Examples of the the word, ensemble , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ensemble ), is the 6701 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1947 to 1957. They usually included a degree of social comment, and featured, ensemble ,casts which often included Alec Guinness or Stanley Holloway. Among the most
  2. Then playing in unison with other like instruments—is referred to as a chamber, ensemble , A chamber ensemble made up entirely of strings of the violin family is
  3. With other like instruments—is referred to as a chamber ensemble . A chamber, ensemble ,made up entirely of strings of the violin family is referred to by its size. A
  4. Dismay Elena, Johann Friedrich Fa sch and Telemann wrote demanding solo and, ensemble ,music for the instrument. Antonio Vivaldi brought the bassoon to prominence by
  5. Of ammonia wherein one hydrogen atom has been replaced by an acyl group. The, ensemble ,is generally represented as RC (O)NH2. Closely related and even more numerous
  6. And double basses, and harmonic support along with the French horns. A wind, ensemble ,will usually also include two bassoons and sometimes contra, each with
  7. Collection of universes, something that is now called a multiverse (" world, ensemble ," was Carter's term),in which the parameters (and perhaps the laws of
  8. Exchange trips to Cuba and Japan. During this same period, the Rhythmic, ensemble ,(now Maze Diego) reached thousands of children through San Francisco Symphony
  9. Of the states of a system. It underpins the concept of the canonical, ensemble , providing its underlying distribution. A special case of the Boltzmann
  10. At home or in bars, cafés," cafe tines" and" foregone "; they consist of an, ensemble ,of plates containing cubes of cheese (typically from Mar del Plate or Chub)
  11. Orchestras. This pressed the Classical style inwards: towards seeking greater, ensemble ,and technical challenge—for example, scattering the melody across woodwinds, or
  12. At an inn to create the screenplay for his next movie, Seven Samurai. The, ensemble ,work was Kurosawa's first proper samurai film, the genre for which he would
  13. As The Four Seasons. Many of his compositions were written for the female music, ensemble ,of the Rosedale Della Pietà, a home for abandoned children where Vivaldi worked
  14. Was particularly so for combos in the bebop era. In general, the larger the, ensemble , the greater the need for a formal arrangement, although the early Count Basie
  15. Participatory universe and Participatory Anthropic Principle (PAP). *" An, ensemble ,of other different universes is necessary for the existence of our Universe. "
  16. Mills. The city is also home to the Ballet East Dance Company, a modern dance, ensemble , and the Tapestry Dance Company which performs a variety of dance genres. The
  17. To its square root. His argument is based on a conceptual switch from the ", ensemble ," of Brownian particles to the" single" Brownian particle: we can speak of
  18. On UNESCO World Heritage List as" an outstanding urban and architectural, ensemble ,". Bordeaux is home to one of Europe's biggest 18th century architectural
  19. Unclear what is melody and what is harmony. This changes the way the, ensemble ,works its way between dramatic moments of transition and climactic sections:
  20. And The Cherry Orchard. These four works present a challenge to the acting, ensemble ,as well as to audiences, because in place of conventional action Chekhov offers
  21. Differs in that it is only adapting music for an orchestra or musical, ensemble ,while arranging" involves adding compositional techniques, such as new
  22. Is his Night music, which he used mostly in slow movements of multi-movement, ensemble ,or orchestral compositions in his mature period. It is characterized by" eerie
  23. Music. Although direct citations of Pamela scales, melodies,rhythms, or, ensemble , textures have not been identified in any of Debussy's compositions, the
  24. Of the series. Guest stars Although Cheers operated largely around that main, ensemble ,cast, guest stars did occasionally supplement them. Notable repeat guests
  25. Performance, giving a further boost to the string quartet and other small, ensemble ,groupings. It was during this decade that public taste began, increasingly, too
  26. Least partially of students from the nearby St. Olaf campus. The success of the, ensemble ,was emulated by other regional conductors, and a rich tradition of a cappella
  27. Is set during the First Crusade, and it features a dramatic mix of ballet, aria, ensemble , and choral writing combining theatricality, scenic splendor and high
  28. Oboes and bassoons along with the strings in the 16-piece (later 21-piece), ensemble , as one of the first orchestras to include the newly invented double reeds.
  29. The bassoon is infrequently used as a jazz instrument and rarely seen in a jazz, ensemble , It first began appearing in the 1920s,including specific calls for its use in
  30. Period, a British clarinetist named Hacker Bilk became popular, founding his own, ensemble ,in 1956. Bilk had a string of successful records, including the popular "
  31. 18 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time. Cast Cheers maintained an, ensemble ,cast, keeping roughly the same set of characters for the entire run, with one
  32. States (minima) are separated by a peak (maximum). In physics, for an, ensemble ,of particles, the bistability comes from the fact that its free energy has
  33. Art Theatre in 1898. Stanislavski's attention to psychological realism and, ensemble ,playing coaxed the buried subtleties from the text and restored Chekhov's
  34. Used clarinet in bebop and free jazz. The clarinet's place in the jazz, ensemble ,was usurped by the saxophone, which projects a more powerful sound and uses a
  35. So favored by late-romanticism, Debussy wrote this piece for a smaller, ensemble , emphasizing instrumental color and timbre. Despite Mallarme himself, and
  36. Later, two clarinets would be added to form an octet. The Harmonic was an, ensemble ,maintained by German and Austrian noblemen for private music-making, and was a
  37. And supervising the show's production. Which most credit, along with the, ensemble ,cast and other production factors, for the show's success. Awards Over its
  38. To foster conservatory study of the balalaika, from which highly skilled, ensemble ,groups such as the Asimov State Balalaika Orchestra emerged. Balalaika virtuoso
  39. Use of the bassoon during the Classical era was in the Harmonic, a chamber, ensemble ,consisting of pairs of oboes, horns and bassoons; later, two clarinets would be
  40. Created human. Others Esoteric Christianity is a term which refers to an, ensemble ,of spiritual currents which regard Christianity as a mystery religion, and
  41. For the existence of our Universe. " By contrast, Carter merely says that an, ensemble ,of universes is necessary for the SAP to count as an explanation. Modified
  42. Structure of the active site of the enzyme, which consists of an Fe7MoS9, ensemble , Ammonia is also a metabolic product of amino acid deamination catalyzed by
  43. Stand while playing, although sitting is also accepted, particularly in large, ensemble ,settings, such as jazz big bands or in acoustic genres such as folk music. Some
  44. S death. This production propelled the career of William Christie and his, ensemble ,Les Arts Florissant. Since the RIS et Dan series company was disbanded circa
  45. c) (3) was established in 1999 as the umbrella for Rhythmic world music, ensemble ,and RCW cultural exchange programs. From 1999-2002,RCW coordinated six
  46. The Electricity Board Folk Music Group" ), who by no means was a folk music, ensemble ,: the name was a punning reference to their electric instruments. The repertoire
  47. Another type of stripped down and raw music with a variety of moods and a basic, ensemble ,of guitar, bass,dobro or steel guitar (and later) drums became popular
  48. Big idea as the postulate that" there is not one universe but a whole infinite, ensemble ,of universes with all possible initial conditions ". If this is granted, the
  49. The State Television Female Vocal Choir is the most famous performing folk, ensemble , and received a Grammy Award in 1990. Bulgarian classical music is represented
  50. On the UNESCO World Heritage List as" an outstanding urban and architectural, ensemble ," of the 18th century. History Between 30,000 and 20,000 years ago the area of

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