Examples of the the word, cultivate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cultivate ), is the 5228 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To society, and the second strives to teach women of all estates how to, cultivate ,useful qualities in order to counteract the growth of misogyny (Willard
  2. Taught humanity dairy skills, the use of nets and traps in hunting, and how to, cultivate ,olives. With Hecuba, wife of King Priam of Troy, Apollo had a son named Troilus
  3. Fungus-growing ants that make up the tribe Acting, including leaf cutter ants, cultivate ,certain species of fungus in the Leucoagaricus or Leucocoprinus genera of the
  4. Who had begun to cultivate the land and keep animals. They, too, started to, cultivate ,the land, and by 3000 BC they became part of the megalithic Funnel beaker
  5. Of Eritrea," The sole objective of the National Service program is thus to, cultivate ,capable, hardworking,and alert individuals. " The
  6. Nor the insect is viable without the other. Scientists have been unable to, cultivate ,the bacteria in lab conditions outside the insect. With special
  7. Universal signatures in human aesthetics: #Expertise or virtuosity. Humans, cultivate , recognize, and admire technical artistic skills. #Nonutilitarian pleasure.
  8. Europeans established coffee plantations and Central Africans also began to, cultivate ,coffee. The fifth decade of colonial rule (c. 1940–1950) was shaped by the
  9. The gardens refer also to the Encyclopedia, and that Candide's conclusion to, cultivate ," his garden" symbolizes Voltaire's great support for this endeavor. Candide
  10. If not outright rejecting optimism, advocating an enigmatic precept," we must, cultivate ,our garden ", in lieu of the Leibniz mantra of Pan gloss," all is for the
  11. Temperatures have led to Devon becoming the first place in modern Britain to, cultivate ,olives commercially. Politics and administration The administrative center of
  12. Of England and Ireland if protected from severe frosts. The plants are easy to, cultivate ,and (in areas that have winter) are generally grown in large pots or tubs
  13. We attain to greatness, and may equal even with the gods. We should, therefore, cultivate , the mind with special care. If we wish for nothing but what God wills, we shall
  14. Countries to focus on two specific projects: the Aljazera project which aims to, cultivate ,some two million acres (8,000 km²) of land in Sudan, and a joint project to
  15. Between the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. These appear to be the earliest people to, cultivate ,maize in this part of South America. Existing in the late formative period the
  16. But returned at Sun's demand. The early years at Shampoo allowed Chiang to, cultivate ,a cadre of young officers loyal to both the KMT and himself. Throughout his
  17. The schools of Hindu philosophy differ in their recommended methods to, cultivate ,faith, including selfless action (karma-yoga),renunciation (jnana-yoga)
  18. Dismantled and the peasants began to have more freedom to manage the land they, cultivate ,and sell their products on the market. At the same time,China's economy
  19. Along the road from Brasília to Belém, but rainforest soil proved difficult to, cultivate , Still, long-term development plans continued. Roads were cut through the
  20. Emigrate often did so. Planters expanded their importation of African slaves to, cultivate ,sugar cane. Barbados eventually had one of the world's the biggest sugar
  21. On the levees' back slope, and the coarse soils of the levees are easier to, cultivate ,and permit better subsurface drainage. The height of the levees gives some
  22. Somewhat hilly and not a true plain. Most of its terrain is moderate enough to, cultivate , The largest basin in Bulgaria is the Sofia Basin. About 24 km wide and 96 km
  23. Guide action intuitively was even better than living by the rules of Yi. To, cultivate ,one's attentiveness to men one used another Confucian version of the Golden
  24. Farmers alternative cash crops. To train farmers to successfully rotate and, cultivate ,the new crops, Carver developed an agricultural extension program for Alabama
  25. Charter of Rights case," Sandra Bell vs. City of Toronto ",1997,the right to, cultivate ,all native species, even most varieties deemed noxious or allergenic, was
  26. Party. She was known to have interests in industrial relations and was able to, cultivate ,solid relationships with Labor government frontbenchers, which also added to
  27. In Bavaria, overseas or full of citizens from other nations they continue to, cultivate ,their traditions. They hold festivals and dances to keep their traditions alive
  28. That despite the taboo of figurative visualization, some Muslim countries did, cultivate ,a rich tradition in painting, though not in its own right, but as a companion
  29. Associations for the maintenance of justice... of all people who desire to, cultivate ,land in possession of whatever land they personally cultivate ... and the
  30. And probably bacteria. The beetles excavate tunnels in dead trees in which they, cultivate ,fungal gardens, their sole source of nutrition. After landing on a suitable
  31. Inevitable. Upon acquiring Southwest Africa, German settlers were encouraged to, cultivate ,land held by the Herero and Name. Herero and Name tribal lands were used for a
  32. Rather than dispersed farmsteads; that is, the farmer leaves his village to, cultivate ,the fields outside it. The pattern holds for farming communities in the Kurdish
  33. Given him by the Emperor, yielded a good income, enabling the Prince to, cultivate ,his newly-acquired tastes in art and architecture (see below); but for all
  34. In Mexico is worth $150 million each year and approximately 10,000 farmers, cultivate ,the plant. Until are also used as host plants for cochineal bugs in the
  35. Who desires to cultivate land in possession of whatever land they personally, cultivate ,... and the positive refusal of the protecting power to lend its aid to the
  36. Horses, mules,oxen, camels,llamas, alpacas,and dogs, are often used to help, cultivate ,fields, harvest crops, wrangle other animals, and transport farm products to
  37. A third committee was appointed in 1782. Thirteen Virtues Franklin sought to, cultivate ,his character by a plan of 13 virtues, which he developed at age 20 (in 1726)
  38. Muslim traders began increasingly to penetrate the region of the CAR and to, cultivate ,special relations with local leaders in order to facilitate their trade and
  39. Rugged terrain has made the land difficult to traverse and equally difficult to, cultivate , this area has not been highly developed. The soil here is poor; Honduras lacks
  40. Term damage to the environment. The armed groups also deforest large areas to, cultivate ,illegal crops and open unauthorized highways in protected areas. Extreme points
  41. Introduce Christianity and develop trade. The Spanish taught the Chamorros to, cultivate ,maize (corn),raise cattle, and tan hides, as well as to adopt western-style
  42. Described as" individual entrepreneurs ", members of the family that help to, cultivate ,land are classified as" unpaid family business workers ". The use of this
  43. We shall construct a to hold back the mad frenzy of the occupation troops and, cultivate ,and preserve the purity of our race long into the future ..." Korea Early in
  44. Quickly to the slavery of Native Americans and imported Africans in order to, cultivate ,their plantations and sell raw material (particularly cotton and tobacco) in
  45. The Encyclopedia: the main characters of Candide live in seclusion to ", cultivate ,their garden ", just as Voltaire suggested his colleagues leave society to
  46. From neighboring tribes of the south in Central Europe, who had begun to, cultivate ,the land and keep animals. They, too, started to cultivate the land, and by 3000
  47. Caused by ingesting Data. In some places it is prohibited to buy, sell or, cultivate ,Data plants. No other psychoactive substance has received as many" train
  48. To ensure the supply of food, it was necessary to clear new land for them to, cultivate , Relations between Finland and the Soviet Union remained strained despite the
  49. That all turned out for the best by necessity, instead telling him" we must, cultivate ,our garden ". Style As Voltaire himself described it, the purpose of Candide
  50. From indigenous reserves and given or sold cheaply to those that could, cultivate ,coffee. The government provided little or no compensation to the indigenous

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