Examples of the the word, negate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( negate ), is the 12003 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That“ not being able to see or hold some specific thing does not necessarily, negate ,its existence,” as in the case of gravity, entropy,or reason and thought.
  2. Such as tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy or tongue reduction, swelling may, negate ,some effects in the immediate postoperative period. Once the swelling
  3. And Na: * NI (NIR, nis, nih): out, away from, without,a term that is used to, negate ,* VA: blowing as in blowing of the wind and also as smelling Van is forest
  4. Systems, and dysfunctional processes. A fragmented implementation can, negate ,any financial benefit associated with a customer relationship management system
  5. Recommended that proof of severe mental disorder should be sufficient to, negate ,responsibility, in effect creating an irrefutable presumption of
  6. His outspoken dislike of the use of unmanned suits in combat (which he feels, negate ,the true spirit of battle). In his confinement, Treize builds the Gun dam Epson
  7. The author's lack of rigor and consistency on these larger issues is likely to, negate ,any real respect for his insights. David Pigmented, who was repeatedly
  8. Ensured that no rival could take advantage of these revolutionary changes to, negate ,the British advantage in ship numbers. The Navy was thus able to preserve a
  9. To refer to the informal process by which statements, designed to refute or, negate ,specific arguments put forward by opponents, are deployed in the media. In law
  10. Can adduce evidence of insanity. However, this will normally only arise to, negate ,the defense case when automatism or diminished responsibility is in issue. In
  11. Low price at which they should be able to secure them. # The tariffs completely, negate ,any gains made by the railroad and therefore make it essentially pointless. To
  12. Codes or banking passwords. It is important that steps are taken to disable or, negate ,all of those access privileges when a person leaves, to ensure that security
  13. Gains of up to 300 % would have resulted. Even a mere 30 % tax rate can, negate ,the advantage of a 100 % productivity gain. By country or region *List of
  14. To additional hazards in wooded and urban combat environments which largely, negate ,the advantages of the tank's long-range firepower and mobility, limit the crew
  15. For being insufficiently strict and allowing behaviors that effectively, negate ,its usefulness. For instance, the specification states that each message stored
  16. Adjustments to" follow" a batsman should they move within the crease to, negate ,the bowlers tactics. Whilst this is primarily a defensive style, wickets were
  17. Largest urban population density in the world. Inwards immigration tended to, negate ,the effect of family planning programs. However, even these definitions of
  18. Is known to decrease the stimulant effect of amphetamine, it does not entirely, negate ,the wakefulness-promoting actions of modafinil. Modafinil activates
  19. Power would be a terrible morale and material blow to the Soviet government, negate ,all its military and political successes of 1917 and 1918,resurrect the notion
  20. Privatize an is the Ancient Greek prefix ἀ- or ἀν- a-, an-, added to words to, negate ,them. It originates from the Proto-Indo-European * (syllabic nasal) and is
  21. Of spotting an enemy fighter and effectively using chaff and flares to, negate ,missile attacks. The extensive electronic countermeasures (ECM) suite
  22. Of the directors attend, but it has been held that a failure to give notice may, negate ,resolutions passed at a meeting, because the persuasive oratory of a minority
  23. Prevailing winds combined with warm surface waters of Lake Erie in summer also, negate ,the lake's cooling ability on the city; furthermore, the lake's presence
  24. Nationalist movement. Gandhi was again arrested, and the government tried to, negate ,his influence by completely isolating him from his followers. But this tactic
  25. Corticosteroids may also reduce the concentration of aspirin. Ibuprofen can, negate ,the antiplatelet effect of aspirin used for cardio protection and stroke
  26. Of the Liberal Veto, which gave any individual in the seem the power to, negate ,its decisions. As a result,Poland's powerful neighbors were able to exert
  27. Barbara' destruction of the city of Antioch was so great as to permanently, negate ,the city's importance. Byzantine Empire * 1261 – July 25 – The city of
  28. A desired mix of hardness and toughness. Although modern steelmaking processes, negate ,the need to blend different steels, pattern welded steel is still used by
  29. ML BPA, St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Curt Flood took the leagues to court to, negate ,a player trade, citing the 13th Amendment and antitrust legislation. In 1972, he
  30. It comes under the influence of the sea, though dense urban development can, negate ,this effect. In the 21st century, Kingston has experienced temperatures as high
  31. The field uncovered throughout a week-long rain in Miami, which was done to, negate ,the Jets superior edge in team speed),the Dolphins lost Super Bowl XVII to
  32. Destroying the world which has taken its place. " Risking your neck in order to, negate ,a world full of people like yourself" is how the hero describes what he
  33. Of two congested cells will be unable to receive a clear signal, can often, negate ,this advantage during peak periods. A disadvantage of TDA systems is that they
  34. Before they struck ships. Allied gunners had begun to develop techniques to, negate ,kamikaze attacks. Light rapid fire anti-aircraft weapons such as the 40 mm
  35. Other billions of lives, for one man to decide. " Risking your neck in order to, negate ,a world full of people like yourself" is how the hero describes what he
  36. Must be provided by others through forceful extraction (for example taxation), negate , other peoples' inalienable rights. In reference to Article 25's declaration
  37. Barbara' destruction of the city of Antioch is so great as to permanently, negate ,the city's importance. * The Battle of Xiangya, a 6-year battle between the
  38. Trams usually have less effective suspension systems than buses, which tends to, negate ,the ride quality benefits of steel rails. * The opening of new tram and light
  39. Is then a compound divinity in which the propitious characteristics of *Mira, negate ,the unfavorable qualities of *Courtney. Zimmer (Muncher Studied 1984:187-215)
  40. Of what each human will choose with his/her free will is said to not in any way, negate ,the freedom granted to humans. This simply means that God has the foreknowledge
  41. Whatever happened in Boland's Mills, or any other garrison, does not, negate ,or undermine in any way the extraordinary heroism of Dev and his comrades ".
  42. Powers that he had assumed since his accession. The reforms were designed to, negate ,the possibility of Charles ruling absolutely again. The parliament also freed
  43. And Scottish Parliaments, which challenged the king's attempts to overrule and, negate ,Parliamentary authority, whilst simultaneously using his position as head of
  44. Mieszko's conversion to Dobrawa's influence. There are no reasons to, negate ,Dobrawa's role in Mieszko's acceptance of Christianity; however crediting
  45. The defense will be more likely to raise the issue of mental incapacity to, negate ,or minimize criminal liability. In R v Clarke 1972 1 All E R 219 a defendant
  46. Outer product matrix (∈, set inclusion function),i.e. 0 0 1 0 1 *Logically, negate ,the values in the vector (change zeros to ones and ones to zeros) (∼
  47. To warrant readying the missile, if such a circumstance were ever likely. To, negate ,this problem DeHavilland created a stand-by feature. A missile could be held at
  48. And the plaintiff is 5 % responsible, then the plaintiff's slight fault cannot, negate ,the negligence of the other. This new type of split liability is commonly
  49. Lap, hoping to catch his opponent off guard and establish a large enough gap to, negate ,the aerodynamic effect or to keep the speed high enough to prevent his opponent
  50. Theme of Bastiat's economic ideology). # Tariffs serve no purpose but to, negate ,the gains provided to society by technology, labor,ingenuity, determination

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