square, reached completion in late September/early October 2009. Major retail, parks ,away from the city center include the Berry den Retail Park, the Kittybrewster
  49. Of Phillip (1949–1993),the suburb of Phillip in Canberra, and many streets, parks ,and schools. Percival Serve wrote of Phillip in his Dictionary of Australian
  50. Government as public lands, including a multitude of national forests, national, parks , and national wildlife refuges. Of these, the Bureau of Land Management manages

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