Examples of the the word, moderator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( moderator ), is the 5310 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. E. W. Bellinger of the Trinitarian Bible Society, Edward Haughton, senior, moderator , in natural science in Trinity College, Dublin and an archbishop. She repeated
  2. Most modern reactors use enriched uranium and normal" light water" ( H2O), moderator , Other meanings Semiheavy water, HDO,exists whenever there is
  3. Of proteins. The band from D2O is shifted away from the amide I region. Neutron, moderator ,Heavy water is used in certain types of nuclear reactors where it acts as a
  4. Cold substance such as liquid deuterium. Such a cold source is placed in the, moderator ,of a research reactor or salvation source. Cold neutrons are particularly
  5. By the fashioning uranium nuclei, Fermi and Szilard proposed a graphite ", moderator ," against which the fast, high-energy secondary neutrons would collide
  6. Ralph German, Ralph German. Computer History Museum, April 27, 2007, moderator , : Michael Slater.
  7. The same detector. Fast neutron detectors have the advantage of not requiring a, moderator , and therefore being capable of measuring the neutron's energy, time of
  8. S passage of the 1773 Tea Act. On November 5,Hancock was elected as, moderator ,at a Boston town meeting that resolved that anyone who supported the Tea Act
  9. In early 1942 to study plutonium and reactors using graphite as a neutron, moderator , Briggs, Compton,Lawrence, Murphree and Urey met on 23 May 1942 to finalize
  10. Of the chemical element as a result. Most fission reactors use a neutron, moderator ,to slow down, or thermalize the neutrons that are emitted by nuclear fission so
  11. Ted Hoff, Stan Major, Masatoshi Shiva, Computer History Museum, April 26, 2007, moderator , : David House. *http://www.computerhistory.org/collections/accession/102658073 "
  12. 1936) *2008 – Tim Russet, American television host, NBC News Meet the Press, moderator ,(b. 1950) * 2008 – Gertrude Fröhlich-Sandner, Austrian politician (b. 1926)
  13. Down neutrons releases energy, so a cooling system dissipates the heat. The, moderator ,is actually a large heat sink that acts as an additional safety feature. CANDY
  14. The majority of the moderator . To keep the hot coolant from boiling the, moderator , a so-called Casandra tube surrounds each pressure tube, with insulating CO2
  15. And required the reactor to be refueled. Light water makes an excellent, moderator ,- the light hydrogen atoms are very close in mass to a neutron and can absorb a
  16. Reactors; however, CANDU reactors generate tritium also in their coolant and, moderator , due to neutron capture in heavy hydrogen. Some of this tritium escapes into
  17. Substantially more compact. It also possessed a combination flash hider/sound, moderator ,to reduce problems with muzzle flash and loud report. The USAF's GAU-5/A (
  18. Small amounts of tritium, although enough to justify cleaning tritium from the, moderator ,every few years to reduce the environmental risk of tritium escape. Producing a
  19. Neutrons, where the gas used is boron trifluoride or Helium 3 and a plastic, moderator ,is used to slow the neutrons. This creates an alpha particle inside the
  20. Detect exotic mu type (μ) and tau (τ) neutrinos, as well as a non-absorbent, moderator ,medium to preserve free neutrons from this reaction, until they can be absorbed
  21. Fissioning. The CANDY reactor uses this design. Light water also acts as a, moderator ,but because light water absorbs more neutrons than heavy water, reactors using
  22. Deuterium (hydrogen-2) is used in nuclear fission applications as a, moderator ,to slow neutrons, and in nuclear fusion reactions. Tritium (hydrogen-3)
  23. And their children. Galileo affair comparison Cardinal Leo Joseph Scenes,a, moderator ,of the ecumenical council, questioned," whether moral theology took sufficient
  24. Thermal neutrons via a process called moderation. This is done with a neutron, moderator , In reactors, typically heavy water, light water, or graphite are used to
  25. Service and distract from the game. The thread was later deleted by an unknown, moderator , Counter-Strike Online As of February 2008,Counter-Strike Online is only
  26. And in solvents for -NMR spectroscopy. Heavy water is used as a neutron, moderator ,and coolant for nuclear reactors. Deuterium is also a potential fuel for
  27. Acts as an organizer, officiant for questions regarding rules, arbitrator,and, moderator ,for a multiplayer game. They are most common in co-operative games where other
  28. Touch the Casandra tube, allowing heat to be efficiently transferred into the, moderator ,tank. The moderator vessel has a considerable thermal capability on its own
  29. William (Bill) Latin, Jeff Cavell. Computer History Museum, March 28, 2008, moderator , : David Laws. *http://silicongenesis.stanford.edu/complete_listing.html
  30. Paul represents the moderates of each faction, respectively,and Peter served as, moderator , The Epistle emphasizes that non-Jewish followers of Jesus do not need to
  31. In online games A gamemaster's duties in an online game are to act as a, moderator ,or customer service representative for an online community. A GM in such a game
  32. Since heavy water is less efficient at slowing neutrons, CANDU needs a larger, moderator ,to fuel ratio and a larger core for the same power output. Although a
  33. Might" blow itself to hell. " In this design it was still thought that a, moderator ,would need to be used for nuclear bomb fission (this turned out not to be the
  34. A well-moderated thermal reactor where epidermal neutrons mostly interact with, moderator ,nuclei, not with either fissile or fertile actinide nuclides. However, in a
  35. D and F wore out," poisoned" by fission products and swelling of the graphite, moderator ,known as the Wigner effect. The swelling damaged the charging tubes where the
  36. Low-pressure tank known as a Casandra, which contains the majority of the, moderator , To keep the hot coolant from boiling the moderator , a so-called Casandra tube
  37. Orange, the secondary light-water loop in blue and red. The cool heavy water, moderator ,in the Casandra can be seen in pink, along with partially inserted adjuster
  38. II, Nazi Germany was known to be conducting experiments using heavy water as, moderator ,for a nuclear reactor design. Such experiments were a source of concern because
  39. 1777,he was reelected as a delegate to the Continental Congress and as, moderator ,of the Boston town meeting. Hancock rejoined the Continental Congress in
  40. Is a single large pressure vessel containing the light water, which acts as, moderator ,and coolant, and the fuel arranged in a series of long bundles running the
  41. Water is used in certain types of nuclear reactors where it acts as a neutron, moderator ,to slow down neutrons so that they are more likely to react with the fissile
  42. By having light water coolant and using a more compact core with less, moderator , When first introduced, CANDUs offered much better capacity factor (ratio of
  43. Tube, allowing heat to be efficiently transferred into the moderator tank. The, moderator ,vessel has a considerable thermal capability on its own, and is normally kept
  44. Argentine football coach * 1952 – Viktor Giacomo, Swiss writer, comedian, moderator , and actor *1957 – Kathy Najib, American actress and comedienne *1958 – Cecily
  45. MID - marked-for-deletion, a search tag that can lead to idea deletion after, moderator ,review (also used as a verb, meaning 'to mark an idea for deletion). * bone -
  46. Heavy water reactor. The acronym refers to its deuterium-oxide (heavy water), moderator , and its use of (originally, natural ) uranium fuel. CANDY reactors were first
  47. The right lists the critical masses for curium isotopes for a sphere, without a, moderator ,and reflector. With a metal reflector (30 cm of steel),the critical masses
  48. By an internationally approved supplier. The main advantage of heavy water, moderator ,over light water is reduced absorption of the neutrons that sustain the chain
  49. With the discovery of nuclear fission in late 1938,and the need for a neutron, moderator ,that captured few neutrons, heavy water became an important component of early
  50. Did not mean. That is no one’s fault but my own. President Bill Clinton,the, moderator ,in a town meeting discussing the topic" Race In America ", in response to a

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