Examples of the the word, shared , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shared ), is the 6705 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Adult victory. His ELO rating shot from 2540 in 1971 to 2660 in 1973,when he, shared ,second in the USSR Chess Championship, and finished equal first with Viktor
  2. Purposes. Phytogeographically, Albania belongs to the Boreal Kingdom and is, shared ,between the Adriatic and East Mediterranean provinces of the Mediterranean
  3. Across all positions. According to the studies of James Currant, the system of, shared ,values among editors in Britain have generated a pressure among authors to write
  4. Centre of Greece. Aristophanes was part of this transformation and he, shared ,in the intellectual fashions of the period — the structure of his plays evolves
  5. Performers instead of having a single lead vocalist. Lead vocal duties were, shared ,by guest vocalists chosen by their vocal style to complement each song.
  6. The vocabularies of ASL and modern French Sign Language are approximately 60 %, shared , whereas ASL and British Sign Language, for example, are almost completely
  7. Of the fifteenth through 19th centuries. Other alchemists of Bacon's time, shared ,several traits. First, and most obviously, nearly all were members of the
  8. A typical cliff dwelling of the period, was home to around 100 people who, shared ,94 small rooms and eight Rivas built right up against each other and sharing
  9. Goods of those who join which they were able to peaceably acquire would be, shared ,amongst all who joined, etc.) would, under anarcho-capitalism, enjoy the
  10. Elements have been important in holding the Communion together: First,the, shared ,ecclesial structure of the component churches, manifested in an episcopal
  11. An incredible 13½/15. He also won the prestigious Bygone tournament in 1978 (, shared ,) and 1980,the Linear tournament in 1981 ( shared with Larry Christiansen)
  12. Ural–Altaic family, together with Finno-Ugric and Samoyed, based on such, shared ,features as vowel harmony and agglutination. While the Ural–Altaic hypothesis
  13. Enters the water, he is possessed by a" strange happiness," a feeling that is, shared ,by Narrow. There is a peaceful image of Room lying motionless on his back
  14. The Republican Party of Agricultural and Smallholder People often, shared ,power in parliament as a partner in the five-party Petra coalition. The party
  15. And Dee side, Moray and the City of Aberdeen. Local government functions were, shared ,between the two levels. In 1996,under the Local Government etc. (Scotland)
  16. Made the film an international hit and a major success with critics. Charon, shared ,an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay with co-writer and
  17. In the autumn of 1972,and sessions began on 26 September 1972. The women, shared ,lead vocal on" Nina, Pretty Ballerina" that day, and their voices in harmony
  18. Reconstructions of various clades, and attempts to classify them based on, shared ,innovations, though like other classifications the evidence has not been
  19. They associated on equal terms with laymen of the highest distinction, and, shared , all their pleasures and pursuits. This rank and power was, however,often used
  20. Between the five branches also occur in the book. It lists 144 items of, shared ,basic vocabulary (most of them already present in Starting 1991),including
  21. Fees (such as petroleum, aviation motor fuel, telephone cooperative) is, shared ,with municipalities in Alaska. Fairbanks has one of the highest property taxes
  22. Motor-powered heavier-than-air aircraft. The AEA was first formed as Bell, shared ,the vision to fly with his wife, who advised him to seek" young" help as
  23. Liturgies. He proposes that Anglican identity might rather be found within a, shared ,consistent pattern of prescriptive liturgies, established and maintained
  24. Of the lake is. Oh rid Lake is situated in the country's southeast and is, shared ,between Albania and Republic of Macedonia. It has a maximal depth of 289 meters
  25. Philosopher, the author of a closed system, and believed that Aristotle, shared ,with Plato essential tenets of thought. Some went so far as to credit Aristotle
  26. His fellow rats" — i.e., by a monarch, rather than a democrat. Schopenhauer, shared ,the view of Thomas Hobbes on the necessity of the state, and of state action
  27. Reference) to Airplane protected type Runway is -- a protected object - the, shared ,runway entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Airplane_ID); entry Cleared_Runway (ID:
  28. Used the word, an abused contrasts with a syllabify, where letters with, shared ,consonants or vowels show no particular resemblance to each another, and with
  29. Attributed to chance resemblances. They noted that there was little vocabulary, shared ,by Turkic and Tunguska but not Mongolic. They reasoned that if all three
  30. Valleys. The civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and the Huang he, shared ,many similarities. These civilizations may well have exchanged technologies and
  31. Primarily responsible for the main theoretical work within the Hut but he also, shared ,with Welshman and Keen the chief credit for the invention of the Bombe. It is
  32. Tournament in 1978 ( shared ) and 1980,the Linear tournament in 1981 (, shared ,with Larry Christiansen) and 1994,the Tilburg tournament in 1977,1979,1980
  33. The signing of the first package which provided that Andorra's sovereignty be, shared ,between the count of Fix These are dissected by three narrow valleys in a Y
  34. Mythos" to describe the fictional universe described in the series of stories, shared ,by Lovecraft and other writers in his circle. Derleth's own writing emphasized
  35. Only in part by the 18 patents granted in his name alone and the 12 he, shared ,with his collaborators. These included 14 for the telephone and telegraph, four
  36. Other plants, mainly because of their characteristic inflorescence and many, shared ,apomorphies. The mature seeds usually have little endosperm or none. Pollen
  37. Not only because of the years they worked together but also because they, shared ,personal, political,and social views. Lindbergh initially sought out Carrel to
  38. Fix, Viscounts of Costello and Verdana, and also co-sovereigns of Andorra (, shared ,with the Bishop of Urgell). In the 11th century, a dispute arose between the
  39. Albert Schweitzer (AIDS). The medieval parish church of Gunsmith was, shared ,by the Protestant and Catholic congregations, which held their prayers in
  40. By J. K. Rowling, David Heyman, David Barron, David Yates and Mike Newell, shared ,with Harry Potter cast and crew) Independent Spirit Awards: Venice Film
  41. In the creation of aesthetic objects, environments,or experiences that can be, shared ,with others. " By this definition of the word, artistic works have existed for
  42. And won the FIRES prize and the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury. Tchaikovsky also, shared ,a special prize called Grand Prix Du cinema de creation with Robert Reason.
  43. And in the possibility of human universals (behaviors, ideas or concepts, shared ,by virtually all human cultures) They use many methods of study, but
  44. Doer fer (1963),and Alexander Shcherbak argued that the words and features, shared ,by Turkic, Mongolic,and Tunguska were for the most part borrowings and that
  45. Such as amateur telescope making. Notable amateur astronomers * Thomas Bop, shared ,the discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1995 with unemployed PhD physicist Alan
  46. 2004) Parts is a lexicostatistic classification, based on percentages of, shared ,vocabulary. This means that a language may appear to be more distantly related
  47. As it is a paraplegic group without unique defining features apart from, shared ,primitive characteristics. Classification varies according to the preferred
  48. To combine a six-cylinder engine with front-wheel drive. It used a powertrain, shared ,with the Wanderer, but turned 180-degrees,so that the drive shaft faced the
  49. And promoted the notion of a Jewish financial conspiracy. Such views were also, shared ,by some prominent politicians; Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the United States
  50. A supporting and organizational role. The Communion is held together by a, shared ,history, expressed in its ecclesiology, polity and ethos and also by

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