Examples of the the word, diplomatic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diplomatic ), is the 5311 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. People, or " mentality" ( mentality). Little attention is paid to political, diplomatic , or military history, or to biographies of famous men. Instead, the Annals
  2. Following countries: Countries with diplomatic relations Armenia currently has, diplomatic ,relations with 156 countries. These include: Albania, Afghanistan Andorra
  3. Him the largely honorary title of magister minimum in the west. The gifts and, diplomatic ,efforts of Gastric, who opposed and feared the Visigoths, may also have
  4. Daimyo from Western Japan had been actively involved in negotiating trade and, diplomatic ,treaties with Spain and with the colonies of New Spain (Mexico) and the
  5. To build a fort on Did. The mission returned without an agreement, but, diplomatic , gifts were exchanged, including an Indian rhinoceros. Albuquerque sent the gift
  6. Treaty of Apollo, pursuant to which Germany and the Soviet Union re-establish, diplomatic ,relations, is signed. *1925 – During the Communist St Nadella Church assault in
  7. Of Chad accuses Egypt of playing a role in the attempt and breaks off, diplomatic ,relations. *1975 – The Governor of Portuguese Timor abandons its capital, Dili
  8. Period of unprecedented prosperity by securing their borders and strengthening, diplomatic ,ties with their neighbors. Military campaigns waged under Tutsis I and his
  9. Sorbonnistes, to turn French historians away from the narrowly political and, diplomatic ,toward the new vistas in social and economic history. Cofounder Marc Bloch (
  10. Does not have diplomatic relations with the following countries: Countries with, diplomatic ,relations Armenia currently has diplomatic relations with 156 countries. These
  11. Numerous fortresses to defend key strategic positions and establishing a net of, diplomatic ,relations. Shortly before his death he was awarded viceroy and" Duke of Goa "
  12. Economic relations with NATO members and their allies. Afghanistan also has, diplomatic ,relations with neighboring Pakistan, Iran,Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,Tajikistan
  13. Executed by Soviet forces in the Katy Forest Massacre is announced, causing a, diplomatic ,rift between the Polish government in exile in London from the Soviet Union
  14. From its former rustic state ". He was known for his generosity and for his, diplomatic ,and administrative abilities. One modern historian feels that it was Alfred
  15. The Vatican City) and the European Union. Azerbaijan has not yet established, diplomatic ,with: * Togo, Nigeria,Central African Republic, Congo,DR Congo, Tanzania
  16. The city and first Portuguese coinage, he also provided the junks for several, diplomatic ,missions. Meanwhile, Albuquerque arrested and executed powerful Javanese
  17. The short-lived Azerbaijan Democratic Republic succeeded in establishing, diplomatic ,relations with six countries, sending diplomatic representatives to Germany and
  18. Was the aim of the Wen dish Crusade of 1147 in which Albert took part;, diplomatic ,measures were more successful, and by an arrangement made with the last of the
  19. Scientific methods by historians, emphasis on social rather than political or, diplomatic ,themes, and for being generally hostile to the class analysis of Marxist
  20. Isolation in the years following the Third Anglo-Afghan War. He established, diplomatic ,relations with major states and, following a 1927–28 tour of Europe and Turkey
  21. Through military and diplomatic intervention. In 1993,it established formal, diplomatic ,relations with the United States. It has entered the Southern African
  22. Airways dropped its Afrikaans name from its livery. Similarly, South Africa's, diplomatic ,missions overseas now only display the name of the country in English and their
  23. A Portuguese vassal state until 1622. There Albuquerque stood, engaging in, diplomatic ,efforts and receiving envoys while becoming increasingly ill. In November 1515
  24. And asserting its own national interests in Central Africa through military and, diplomatic ,intervention. In 1993,it established formal diplomatic relations with the
  25. Of the United States government. It was capable of making war, negotiating, diplomatic , agreements,and resolving issues regarding the western territories. Article
  26. Succeeded in establishing diplomatic relations with six countries, sending, diplomatic , representatives to Germany and Finland. The process of international
  27. The two countries are still technically at war. Notable countries with no, diplomatic ,relations Armenia currently does not have diplomatic relations with the
  28. Peace with Bulgaria was secured through territorial concessions and a, diplomatic ,marriage between the children of the two emperors. The subsequent years
  29. And the pavement of streets. Connection with Ethiopia Alfonso was the object of, diplomatic ,contacts from the empire of Ethiopia. In 1428,he received a letter from Ayesha
  30. Recent country to recognize Azerbaijan was Bahrain, on November 6,1996. Full, diplomatic ,relations, including mutual exchanges of missions, were first established with
  31. Ambitions over Malacca, Albuquerque immediately sent Duarte Fernandes in a, diplomatic ,mission to the Kingdom of Siam (Thailand),travelling in a Chinese junk
  32. On King Alfonso. This honor was intended, in part, to commemorate the, diplomatic ,and trading history which existed long before other Western nations were
  33. Catholic Church to purposes of national utility. These actions led to a serious, diplomatic ,conflict between the pope and Portugal. After being excommunicated for his
  34. Notable countries with no diplomatic relations Armenia currently does not have, diplomatic ,relations with the following countries: Countries with diplomatic relations
  35. Particular emphasis on its" Special Relationship" with Turkey. Azerbaijan has, diplomatic ,relations with 158 countries so far and holds membership in 38 international
  36. Difficult to understand, as it contains many highly specialized terms for, diplomatic , internal, official,and military matters. There are no regional variations
  37. With the Union. Confederate offers late in the war to end slavery in return for, diplomatic ,recognition were not seriously considered by London or Paris. After 1863,the
  38. Between Bolivia and Chile ever since 1870,and these two countries have not had, diplomatic ,relations since about 1974. Because of the tortuous terrain in places, villages
  39. An office for captives from the Palacios de Oriente, which leveraged the Spanish, diplomatic ,and military network abroad to intercede for thousands of prisoners-of-war
  40. Like the Chinese, to encourage good relations with the Portuguese. Trade and, diplomatic ,missions were sent to continental kingdoms: Run Tunes the Cuba was sent to Peru
  41. Of mainland Greece under Macedonian hegemony, using both military and, diplomatic ,means. Upon Philip's death, Alexander inherited a strong kingdom and an
  42. Muslim and Gujarati merchants having fled the city, Albuquerque now invested in, diplomatic ,efforts demonstrating generosity to Southeast Asian merchants, like the Chinese
  43. WHO, WIPO,WHO, WToO, WTrO (observer) Countries Azerbaijan currently has, diplomatic ,relations with 160 countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain,Belarus, Belgium,Bulgaria
  44. On his palaces and gardens and attempted to deal with the crisis through, diplomatic ,means. The emperor's attempts to bolster the empire's defenses by special
  45. Then. During the war Congress exercised an unprecedented level of political, diplomatic , military, and economic authority. It adopted trade restrictions, established
  46. Active members of the Turkic Council and the TURKEY community. Azerbaijan has, diplomatic ,relations with 158 countries and holds membership in 38 international
  47. And" the futility of all human endeavor," or at least the futility of the, diplomatic ,career that Crowley had previously considered, and instead, he decided to
  48. The War of the Pacific between Chile, and the allied Bolivia and Peru, in a, diplomatic ,deal to keep Argentina out of the war. The Chilean Army and Chilean Navy
  49. Asia Africa North and South America Oceania No relations Azerbaijan maintains, diplomatic ,relations with 166 states (including Palestine and the Vatican City) and the
  50. To balance interests with the U. S., EU,Russia and Iran. ' According to a NATO, diplomatic ,source some key officials at NATO headquarters in Brussels were pushing hard

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