Examples of the the word, custodian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( custodian ), is the 12005 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Purchase Facility Fund Limited (STAFF). The Vault The Bank of England is, custodian ,to the official Gold reserve of the United Kingdom and many other countries.
  2. Of the new Congress, who had been designated by President Washington as, custodian ,for the time being. A cigar is a tightly-rolled bundle of dried and fermented
  3. Give them money. If a Jew comes, however,and gives a special reward,the, custodian ,of the cave opens unto him a gate of iron, which was constructed by our
  4. Stock. The deal closed on July 2,2007, and created the world's second largest, custodian ,with approximately $14.1 trillion of assets under custody, second to only The
  5. Represents a 44 % of the 2008 federal government revenue. Petronas is also the, custodian ,of oil and gas reserves for Malaysia. Hence, all oil and gas activities are
  6. Humorously more often than they are used seriously. Less extreme cases, such as, custodian ,for janitor or administrative assistant for secretary, are considered more
  7. Asset is fungible, this means that if such an asset is lent, or placed with a, custodian , it is customary for the borrower or custodian to be obliged at the end of the
  8. Niccolò Alemannic of Rome (1583–1626),Catholic priest, antiquarian,and, custodian ,of the Vatican Library * Albert VII (1559–1621),Archduke of Austria and
  9. Non-mandatory status until they are adopted in national laws, ITU-T is also the, custodian ,of a binding international treaty, the International Telecommunication
  10. Then, and the judges and justices of the peace. The sovereign acting as a, custodian ,of the Crown's democratic powers and a representation of the" power of the
  11. Or CIO – the CIO is responsible for managing intellectual capital and the, custodian ,of Knowledge Management practices, usually in a legal organization. * Chief
  12. Australia. The British Museum continues to assert that it is an appropriate, custodian ,and has an inalienable right to its disputed artifacts under British law.
  13. Street completed its previously announced acquisition of Kansas City MO based, custodian ,and securities servicer Investors Fiduciary Trust Co. (" FTC" ), which had
  14. Writ, is a summons with the force of a court order; it is addressed to the, custodian ,(a prison official for example) and demands that a prisoner be taken before
  15. Council is presided over by His Worship the Mayor who is effectively the chief, custodian ,of the City. It formulates policy and gives direction for the running of the
  16. Present proof of authority, allowing the court to determine whether the, custodian ,has lawful authority to detain the person. If the custodian does not have
  17. Then issuing the writ immediately and waiting for the return of the writ by the, custodian , modern practice in England is for the original application to be followed by a
  18. This would affect the Divine Right of Kings. Elizabeth did ask Mary's final, custodian , Alias Pallet, if he would contrive some accident to remove Mary. He refused on
  19. According to IRAS data. In media and popular culture Princeton University and, custodian ,Josue Lameness are featured prominently in the 2009 documentary The
  20. Example) and demands that a prisoner be taken before the court, and that the, custodian ,present proof of authority, allowing the court to determine whether the
  21. Funds, CaLPERS and Casts, alleged fraud on currency trades handled by the, custodian ,bank. Since then, there has been a list of other suits involving various
  22. Melbourne In 2004,Fraser designated the University of Melbourne the official, custodian ,of his personal papers and library to create the Malcolm Fraser Collection at
  23. It to the Muslim Mugabe family. The Judah Al-Goudia family were entrusted as, custodian ,to the keys of the Holy Sepulcher by the Ottomans few hundred years later, and
  24. His death in 646. Following Gallup' death, Charles Martel appointed Other as, custodian ,of St Gall's relics. During the reign of Pepin the Short, in the 8th Century
  25. Brings the Assyrians to destroy the northern kingdom, leaving Judah as the sole, custodian ,of the promise. Hezekiah, the first king since David to be called" good,"
  26. Also called habeas corpus cum cause): a writ of a superior court to a, custodian ,to return with the body being held by the order of a lower court" with reasons
  27. Of Popular Culture * POST Caesar Association, a standardization organization, custodian ,of ISO 15926 * Porsche Club of America, an organization of Porsche enthusiasts
  28. Pianist with Piazzolla's second quintet, has assumed the role of principal, custodian ,of Nero tango, extending the jazz influence in the style. The Brazilian
  29. Information if needed and may issue a habeas corpus order at which point the, custodian ,has 24 hours to bring the prisoner before the judge. United States The United
  30. Are disputed by Leonard D. Gaffe, who was Surveyor program scientist and, custodian ,of the Surveyor 3 parts brought back from the Moon, stated in a letter to the
  31. Leaving Earl Patrick (his regional military commander) as her protective, custodian , When Patrick was killed in a skirmish, Eleanor (who proceeded to ransom his
  32. Whether the custodian has lawful authority to detain the person. If the, custodian ,does not have authority to detain the prisoner, then he must be released from
  33. Financial centers throughout the world. State Street Bank and Trust Company,a, custodian ,bank, and its sister company State Street Global Advisors (Saga),which is a
  34. The Associate of Honor and the Honorary Fellowship. RHS libraries The RHS is, custodian ,of the Lindley Library, housed within its headquarters at 80 Vincent Square
  35. Death of Ellen White, as specified in her legal will. Its purpose is to act as, custodian ,of her writings, and as of 2006 it has 15 board members. The Ellen G. White
  36. Asset is lent, or placed with a custodian , it is customary for the borrower or, custodian ,to be obliged at the end of the loan or custody arrangement to return assets
  37. Article that included a facsimile of this copy, Nicolay, who had become the, custodian ,of Lincoln's papers, wrote that Lincoln had brought to Gettysburg the first
  38. Some hedge funds, mainly American, do not use third parties either as the, custodian ,of their assets or as their administrator (who will calculate the NAV of the
  39. However, if they are enrolled in a public school their parent, guardian or, custodian ,must ensure that they regularly attend. Missouri schools are commonly but not
  40. Throughout the city are ten statues of Archangel Raphael, protector and, custodian ,of the city. These are called Triumphs of Saint Raphael and are located in
  41. Acquisition of Investors Financial Services, parent of principal subsidiary, custodian ,bank Investors Bank & Trust. State Street offered 0.906 shares of its stock for
  42. Saudi Arabia, his enemy in the war, for violating Islamic unity and its role as, custodian ,of the two holy cities by allowing non-Muslims on its soil (traditional Muslim
  43. Influenced the design of the British army Home Service helmet, as well as the, custodian ,helmet still worn by police in England and Wales. The basic Pickelhaube was
  44. Born to Marvin Sr., a General Motors assembly worker, and Christine, a school, custodian , Johnson grew up in Lansing, Michigan,and came to love basketball as a
  45. Keys that are 3 feet long to open. The Bank of England is the fifteenth largest, custodian ,of Gold Reserves, holding around 310 tonnes. Bakelite (), or
  46. State Street Bank provides securities services to institutional investors as a, custodian ,bank and Saga provides investment management services to mutual funds and other
  47. Secure IT planning, implementation,management and operation. NIST is also the, custodian ,of the USA Federal Information Processing Standard publications (FIPS). The
  48. For the Town. The Clerk is" the keeper of vital statistics of the town and the, custodian ,of the town seal and all public records, administers the oaths of office to all
  49. Which the first Greek book printed at Rome appeared in 1515. He made Raphael, custodian ,of the classical antiquities of Rome and the vicinity. The distinguished
  50. The detention is considered to be unlawful which can be, for example, that the, custodian ,holding the prisoner does not have the legal authority, that the prisoner's

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