Examples of the the word, curiosity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( curiosity ), is the 6704 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Travel to other star systems, they choose not to. This is not due to a lack of, curiosity , but more through a set of energy-information economic choices, whereby in an
  2. And cinematographer Mikhail Kaufman. Vertov's interested in machinery led to a, curiosity ,about the mechanical basis of cinema. Kino-Pravda In 1922,the year that Nanook
  3. Not enjoy his retirement and comes repeatedly out of it thereafter when his, curiosity ,is engaged. Nevertheless, he continues to employ his secretary, Miss Lemon, at
  4. Fleming Myth" and he praised Flora and Chain for transforming the laboratory, curiosity ,into a practical drug. Fleming was the first to discover the properties of the
  5. As opposed to human-computation acted out by a Turing machine). Gandy's, curiosity ,about, and analysis of," cellular automata "," Conway's game of life ","
  6. Quality nothing is so improper as either needless expostulations or over much, curiosity ,in her own actions ". The advice worked. James's tone delighted Elizabeth, who
  7. Alexander Graham Bell and Lord Kelvin, electricity was turned from a scientific, curiosity ,into an essential tool for modern life, becoming a driving force for the Second
  8. To whom Anne Bronte may have been attracted, William Weightman has aroused much, curiosity , It seems clear that he was a good-looking, engaging young man, whose easy
  9. The simplest hydride, aluminium hydride or alone, remains a laboratory, curiosity , It is a polymer with the formula (AlH3)n, in contrast to the corresponding
  10. His clerk. He was deemed insane and institutionalized. Afterward, due to public, curiosity ,concerning the double misfires, the pistols were tested and retested. Each time
  11. Not fully appreciated for another four decades. Long considered a mathematical, curiosity , it was during the 1960s that theoretical work showed black holes were a
  12. I have always endeavored," he says," to draw from the fountainhead; that my, curiosity , as well as a sense of duty, has always urged me to study the originals; and
  13. He did, from time to time, experiment,even if only out of a sense of, curiosity ,and a genuine allegiance with the 'transgression '. " Biographer Christopher
  14. By Post Was and Fort Duque de Caxias, built in 1779,at the north end. One, curiosity ,is that the lifeguard watchtower of Post Was never existed. Hotels
  15. Can be implemented on artificial agents which then exhibit a form of artificial, curiosity , Applied aesthetics As well as being applied to art, aesthetics can also be
  16. Resulted in death. The two most common causes for bear attack are surprise and, curiosity , Some types of bears, such as polar bears, are more likely to attack humans
  17. Outcomes: grades, extracurricular participation, dropout rates, intellectual, curiosity , and resourcefulness. Moreover, the study found that the more the school
  18. Later life. First invention As a child, young Alexander displayed a natural, curiosity ,about his world, resulting in gathering botanical specimens as well as
  19. Beth-shemites offered sacrifices and burnt offerings (1 Sam. 6:1-15). Out of, curiosity ,the men of Beth-shemesh gazed at the Ark; and as a punishment, seventy of them
  20. And bronze objects, which the discoverer connected with it, began to arouse a, curiosity ,which was destined presently to spread far outside the narrow circle of
  21. A standard and widely accepted mathematical concept, it remains an ontological, curiosity , whose meaning and usefulness are debated by philosophers and logicians. The
  22. The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural, curiosity ,of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. " *" Until one has
  23. Out of necessity (for shelter from the elements or from enemies),out of, curiosity ,or for mystical reasons for thousands of years. However, only in the last
  24. At an early stage in the proceedings, and whose nature is such as to arouse, curiosity , a curiosity which is gratified at the end. " In Golden Age detective stories
  25. Dorothy, wielding a knife, finds him and threatens to hurt him. Thinking his, curiosity ,is merely sexual and aroused by his voyeurism, Dorothy makes Jeffrey undress at
  26. In technical projects. Still others may dumpster dive just to indulge in their, curiosity ,for unusual items. Dumpster diving, used in support of academic research, is a
  27. In the city. During the day, Hoffmann would roam, watching the fighting with, curiosity , Finally, on 20 May, they left for Leipzig, only to be involved in an accident
  28. Efforts of one nation. We feel that this stands as a symbol of the insatiable, curiosity ,of all mankind to explore the unknown ... Personally, in reflecting on the
  29. Also incorporate data about migration or especially the chemotaxis of cells. A, curiosity ,of migration research is that among several works investigating taxes (e.g.
  30. Progress is proportional to the observer's internal reward, also called, curiosity ,reward. A reinforcement learning algorithm is used to maximize future expected
  31. Notes Smith's observation that" superstition first attempted to satisfy this, curiosity , by referring all those wonderful appearances to the immediate agency of the
  32. Stage in the proceedings, and whose nature is such as to arouse curiosity ,a, curiosity ,which is gratified at the end. " In Golden Age detective stories, an outsider —
  33. Frog" for the indentation on one bed of the brick is a word that often excites, curiosity ,as to its origin. The most likely explanation is that brick makers also call the
  34. Donation fund (pun intended! )" " to keep Rosa on-line ". Mickeys Another, curiosity ,is his Hidden Mickeys. Rosa is only interested in creating stories featuring
  35. Of his life. During that period, general relativity remained something of a, curiosity ,among physical theories. It was clearly superior to Newtonian gravity, being
  36. Chess Championship, held annually since 1974. At first considered only a, curiosity , the best chess playing programs, for example Reba, have become extremely
  37. Theories of guided exploration which seek to embrace children's natural, curiosity ,rather than, for instance, scolding them for falling out of rank. Home
  38. We are going to go through these operations in a few words to stimulate the, curiosity ,to know their detail; this enumeration will supply as many articles which will
  39. Such as pleasure and pain, motivational states (for example, hunger or, curiosity ,), moods,dispositions and traits. The neural correlates of hate have been
  40. Off from the rest of the state by the strip of ACT land. This is a geographic, curiosity ,: an exclave of NSW land enclosed by an exclave of ACT land. Administration ACT
  41. To the king and eligible to appear at the Hate Four. Amalia had an enormous, curiosity , and William was reportedly astonished to find Amalia questioning, during an
  42. On analysis of a remark in The Wealth of Nations where Smith writes that the, curiosity ,of mankind about the" great phenomena of nature" such as" the generation
  43. Royalty," claimed author Mica Freeman. As a result, there is a strong public, curiosity ,about their private affairs. Celebrities may be resented for their accolades
  44. Of the situation. Beatty adds that all firemen eventually steal a book out of, curiosity , but all is well if the book is burned within 24 hours; he thus implies he
  45. Because of its stark treatment of psychotic evil. The premise of both films is, curiosity , leading to an investigation that draws the lead characters into a hidden
  46. While acknowledging that reading disability is a valid scientific, curiosity , and that" seeking greater understanding of the relationship between visual
  47. Behavior in the film, such as drawing strength from electricity, his, curiosity , to UMI Mizuno's character, and the usage of boulders to destroy the Red
  48. Or that the motive for their study was anything more sinister than natural, curiosity ,and a desire to draw from life. Quite the contrary, Beatrix was devoted to the
  49. Seen as a harmless old man who uses his scientific knowledge to satisfy his own, curiosity , However, two groups are watching Dr. Hiragana: a gang of thieves hired by
  50. Electrical in nature. Electricity would remain little more than an intellectual, curiosity ,for millennia until 1600,when the English scientist William Gilbert made a

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