Examples of the the word, hedge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hedge ), is the 6698 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. John Chadwick, Documents in Mycenaean Greek second edition (Cambridge 1973) A, hedge ,fund is a private, actively managed investment fund that utilizes sophisticated
  2. To provide live credit prices and enable business-to-business customers to, hedge ,credit exposure instantly via the Internet. ) *ePowerOnline (customer
  3. And gardens. People often surround their house and garden with a hedge . Common, hedge ,plants are privet, hawthorn,beech, yew,Leland cypress, hemlock,arborvitae
  4. When the fund’s net asset value is higher than that of the previous year. Many, hedge ,funds manage billions of dollars from large institutional investors, including
  5. Hedge fund investments were from institutional sources. As of 2009,however, hedge ,funds represented only 1 percent of the total funds and assets held by
  6. And assets held by financial institutions. The estimated size of the global, hedge ,fund industry is US$1.9 trillion. Hedge funds are open to a limited number of
  7. Of a bear market on an investment portfolio. However, in modern times many, hedge ,funds have become aggressively managed and may speculate in volatile assets
  8. Generate returns higher than traditional stock and bond investments. The first, hedge ,fund began in 1949 and was designed solely to neutralize the effects of a bear
  9. Has become the headquarters for many America's largest, hedge ,funds. As of 2011,the income tax rates on Connecticut individuals are divided
  10. Of capital market instruments such as equities, debt issues, funds (including, hedge ,fund structures) and depository receipt programs. The BSX is a full member
  11. University endowments, and foundations. As of 2011.61 percent of worldwide, hedge ,fund investments were from institutional sources. As of 2009,however, hedge
  12. Dispersed before the attack, cascades of social failures can be prevented. One, hedge ,against bridge damage in riverine cities is to subsidize a" tourist ferry "
  13. First element is probably cognate with hedge , which derives from PIE *oaf- ", hedge , enclosure ", and the second perhaps from *choose-" fly about, be smoke
  14. Who know nothing about its business activities. Moreover, traders — especially, hedge ,funds — may turn over shares in corporations many times a day. The issue of
  15. Are a major international financial center. The biggest sectors are" banking, hedge ,fund formation and investment, structured finance and securitization, captive
  16. S company was acquired by Jim Simon's and his Renaissance Technologies Corp, hedge ,fund in 1992,thereafter its investment instruments were either subsumed into (
  17. Described the land area of Diego Garcia as being is dominated by a littoral, hedge ,of Scala toccata while inland Cocos Lucifer (Coconut) was the most
  18. And arbitrage Derivatives can be used to acquire risk, rather than to insure or, hedge ,against risk. Thus, some individuals and institutions will enter into a
  19. Sharing land and gardens. People often surround their house and garden with a, hedge , Common hedge plants are privet, hawthorn,beech, yew,Leland cypress, hemlock
  20. The position in Royal Dutch Shell—which had a DLC structure until 2005—by the, hedge ,fund Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM, see also the discussion below).
  21. Sector, Liquidity,Inflation risks, etc.) It focuses on when and how to, hedge ,using financial instruments; in this sense it overlaps with financial
  22. Because they could not be outflanked and because horses would not charge into a, hedge ,of bayonets. Wellington ordered his artillery crews to take shelter within the
  23. In prices. For example, once inflation has become established, sellers try to, hedge ,against it by increasing prices. This leads to further waves of price increases
  24. Clearings, moorland,and heath margins, sea-cliffs,rocky mountain slopes and, hedge ,banks. It is commonly found on sites where the ground has been disturbed, such
  25. Funding through the provision of credit, although private equity, mutual funds, hedge ,funds, and other organizations have become important as they invest in various
  26. After the 2008 credit crisis were intended to increase government oversight of, hedge ,funds and eliminate any regulatory gaps. History The origin of the first hedge
  27. Regard to how the fund is structured and their strategies executed. However, hedge ,funds must comply with many of the same statutory and regulatory restrictions
  28. By keeping ETF prices in line with their underlying value. * Some types of, hedge ,funds make use of a modified form of arbitrage to profit. Rather than
  29. And sell securities, assets and derivatives with similar characteristics, and, hedge , any significant differences between the two assets. Any difference between the
  30. Economic disruptions. However, some economists do not believe gold serves as a, hedge ,against inflation or currency depreciation. The ISO 4217 currency code of gold
  31. Investment Many holders of gold store it in form of bullion coins or bars as a, hedge ,against inflation or other economic disruptions. However, some economists do
  32. The world, the Cayman Islands have grown to be the world’s leading offshore, hedge ,fund jurisdiction. Starting in the mid-late 1990s,offshore financial centers
  33. Ones. The common term to describe this is" dice have no memory ". Parity, hedge ,system The parity hedge system is a hoax promulgated by Quatrains. Despite the
  34. Allegedly arranged to enable her husband to realize £350,000 from an offshore, hedge ,fund, money he allegedly received as a gift following testimony he had provided
  35. Have been accused of destabilizing various financial markets. Investors in, hedge ,funds typically pay a management fee that goes toward the operational costs of
  36. That falls within these guidelines. Exempli gratia, Berkshire-Hathaway. A, hedge ,fund that is an example of this type of arbitrage is Green ridge Capital, which
  37. Water jokes. In the 17th century, knot gardens became popular along with the, hedge ,mazes. By this time, Europeans started planting new flowers such as tulips
  38. Profile. Derivatives can be used for speculating purposes (" bets" ) or to, hedge ,(" insurance" ). For example, a speculator may sell of two currencies. Usage
  39. Impossibility),several gambling-related websites have retold the 'parity, hedge ,' story without attribution. Dice setting or dice control Another approach is
  40. To describe this is" dice have no memory ". Parity hedge system The parity, hedge ,system is a hoax promulgated by Quatrains. Despite the fact that no such system
  41. Angela Merkel, have sought to attribute some blame for the crisis to, hedge ,funds and other speculators stating that" institutions bailed out with public
  42. But ultimately fell back. The French were unable to penetrate the protective, hedge ,the English were using. This phase of the attack lasted about two hours. This
  43. That invest or trade outside their own currency zones. Companies that, hedge ,against this risk will no longer need to shoulder this additional cost. This is
  44. With them (although relational framing and other theoretical constructs, hedge ,into such territory). Present-day psychological principles suggest that
  45. The relatively unknown Mastroianni while De Laurentian wanted Paul Newman as a, hedge ,on his investment. Reaching an impasse, De Laurentian sold the rights to
  46. And aspire to accumulate capital gains based on future price movements. The, hedge ,fund industry has grown rapidly in the past decades and is estimated to have
  47. From largesse and Hayabusa; the first element is probably cognate with, hedge , which derives from PIE *oaf-" hedge , enclosure ", and the second perhaps
  48. Or qualified investors who meet a criterion set by regulators. Because, hedge ,funds are not sold to the public or retail investors its advisers have
  49. OTC market is made up of banks and other highly sophisticated parties, such as, hedge ,funds. Reporting of OTC amounts are difficult because trades can occur in
  50. Of 1998 large defaults on Russian debt created significant losses for the, hedge ,fund and LTCM had to unwind several positions. Eisenstein reports that the

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