Examples of the the word, endure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( endure ), is the 4821 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. They saw a rising stronghold for their philosophic enemies. By 1757 they could, endure ,it no longer. The subscribers had grown from 2,000 to 4,000,a measure of the
  2. Good and that of the whole Church; *the strengthening, peace,and courage to, endure ,in a Christian manner the sufferings of illness or old age; *the forgiveness of
  3. And tremendous success. Flaubert characterized it as" a masterpiece that will, endure , " This was Maupassant's first piece of short fiction set during the
  4. A greater capacity to suffer more than mortal man could suffer; thus he could, endure ,the anguish and incomprehensible pain of the atonement. The LDS belief is that
  5. Compared this to the stereotyping and double standards that blacks typically, endure , For alleged misconduct during his governorship, Paula Jones brought a sexual
  6. May from Louis XIV –" Have particular care to that part of the line which will, endure ,the first shock of the English troops. " The vigor of the English assault
  7. Seal. The physiological and behavioral adaptations that allow found pups to, endure ,these remarkable fasts, which are among the longest for any mammal, remain an
  8. To have a feeling of mine unfortunate estate, which, although it is far unfit to, endure ,delays, yet have consumed four or five years in a flattering hope of idle words
  9. Is described to be a person in a political capacity created by the law, to, endure , in perpetual succession. ” Americans in the 1790s knew of a variety of
  10. Waves of intense cold occur, lasting for several days, and one may have to, endure ,a cold of, rising to a maximum of. On the other hand, the summer temperature is
  11. Term health prospects of the gladiators. Legal and social status" He vows to, endure ,to be burned, to be bound, to be beaten, and to be killed by the sword. " The
  12. Naming it Zeehaen's Bight). Two names he gave to New Zealand landmarks still, endure , Cape Maria van Die men and Three Kings Islands, but Cab Pieter Borders is now
  13. Accepted his motto and magical name of Frater Perdurable, meaning " I shall, endure ,to the end. " At around this time, he moved from the elegant accommodation at
  14. 12 of his side's 18 goals to create an opening round record which was to, endure ,for forty-five years. More importantly, however,he went on to maintain the
  15. The arrival of Christianity dissolves the old curse that traditionally was to, endure ,until Ragnarök. " Freya was a human in Asia and was the favorite concubine of
  16. Ages and the old world has to be wiped out because Man would not be able to, endure ,the weak state and the unhappiness that comes with it. The time for their
  17. To an upright blue lion looking backwards and holding a staff, which was to, endure ,for the next three decades. This crest was based on elements in the coat of
  18. Aircraft (101,102,201,and 202). The nose window and visor glass needed to, endure ,temperatures in excess of 100 °C at supersonic flight were developed by Triplex.
  19. Regulated the status of women, states," A woman is known as a sack, made to, endure ,as long as she lives in her husband's house. " Women were not allowed to
  20. Grief Batman processes on a daily basis choose to kill themselves rather than, endure ,such a tortured existence. The two-seater concludes with a major" Final Crisis
  21. The Delian and Peloponnesian Leagues signed a peace treaty, which was set to, endure ,for thirty years. It only lasted until 431 BC, when the Peloponnesian War broke
  22. Is the prestigious Oxford Honors Program in which highly qualified students, endure ,a rigorous application and interview process and, if selected, travel to the
  23. Cancer, and had dedicated herself to ensuring that others would not have to, endure ,the same suffering. Towards this end she engaged in an extensive letter writing
  24. Go The Shears, The Queensland Drover and The Dying Stockman. Later themes which, endure ,to the present include the experiences of war, of droughts and flooding rains
  25. A sufficient service. Being a child was apparently a fine property, to better, endure ,tedious duties and to tolerate subjugation to political power-brokers, as well
  26. For this; Herodotus tells us that the Athenians at Marathon were" first to, endure ,looking at Median dress and men wearing it, for up until then just hearing the
  27. With blank pages which the owner is meant to use as a journal, should they, endure ,a zombie outbreak, lending the book a stronger, if satiric, kind of realism.
  28. Reinforced by plastic foam to cushion the numerous hits an instructor has to, endure , Sometimes in practice, masters wear a protective sleeve or a leg leather to
  29. For the feelings of the families of the deceased. The inhabitants passively, endure ,their increasing feelings of exile and separation; despondent, they waste away
  30. Between moving parts, and tapered cartridge case design allow the gun to, endure ,large amounts of foreign matter and fouling without failing to cycle. This
  31. At the front, Bäumer and his comrades have to engage in frequent battles and, endure ,the dangerous and often squalid conditions of warfare. At the very beginning of
  32. Auschwitz Commandant, Rudolf Host, revealed that psychologically" unable to, endure ,wading through blood any longer ", many Einsatzkommandos—the killers — either
  33. Highly variable. " Nevertheless, the topic of Huxley’s eyesight continues to, endure ,similar, significant controversy, regardless of how trivial a subject it
  34. His brother Bob Castle, and the popular line-up of Demo was formed. It would, endure ,for nearly ten years. 1975–1980 Demo gained some fame in 1976 when the short
  35. Of Human Behavior (1993),Stock dale credits Epictetus with helping him, endure ,seven and a half years in a North Vietnamese military prison—including
  36. 63 gigapascals (GPA). (For illustration, this translates into the ability to, endure ,tension of a weight equivalent to 6422 kg on a cable with cross-section of 1
  37. Status, which involved disadvantages and discrimination, was too much to, endure , In some places, like the Maghreb, Central Asia, and southern Arabia
  38. There is proper guilt from doing 'wrong' instead of doing 'right,' people, endure ,all sorts of guilty feelings which do not stem from violating universal moral
  39. Divorce ditch. " It earned this nickname from the troubles that couples have to, endure ,while trying to navigate the many locks by themselves. History The idea of a
  40. In the face of political and private change. " Would that he had been able to, endure ,prosperity with greater self-control, and adversity with more fortitude! "
  41. Was convicted of murder or sexual assault). * The family does not feel able to, endure ,a traditional service (due to emotional shock) or simply wants a quiet
  42. Developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage" and ordered the Japanese to ", endure ,the unendurable" in surrender. It was the first time the public had heard the
  43. Companies who were categorized as the" small players" were adequate to, endure ,the destruction of the financial market during 2000-2002. Additionally, retail
  44. Who knows the truth about the battle of Okinawa. Bear the temporary shame but, endure ,it. This is an order from your army Commander. " Sahara was the most senior
  45. And place the well-being of the state in such danger, that the obligation to, endure ,ceases. This is most rare, however,and the theologian who authorizes violence
  46. The fundamental truth that God is love, that through faith alone can we, endure ,the suffering that is the common lot of God's chosen people. Forth may refer
  47. Just a change of master. They had already learned how to adapt themselves and ", endure ,under the conditions of political, social and economic disability. " Jewish
  48. Their victory endowed the Greeks with a faith in their destiny that was to, endure ,for three centuries, during which western culture was born ". John Stuart Mill
  49. A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot, endure ,permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be
  50. Dollars. Presenting the image of a stern teacher, Xavier makes his students, endure ,a rigorous training regime. Xavier's first five students are Marvel Girl

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