Examples of the the word, viral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( viral ), is the 6700 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Most viruses encode proteins that can inhibit apoptosis. Several viruses encode, viral ,homology of Bcl-2. These homology can inhibit pro-apoptotic proteins such as
  2. Disease or catarrh fever is a non-contagious, non-zoonotic,insect-borne, viral ,disease of ruminants, mainly sheep and less frequently cattle, goats,buffalo
  3. Apoptosis of infected cells via a range of mechanisms including: *Expression of, viral ,proteins coupled to MHC proteins on the surface of the infected cell, allowing
  4. Previously-normal cells as a result of normal cell metabolism, or because of, viral ,or intracellular bacterial infection. The fragments are then presented on the
  5. Illuminates Bob Page, was able to steal and repurpose it into its current, viral ,form. Everett recognizes that without VersaLife's universal constructor
  6. Have no effect upon viral infections, such as the common head cold or, viral ,respiratory infections. Note: Ciprofloxacin may be licensed for other uses, or
  7. By HIV, patients produce antibodies to the more changeable parts of the, viral ,coat. The antibodies are ineffective because of the virus' ability to change
  8. Cells because they depend on viable cells for the replication of their RNA from, viral ,DNA integrated into cellular DNA. " Dues berg also rejects the involvement of
  9. Hazards, such as earthquakes, tornadoes,and floods. Since the blog went, viral , the CDC has announced an open contest for YouTube submissions of the most
  10. Forbid direct use of" humane" for growing food. The risk is microbial and, viral ,contamination. In a dry composting toilet, the waste is evaporated or digested
  11. The New South Wales Department of Primary Industries said in 2007 that abalone, viral ,ganglioneuritis, or AVG, killed up to 90 % of stock in affected regions.
  12. Those phages able to undergo lysogenic are known as temperate phages. Their, viral ,genome will integrate with host DNA and replicate along with it fairly
  13. Used to determine some protein structures, most notably membrane proteins and, viral ,caps ids. Scientists of note Field Marshal Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, GCB
  14. For medical conditions that were not even bacterial to begin with, such as, viral ,infections, or those to which no proven benefit existed. Litigation Bayer AG A
  15. E1B-55K protein and the hepatitis B virus HBO protein are examples of, viral ,proteins that can perform such a function. Interestingly, viruses can remain
  16. DNA intermediate - for genome replication. This is normally created from the, viral ,DNA with the assistance of the host's own DNA polymerase. Families in this
  17. Signal from a cytotoxic T cell. Cells may also die as a direct consequence of, viral ,infection. HIV-1 expression induces tubular cell G2/M arrest and apoptosis. The
  18. Ineffective in the prevention of STDs, like HIV, since pre-ejaculate may carry, viral ,particles or bacteria which may infect the partner if this fluid comes in
  19. That it will almost certainly be placed in a new family on the next revision of, viral ,families. Fourteen families are enveloped. These include all three families in
  20. Tags. Viruses Some viruses also use cDNA to turn their viral RNA into mRNA (, viral ,RNA → cDNA → mRNA). The mRNA is used to make viral proteins to take over the
  21. The nucleus and the eukaryotic cell. The most controversial model, known as, viral ,baryogenesis, posits that the membrane-bound nucleus, along with other
  22. Indicated to control flu-like symptoms or the symptoms of chickenpox or other, viral ,illnesses, because of the risk of Reye's syndrome. Aspirin is part of a group
  23. The trials were conducted on totally unrelated diseases such as allergies and, viral ,infections. Antibiotics were discovered some years later and marketed widely.
  24. Result in a number of cancers, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, and, viral , infections. It was originally believed that the associated accumulation of
  25. Since October 1998,perhaps as a result of global warming, which may promote, viral ,survival and vector longevity during milder winters. A significant contribution
  26. Exchange. Among the products sold internationally are vaccines against various, viral ,and bacterial pathogens, and promising anti-cancer vaccines are undergoing
  27. Modern researchers have argued that the disease was more likely to have been, viral ,(that is, not bubonic plague),pointing to the absence of rats from some
  28. Of an RNA strand into DNA. They include reverse transcriptase, which is a, viral ,enzyme involved in the infection of cells by retroviruses, and telomerase
  29. Cycle to genetically fingerprint phage communities or populations and estimate, viral ,biodiversity by metagenomics. The lysis of bacteria by phages releases organic
  30. And vapor rectifiers. This technology is primarily applied to the isolation of, viral ,particles,subcellular organelles and fractions, and nucleic acids from
  31. Strands, mRNA capping, and tight binding to proteins (analogizing histones to, viral ,envelopes). One version of the proposal suggests that the nucleus evolved in
  32. That the unresolved question of the evolution of sex could be related to the, viral ,baryogenesis hypothesis. A very recent proposal suggests that traditional
  33. The appearance of symptoms. Some viruses also exhibit a dormant phase, called, viral , latency,in which the virus hides in the body in an inactive state. For example
  34. Genes increase the amount of information that can be encoded within the small, viral ,genome. Super coiling DNA can be twisted like a rope in a process called DNA
  35. The amount of CD4 glycoprotein marker present on the cell membrane. #Released, viral ,particles and proteins present in extracellular fluid are able to induce
  36. Rickettsii),Shell SPP., Vibrio cholera, and Yersinia pests. Many, viral ,agents have been studied and/or weaponized, including some Benyviridae
  37. As expressed sequence tags. Viruses Some viruses also use cDNA to turn their, viral ,RNA into mRNA ( viral RNA → cDNA → mRNA). The mRNA is used to make viral
  38. A severe adverse reaction. Additionally, antibiotics have no effect upon, viral ,infections, such as the common head cold or viral respiratory infections. Note:
  39. Hybrids between biomolecules and synthetic devices (for example emptied, viral ,caps ids that can deliver gene therapy or drug molecules). Badminton is a
  40. Brubeck Festival, but was not able to because of being in hospital with a, viral ,infection. His son Darius filled in on piano with the rest of his quartet. A
  41. Platelet function. The use of aspirin in children under 16 suffering from, viral ,illness has been linked to Reye's syndrome, a rare but severe liver disorder.
  42. A portal subunit is assembled at one vertex of the capsid. Through this portal, viral ,DNA or RNA is transported into the capsid. The structure and assembly of the
  43. Into organisms in the form of plasmids or in the appropriate format, by using a, viral ,vector. The genetically modified organisms produced can be used to produce
  44. And increased mucus production. There are also a number of prominent, viral ,and bacterial pathogens that can have severe effects on internal organs and
  45. Activities have drawn fire, including greenwashing, bait and switch, shilling, viral , marketing,spam (electronic),pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing.
  46. Is an immune mediated disease of the brain. It usually occurs following a, viral ,infection but may appear following vaccination, bacterial or parasitic
  47. Enveloped, meaning that the capsid is coated with a lipid membrane known as the, viral ,envelope. The envelope is acquired by the capsid from an intracellular membrane
  48. That can result in death and also lowers the body's resistance to, viral ,infection. Chloramphenicol can cause testes pain, possibly through hormone
  49. Their viral RNA into mRNA ( viral RNA → cDNA → mRNA). The mRNA is used to make, viral ,proteins to take over the host cell. Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) was
  50. BAX and BACK, which are essential for the activation of apoptosis. Examples of, viral ,Bcl-2 proteins include the Epstein-Barr virus BHRF1 protein and the adenovirus

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