Examples of the the word, suspense , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suspense ), is the 12004 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vague menace and possible hallucination. His plots — drawing on elements from, suspense ,stories, existential refit and autobiography — keep readers turning the pages
  2. 1961),Italian racing driver * Steve Martini (born 1946),American legal, suspense ,writer * William J. Martini (born 1947),U. S. District Court Judge *
  3. Soaps Family Affairs and Bad Girls before writing a critically acclaimed crime, suspense ,novel called Child 44. Smith will be the fourth writer or writing team to be
  4. That it" strikes the necessary and precarious balance between laughs and, suspense ,that so many comic horror films and novels lack ". Despite faulting its small
  5. To define Stewart's career in the 1950s was with acclaimed mystery and, suspense ,director Alfred Hitchcock. Like Mann, Hitchcock uncovered new depths to Stewart
  6. Career took another turn. During the 1950s,he expanded into the western and, suspense ,genres, thanks largely to collaborations with directors Anthony Mann and Alfred
  7. Substitute for Jack Nicholson from the first film" and felt that" there's no, suspense ,in Batman Returns whatsoever ". Batman comic book writer/artist Matt Wagner was
  8. Lower the payments due to the high building code the Islands adhere to. Much, suspense ,was built around the devastation that Hurricane Ivan had caused as the leader
  9. One of the most prolific and successful authors of this often downbeat brand of, suspense ,tale was Cornell Wool rich (sometimes under the pseudonym George Hopley or
  10. Writer. In a career spanning over 40 years, he is probably best known for his, suspense ,and crime thriller films, including such box office successes as Carrie
  11. Shore and finally engage the enemy. Cleopatra, in the rear, could not bear the, suspense , and in an agony of anxiety, gave the signal for retreat. Cleopatra's fleet
  12. Can still hope that all will end well. They are in a" breathless state of, suspense ," by the opening of the last scene in the tomb: If Romeo is delayed long enough
  13. The emotion. In the United States, Vitagraph was also trying cross-cutting for, suspense ,in 1907 and 1908 with The Mill Girl and Get Me a Stepladder. Before D. W.
  14. Featuring vividly outlandish characters, bizarre situations, and equal parts, suspense , slapstick, irony,satire, black humor and biting social commentary, Li'l Abner
  15. Rail (who has compared Woo's mastery of action to Hitchcock's mastery of, suspense ,). Mr. Woo accepted a contract to work in America at a time when the 1997
  16. From a no-hitter. The Davis home run came in the second inning, eliminating any, suspense , but this may have been Martínez's the most dominant day on the mound.
  17. Done unresolved. Critical reception Agatha Christie was revered as a master of, suspense , plotting, and characterization by most of her contemporaries. Fellow crime
  18. Of the Golden Age whodunit; these novels generally shy away from violence and, suspense ,and frequently feature female amateur detectives. Modern cozy mysteries are
  19. Condemning kidnapping, which he considered one of the very worst crimes. The, suspense ,film, titled High and Low, was shot during the latter half of 1962 and released
  20. Of a man who knows how to direct a thriller. Smooth, calm,confident, it builds, suspense ,instead of depending on shock and action. " Co-star Evan McGregor agrees
  21. Set the play in post-colonial Haiti. His direction emphasized spectacle and, suspense ,: his dozens of" African" drums recalled Davenant's chorus of witches. Welles
  22. Of novels that resemble detective stories. While the books maintain narrative, suspense ,and develop a stylized surface, her readers also encounter ideas intrinsic to
  23. And mysterious nature makes lighthouses a frequent feature of horror or, suspense ,films, and adventure video games. Recently, a lighthouse played a pivotal role
  24. Although no murder occurs in Gaudy Night, it is not without a great deal of, suspense ,and psychological thrills. The narrative is interwoven with a love story and an
  25. Whereas in the novel he is told at the outset. However, in both cases the, suspense ,comes from the question of what HAL will do when he knows that he may be
  26. You look away. Creative use of the device is mined for new kinds of television, suspense , In the episode" Day of the Moon ", characters were shown to have had dozens
  27. Less horrific than the novel has originally suggested ”. Radcliffe sets up, suspense ,throughout the course of the novel, insinuating a supernatural or superstitious
  28. And Ridley Scott. His artistry in directing and use of cinematography and, suspense ,in several of his films has often been compared to the work of Alfred Hitchcock
  29. Stacey Slater was told only 30 minutes before the live episode and to maintain, suspense , she whispers this revelation to former lover and current father-in-law, Max
  30. Man (1982)—as King's best, suggesting both are riveting and well-constructed, suspense ,thrillers, with believable characters. In 1996,King won an O. Henry Award for
  31. American author best known for his novels which could be described broadly as, suspense ,thrillers. He also frequently incorporates elements of horror, science fiction
  32. You are vexed just be vexed and say,'Yes, and what shall I do? ' Just be in, suspense ,about the outcome and move forward a little at a time. " The essence of Morita
  33. Are repeated. In" Running Scared ", however,the entire song repeats to build, suspense ,to a final climax, to be represented as A-A-A-A-B. " Crying" is more complex
  34. Three of his early books, Matheson has said that the first chapter of his, suspense ,novel Someone is Bleeding (1953) describes exactly his meeting with his wife
  35. Stewart left his mark on a wide range of film genres, including westerns, suspense ,thrillers, family films, biographies and screwball comedies. He worked for a
  36. Novel, published in 1791,is among Radcliffe’s earlier works. The novel sets up, suspense ,for horrific events, which all have natural explanations. An eighteenth-century
  37. The boundaries of genre and trend, and he made his mark in screwball comedies, suspense ,thrillers, westerns,biographies and family films. Broadway stage performances
  38. Specifically what he called Petersen's sacrificing of both realism and, suspense ,in dialogue, narration,and photography for the sake of cheap dramatic thrills
  39. Use of cross-cutting in The Fatal Hour, made in July 1908,has a much stronger, suspense ,story served by this construction than those in the earlier Path examples.
  40. S stories are also known for their taut atmosphere and strong psychological, suspense , developed from the deliberately slow pace of her prose. Twice, the murderer
  41. Mystery novel, Now You See It ..., aptly dedicated to Robert Bloch, and the, suspense ,novels 7 Steps to Midnight and Hunted Past Reason. Matheson cites specific
  42. Released in mass market paperback by Simon & Schuster. This baseball-related, suspense ,novella is not set to be reprinted in Full Dark, No Stars. The following month
  43. The historical detective genre. As global interconnectedness makes legitimate, suspense ,more difficult to achieve, several writers — including Elizabeth Peters, P. C.
  44. Pessimism founded on reflection would become optimism founded on courage; the, suspense ,of the will in contemplation would yield to a more biological account of
  45. Became a much used scriptwriter in television and film projects in the mystery, suspense , and horror genre. His first assignments were for the Macdonald Carey vehicle
  46. Cause to the mysterious and horrific occurrences of the plot. However,the, suspense ,is relieved with the Supernatural Explained. For example, Adeline is reading
  47. 21, 1947) is an American author and film director of contemporary horror, suspense , science fiction and fantasy fiction. His books have sold more than 350 million
  48. Movie, such as hand-held points of view, makes the viewer" identify with the, suspense ,of the character in his or her particular space ", but that Lynch at moments
  49. By the results of a jury the day before the final to create as much, suspense ,as possible when the votes were revealed. From 1971 to 1973,each country sent
  50. Ending" finale is effective even while it upholds horror-film convention, its, suspense , sequences are buttressed by teen comedy tropes, and its use of split-screen

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