Examples of the the word, ex , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ex ), is the 5309 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Has ex isted, and will ex ist, forever. Other proposals attempt to describe the, ex ,Hilo creation of the universe based on quantum cosmology and the following
  2. Affairs, announced that the government of Canada was offering a one-time, ex ,gratis payment of $20,000 as the compensation package for Agent Orange ex posure
  3. Aristotle (" Metaphysics, Book I" ) objects that his nous is merely a Zeus, ex ,machine to which he refuses to attribute design and knowledge. Anaxagoras
  4. Is governed by 24 Trustees, customarily including the President, who serves, ex ,office. The Trustees themselves are responsible for choosing their successors.
  5. The world over. The classification identifies five basic types: * Creation, ex ,Hilo in which the creation is through the thought, word,dream or bodily
  6. Theological doctrine of the Incarnation in opposition to Arianism. Code NATU, ex ,Parents (Of the Father's love begotten) by the Spanish poet Prudential (d.
  7. Involved the ACLU are the following: *The ACLU currently opposes, under the, ex ,post facto clause of the Constitution, the retroactive application of Megan’s
  8. With The Guilty Party in 2001. In 2003,Black worked with Penny Rimbaud (, ex ,Crass) on Crass Agenda's Savage Utopia project. Cold cut returned with the
  9. Known functions If a known function has an asymptote (such as y 0 for f (x), ex , ),then the translations of it also have an asymptote. * If x an is a vertical
  10. Of Christians and Jews in the United Kingdom. Some positions he formally holds, ex ,office and others virtually so (the incumbent of the day, although appointed
  11. Would be better classified as a creation ex Hilo or creation from chaos. With, ex ,Hilo, the potential and the substance of creation springs from within the
  12. The same results as the following rule for large n until n is very large (, ex ,: x 11,n=7752). For ex ample, suppose you randomly sample n people out of a
  13. Pius unicum, Dominum nostrum, : quit concepts est de Spirit Sancho, natus, ex ,Maria Virgie, : passes sub Onto Plato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sedulous,
  14. Of Columbia College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, all who serve, ex ,office, and five additional representatives, appointed by the President, from
  15. Are no supernatural occurrences for most of the opera, there is in fact a Zeus, ex ,machine; God himself comes to Mahagonny right before Jimmy is ex ecuted. The
  16. Being York, London,Durham and Winchester),the Archbishop of Canterbury is, ex ,office one of the Lords Spiritual of the House of Lords. He is one of the
  17. Themes are subverted and made grotesque; love becomes a commodity, the Zeus, ex ,machine tells everyone to go to hell, the law is run by criminals, etc. A
  18. Does not preside over the state Senate, although Coolidge did become an, ex ,office member of the governor's cabinet. As a full-time elected official
  19. Aid 2010,playing for the Rest of the World vs a team of England celebrities and, ex ,pros. Lara was also a talented football player in his youth and often played
  20. The Debate between sheep and grain is an ex ample of an even earlier form of, ex ,Hilo creation myth from ancient Summer. In most of these stories the world is
  21. Only between monoecious and dioecious species: Acid (L.) Allen, ex ,K. R. Robertson and Amaranths. Infrageneric classification focuses on
  22. Is blurred whether the creative act would be better classified as a creation, ex ,Hilo or creation from chaos. With ex Hilo, the potential and the substance
  23. Being by the speech, dream,breath, or pure thought of a creator but creation, ex ,Hilo may also take place through a creator's bodily secretions. The literal
  24. Virchow states that cells always emerge from cell divisions (Omanis cellular, ex ,cellular). * 1931: Ernst Rusk builds first transmission electron microscope (
  25. These may be met with:" Sent et duo Cuisinart et tree benediction ales Libra;, ex ,his onus habit obsequies moratorium et onus Breviaries ", or," Præter
  26. Prior to a game, are included on a starting lineup card or are announced as, ex ,ante substitutes, whether they actually play or not, although,in Major League
  27. Term used to criticize implausible alternate histories or to be used as a Zeus, ex ,machine. One science fiction reviewer in Strange Horizons called alien space
  28. 1 \\ f' ( y) = \franc. \end For ex ample, consider the function g (x), ex , It has an inverse which is denoted f (y) LN y. Because g′ (x) = ex , the
  29. Amplified description, quoting Marco Polo, Beach provincial Porifera Guam Pauli, ex ,aliens regions amount proper gents inhumanities (“ Beach the
  30. Content of the narrated or performed pieces, practicing at its best the Zeus, ex ,Machine solution. Gods were finally able to come down – literally – from the
  31. Where teams are sponsored by football clubs. A. S. Roma's current driver is, ex ,IndyCar Series driver Franck Pierre. The team has posted 3 podiums and is
  32. Various other techniques can be applied, such as mathematical functions (, ex , Gravity, particle simulations),simulated fur or hair, effects such as fire
  33. Through a creator's bodily secretions. The literal translation of the phrase, ex ,Hilo is" from nothing" but in many creation myths the line is blurred
  34. Who he quotes as saying" Albert us repent ex amino facts philosophes et, ex ,philosophy sinus" Albert was suddenly transformed from an ass into a
  35. A grand aspiration to a mere commodity. Another trope of operas is the Zeus, ex ,machine, in which the protagonist is saved at the last minute by divine
  36. Effects. A common criticism of Carter's SAP is that it is an easy Zeus, ex ,machine which discourages searches for physical ex planations. To quote Penrose
  37. Aphyllanthaceae Burnett, Hesperocallidaceae Straub, Hyacinthaceae Batch, ex ,Bork., Laxmanniaceae Bu bani, Ruscaceae M. Room. Which includes Convallariaceae
  38. In \big cup_ V_\alpha \!. AIX (Advanced Interactive ex ecutive, pronounced " an i, ex ,") is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM
  39. Addition, the Turks did not have the means to upgrade the Sultan Yalu Selim (, ex ,Green of the Imperial German Navy). HMS Renown and Repulse were modernized
  40. Sacraments do not depend upon the holiness of the priests who perform them (, ex ,opera operate); therefore, irregular sacraments are still accepted as valid
  41. And 2 Hydra, ( KISS 2007) plus three research ships,1 Project 10470,A 671, ex , Svyaga,1 Valerian Uryvayev class survey vessel (AG) and one Vadim Poor
  42. Kierkegaard cites G. O. Maybach who he quotes as saying" Albert us repent, ex ,amino facts philosophes et ex philosophy sinus" Albert was suddenly
  43. And philosophical implications, most notably, the concept of creation, ex ,Hilo (a Latin phrase meaning" out of nothing" ). In the 1920s and 1930s
  44. Philosophy or its false interpretation, as regards the principles of creation, ex ,Hilo and divine individual providence. The manuscripts include twelve letters
  45. The universe to ex ist simply as a consequence of its ex istence -" creation, ex ,do. " His disciple Process stated 'The One is God '. Centuries later, the
  46. A pastoral staff, takes precedence over all the clergy of Hanover, and was, ex ,office a member of the consistory of the kingdom. The governing body of the
  47. There is also a U. S. Supreme Court case that predates the dictionary, Jackson, ex , dem Bradford v. Huntington, that uses the phrase" black letter" in the same
  48. Crimes, to the new legal system under the U. S. Constitution, which prohibited, ex ,post facto laws at both the federal and state level, the question was raised
  49. Of Odor and Man, whose diocese lies outside the United Kingdom, is an, ex ,office member of the Legislative Council of the Isle of Man. In the past, the
  50. G (x) ex . It has an inverse which is denoted f (y) LN y. Because g′ (x) =, ex , the above formula says that: \franc\LN y \franc \franc. This formula is true

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