Examples of the the word, freeway , in a Sentence Context
The word ( freeway ), is the 12001 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Up with Interstates 35 and 80 on the western edge of the metro. Des Moines ', freeway ,design makes it easy for travelers. If you miss an exit at the interstate "
- Of residents driving alone to work This is facilitated through Houston's, freeway ,system,comprising freeway s and expressways in a ten-county metropolitan
- The neighborhoods located south of the Grand and Red Cedar rivers and the I-496, freeway , is physically the largest and most populous side of the city. The area is
- Visible. Driving north on I-94 a sign on the roof of the building nearest the, freeway ,says" Study Natural Law. " Quotation Ames is a city located in the central
- This project has so far seen the completion of 21 miles (33 kilometers) of, freeway , Railways in Jamaica no longer enjoy the prominent position they once
- Especially in the automobile sector, streamlined the supply chain. An extensive, freeway ,system constructed in the 1950s and 1960s had facilitated commuting. The
- To Chicago) and Port Huron to the northeast. The stretch of the current I-94, freeway , from Ypsilanti to Detroit was one of America's earlier limited-access highways
- Along Interstates 35,80,and 235. U. S. Highway 65 and Iowa Highway 5 form a, freeway ,loop to the east and south of the city, providing an alternative route around
- That is most widely used between Drexel, Ohio and Xenia, Ohio. * Route 4 is a, freeway ,that is most heavily traveled between I-75 and I-70. * Route 444 is north-south
- Is part of State Route 84,and is directly connected to Interstate 880 by a, freeway ,segment north of the Fremont end. There is no freeway connection between U. S.
- Major highways Idaho is among the few states in the nation without a major, freeway ,linking the two largest metropolitan areas of Boise in the south and Four
- Highways: US-131,M-55 and M-115. Prior to 2001,the northern terminus of the, freeway ,portion of US-131 was located at the southern entrance to Cadillac. With the
- On highways statewide (thanks to June Carroll); the first to build a, freeway ,west of the Mississippi (the Pasadena Freeway); the first to build a
- Alto, Caltrans has been unable to upgrade the relevant portion of Highway 84 to, freeway ,standards for several decades, due to opposition from the cities of Menlo Park
- Of the autoworkers. The 1940s saw the construction of the world's first urban, freeway ,system below ground level, the Davison and the industrial growth during World
- Beltway known as" the 470's ". These are SH 470 (also known as C-470),a, freeway ,in the southwest Metro area, and two toll highways,E-470 (from southeast to
- To the new Eleftherios Denizens International Airport and the Attire Odds,the, freeway ,that cuts across Attica). By this process Athens has engulfed many formers
- Of 58 hours in traffic in 2010. Houston's highway system has a hub-and-spoke, freeway ,structure serviced by multiple loops. The innermost loop is Interstate 610
- Vehicular traffic has a long tradition in Germany given that the first, freeway ,(Autobahn) in the world, the AVIS, and the world's first automobile were
- Decline of central Kansas City. On the other hand, the relatively uncontested, freeway ,network contributes significantly to Kansas City's position as one of America
- Or dual carriageway in the UK would be the median or center divide on a, freeway , expressway, highway or parkway in the US. The one-way lanes that make it
- Southern entrance to Cadillac. With the construction of a bypass, the US-131, freeway , was extended around the east side of the city. The former route of the highway
- Such projects and their areas, having no freeway exit ramps, cut-off by, freeway ,rights-of-way, became isolated from jobs and services concentrated at Le
- As signed) or there are other ways corresponding to the above; there is no, freeway ,connection other than using CA 92 or CA 85 instead. Although the present
- Five Easy Pieces was filmed at the Denny's restaurant at the southern I-5, freeway , interchange near Glenwood. Nicholson directed the 1971 film Drive, He Said in
- With the least: Las Vegas. The Sierra Club in particular blames the extensive, freeway ,network for excessive sprawl and the decline of central Kansas City. On the
- Engineering problem. The French cavern was based on the Mount Baker Ridge, freeway ,tunnel in the US. The UK cavern was dug from the service tunnel ahead of the
- US Route 395 and US Route 50. Carson City is home to one under-construction, freeway ,Interstate 580. Phase 1 of the Carson City Freeway Project from US 395,just
- Hybrid technologies to be employed that will be optimized for higher speeds in, freeway ,driving. GM currently offers the 2-mode hybrid system used by the Chevrolet
- With the N1 and the N2 before leaving the city. Cape Town also has a system of, freeway ,and dual carriageway M-roads, which connect different parts of the city. The M3
- In a later running gag he lobbied his home state of Indiana to rename the, freeway ,circling Indianapolis (I-465) " The David Letterman Bypass. " He also
- Route 126 is routed along the Eugene-Springfield Highway, a limited-access, freeway , The Eugene portion of this highway begins at an interchange with Interstate 5
- And eastern Oregon. * Belt Line Highway: Belt line Road is a limited-access, freeway ,which runs along the northern and western edges of incorporated Eugene. * Delta
- Center, and many core neighborhoods with around a diameter. Beltway 8 and its, freeway ,core, the Sam Houston Tollway, form the middle loop at a diameter of roughly. A
- Growing road traffic, and often experience traffic congestion. Adelaide has one, freeway ,and two expressways; the South Eastern Freeway, connecting the city with the
- Northeast to Port Huron and ties in with I-69. I-194 branches off from this, freeway ,in Battle Creek. I-94 is the main artery between Chicago, Illinois and Detroit.
- In a break-up of the industry in 1948. * 1940 – California opens its first, freeway , the Arroyo Sect Parkway. *1941 – Soviet leader Joseph Stalin consolidates the
- Of the island. This project has so far seen the completion of 33 kilometers of, freeway , The Highway 2000 project, which seeks ultimately to link Kingston with Mont ego
- Housing project in Chicago). Such projects and their areas, having no, freeway ,exit ramps, cut-off by freeway rights-of-way, became isolated from jobs and
- Hardy Toll Road, Crosby Freeway, and the future Alvin Freeway. Houston's, freeway ,system is monitored by Houston TranStar—a partnership of four government
- Include one (or two) loop freeway s, a spur into the city connecting the main, freeway ,and the loop, east-west expressway upgrades, and easier access to the Colorado
- Cambridge, Massachusetts. Another Mud prank involved slight modifications to a, freeway ,sign. By placing parentheses around Pasadena City College, a nearby community
- To Interstate 880 by a freeway segment north of the Fremont end. There is no, freeway ,connection between U. S. 101 and the southwest end of the Lumberton Bridge.
- Of the freeway s, urban village dwellers found themselves without convenient, freeway ,access points in their communities and without public mass transit connectivity
- And I-235. Iowa DOT has completed the Interstate 235 expansion project. This, freeway , which takes the brunt of most congestion, is six lanes throughout the entire
- States, including the following: * Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway, an Interstate, freeway ,in Texas * LBJ School of Public Affairs, a public affairs graduate school at
- At an interchange with Interstate 5 and ends two miles (3 km) west at a, freeway ,terminus. This portion of Oregon Route 126 is also signed Interstate 105,a
- Prevention was founded in Atlanta. In the 1950s,the city's newly-constructed, freeway ,system enabled middle class Atlanta to relocate from the city to the suburbs.
- The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. The series takes its name from the massive, freeway ,system in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, the home of both teams;
- A square furlong in extent (eight to a mile, which explains the series of, freeway ,exits: 19th Ave,27th,35th,43rd,51st,59th ...). City blocks in Melbourne
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