Examples of the the word, fame , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fame ), is the 4667 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Roman poetry often means little more than" Cypriot," attesting to the, fame ,of the city. The wealth of Amateur was derived partly from its grain partly
  2. Novelist Sinclair Lewis and poet Edgar Lee Masters of Spoon River Anthology, fame , In the mid-1930s,Delete organized a Ranger's Club for young people, served
  3. By Doyle New York. Other self-published books by Warhol include: After gaining, fame , Warhol" wrote" several books that were commercially published: * a, A Novel
  4. And Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes (based on his famous" fifteen minutes of, fame ," quotation) for MTV in 1986. Besides his own shows he regularly made guest
  5. Diligence. He was admitted as a member of the Institute in 1814. Ampère's, fame ,mainly rests on his establishing the relations between electricity and
  6. In Bay shore on the market in May 2011. Media publicity Most of Kournikova's, fame ,has come from the publicity surrounding her looks and her personal life. During
  7. Of Adam, Eannatum of Lag ash, and Lugal-Zage-Si. Sargon and his sons The, fame ,of the early establishes of Semitic supremacy was far eclipsed by that of
  8. Required. One thing that is consistent about Poirot's retirement is that his, fame ,declines during it, so that in the later novels he is often disappointed when
  9. The greatest natural history explorers of the 19th century. Despite this, his, fame , faded quickly after his death. For a long time, he was treated as a relatively
  10. Blood pressure. Much of these symptoms were related to stress, but with gaining, fame ,and plans, he never slowed his schedule. Career Though early on he had
  11. Don Jesus Medina. “ Don Jesus Medina, a descendant of the great duke of Armada, fame , and one of the highest chiefs of Scottish Rite free-masonry. My cannibalistic
  12. Famous in part because she named Carrel as a witness of her cure. After the, fame ,surrounding the event, Carrel could not obtain a hospital appointment because
  13. Among them for his austerities, his sanctity, and his power as an exorcist. His, fame ,collected round him a host of followers imitating his asceticism in an attempt
  14. His later drawings were traced from slide projections. At the height of his, fame ,as a painter, Warhol had several assistants who produced his silk-screen
  15. The player characters are often professional adventurers, who earn wealth and, fame ,by adventure, such as undertaking hazardous missions, exploring ruins, and
  16. He was succeeded by Do, who is often regarded as the founder of the order. The, fame ,of Clung spread far and wide. Its rigid rule was adopted by a vast number of
  17. Was modest about his part in the development of penicillin, describing his, fame ,as the" Fleming Myth" and he praised Flora and Chain for transforming the
  18. Is a Catholic saint. He was a German Dominican friar and a bishop, who achieved, fame ,for his comprehensive knowledge of and advocacy for the peaceful coexistence of
  19. Arab's poets celebrated its wine, and Murtaugh (8/14th century) tells of the, fame ,of its palm-groves. In the river, facing the town, is a succession of equally
  20. The Rococo period. Trained by his father who was a lace designer, Boucher won, fame ,with his sensuous and light-hearted mythological paintings and landscapes. He
  21. Numbers as his most famous invention became ubiquitous and his personal, fame ,grew. Bell received numerous honorary degrees from colleges and universities
  22. Names of both Antioch us of the Seleucid empire and Ptolemy III of Egypt. The, fame ,of the Mauryan empire was widespread from the time that Ashoka's grandfather
  23. Soon after, he wrote" Howl ", the poem that brought him and his friends much, fame ,and allowed him to live as a professional poet for the rest of his life. Later
  24. Swings. The Fountainhead eventually became a worldwide success, bringing Rand, fame ,and financial security. In 1943,Rand sold the rights for a film version to
  25. Hello (again) "),and iPod. Commercials Apple's product commercials gained, fame ,for launching musicians into stardom as a result of their eye-popping graphics
  26. Bribe Paris with control over all Asia and Europe, while Athena offered wisdom, fame ,and glory in battle, but Aphrodite came forth and presented herself to Paris
  27. May Bell (1878–1964) who married Gilbert Grosvenor of National Geographic, fame , Marian Hubbard Bell (1880–1962) who was referred to as" Daisy ", and two
  28. Night was the first public reading of" Howl ", a poem that brought worldwide, fame ,to Ginsberg and to many of the poets associated with him. An account of that
  29. Bribe Paris with control over all Asia and Europe, while Athena offered wisdom, fame ,and glory in battle, but Aphrodite came forth and whispered to Paris that if he
  30. Most famous acacia is the Are du Tenure in Niger. The reason for the tree's, fame ,is that it used to be the most isolated tree in the world, approximately from
  31. And documentary films. He coined the widely used expression" 15 minutes of, fame , " In his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,The Andy Warhol Museum exists
  32. Then she became insolvent" or that" her infant glories and growing, fame ,were obscured and tarnished by broken contracts and violated faith. " The
  33. Experiment that would prove useful in the design of mass housing. His increased, fame ,led to offers and commissions outside Finland. In 1941, he accepted an
  34. Political views emerged publicly in the middle of the 20th century due to his, fame ,and reputation for genius. Einstein offered to and was called on to give
  35. Honour, and is today sold throughout the world as Alphonso mangoes. Despite his, fame , the city of Albuquerque in New Mexico is not named after him. It was named
  36. Out of all proportion to her success or ability as a player. At the peak of her, fame , fans looking for images of Kournikova made her name one of the most common
  37. Captain W. M. Woodhull in 1934. The oldest, and the one to enjoy enduring, fame , was the one presented to Bligh, later Lord Darnley, during the 1882–83 tour.
  38. For a boy. Germanic us was a candidate for future succession and had won, fame ,campaigning in Germania and Gaul. During the military campaigns, Agrippina
  39. And illegally, for the production of cocaine. Mining The Andes rose to, fame ,for its mineral wealth during the Spanish conquest of South America. Although
  40. Water ", shot by cinematographer Jack Johnson, who later achieved worldwide, fame ,as a popular musician. Callahan went on to make several more surfing projects
  41. A career in magazine illustration and advertising. During the 1950s,he gained, fame ,for his whimsical ink drawings of shoe advertisements. These were done in a
  42. His works. Historically informed performances seem to have increased Vivaldi's, fame ,further. Unlike many of his contemporaries, whose music is rarely heard outside
  43. And adherence to Dharma (duty or proper behavior),and they talk of his, fame ,and conquered lands as well as the neighboring kingdoms holding up his might.
  44. Held, and the play was not revived until after Jarry's death. The play brought, fame ,to the 23-year-old Carry, and he immersed himself in the fiction he had created
  45. That had led the Lombards through their migrations from the Elba to Italy. His, fame ,survived him for many centuries in epic poetry, with Saxons and Bavarians
  46. Groups and individuals who have achieved both national and international, fame , This includes the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, the Adelaide Youth Orchestra
  47. Actor has often said that Maharashtra and specially Mumbai has given him great, fame ,and affection. He has also said that what he is today is because of the love
  48. Books and numerous articles on the sport. Schwarzenegger gained worldwide, fame ,as a Hollywood action film icon. He was nicknamed the" Austrian Oak" and the
  49. In 1935–1936. After two initially unsuccessful early novels, she achieved, fame ,with her 1943 novel The Fountainhead. In 1957,she published her best-known
  50. Was the very first to open. His career boosted by his sudden international, fame , Kurosawa, now reunited with his original film studio, Toho (which would go on

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