Examples of the the word, ordeal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ordeal ), is the 12455 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Times and other cultures, such as the medieval flagellates and the physical, ordeal ,rituals of some Native American societies. Although the names of the Marquis de
  2. Of their land and property, and many of these consequently died. The tangent, ordeal ,was commonly administered to determine the guilt or innocence of an accused
  3. To Cape Flora where, during the following weeks, they recuperated from their, ordeal , Nansen later wrote that he could" still scarcely grasp" the sudden change of
  4. The sixteen-year-old Douglass was nearly broken psychologically by his, ordeal ,under Covey, but he finally rebelled against the beatings and fought back.
  5. Fixed territorial boundaries for many of the countries involved in the, ordeal ,(as well as for the newer ones created afterwards),the Peace of Westphalia
  6. Of his eyes -- with his poor pallid face -- were not earthly --" Severn's, ordeal ,was recognized by Keats himself, who,a month before his death, said," Severn
  7. She is not directly mentioned at any other place in the book. Throughout the, ordeal , she survives and lives on with Job. There is uncertainty about her intentions
  8. In the same independent politic as rulers of Portugal, Henry had withstood the, ordeal ,and initiated in Rome a politic of freeing their personal fief from suzerainty
  9. For an extended period at the Villa Meridian. Calvin wrote of his mother's, ordeal ,that" she was an example of tenacity and courage … behaving with dignity and
  10. There also are traditional courts and lay courts in the counties. Trial by, ordeal ,is practiced in various parts of Liberia. Administrative divisions The basic
  11. Clergy in trial by ordeal in 1215. Without the legitimacy of religion, trial by, ordeal ,collapsed. The juries under the assizes began deciding guilt as well as
  12. Anxiety upon returning to her too small central Detroit houses following the, ordeal , she moved into Riverfront Towers, a secure high rise apartment building where
  13. The initiate into each grade appears to have required to undertake a specific, ordeal ,or test, involving exposure to heat, cold or threatened peril. An ' ordeal pit '
  14. The pope stated that Our Lady of Fatima helped keep him alive throughout his, ordeal , Agra was caught and restrained by a nun and other bystanders until police
  15. She was to be subjected to the Ordeal of Bitter Water, a form of trial by, ordeal , but one that took a miracle to convict. The literary prophets indicate that
  16. Brothers. Job is blessed once again and lives on another 140 years after the, ordeal , living to see his children to the fourth generation and dying peacefully of
  17. By Hitler. They also rejected Hitler's mystical vision of war as a necessary, ordeal ,for the nation, and of perpetual war as desirable. Göring himself feared that a
  18. I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great, ordeal ,of meeting me is another matter.: — Winston Churchill To save your world you
  19. 1996),people who have been injured in car crashes attempt to view their, ordeal ,as" a fertilizing rather than a destructive event ". In 2005,Rosenberg would
  20. Courts still exists within the rural areas of the country, with trial by, ordeal ,remaining common despite being officially outlawed. This score represented a
  21. Inhabitants were killed or expelled by the Hannah in 1948. By the end of the, ordeal , the kidnappers had killed eleven Israeli athletes and coaches and a West
  22. Given a trial by ordeal . The Church banned participation of clergy in trial by, ordeal ,in 1215. Without the legitimacy of religion, trial by ordeal collapsed. The
  23. The race. Of the 27 cars that started the event, only 10 managed to survive the, ordeal , as officials halted the event 10 miles short of the scheduled 250 mile
  24. Left but the past, since they do not know how long into the future their, ordeal ,may last. And the past smacks only of regret, of things left undone. Living
  25. Children. Although Eleanor had an aversion to mating, and considered it" an, ordeal ,to be endured "; they had six children, the first four in rapid succession: *
  26. That was poisonous to mortals. As a relic of Germanic Law the orientation,an, ordeal ,where the corpse of the victim was supposed to start bleeding in the presence
  27. It any longer. But God is merciful. He will give us strength for this terrible, ordeal , " Maria's daughter Olga Alexandrina commented further on the matter," Yet I
  28. Uncertainty of radical personnel change. Thompson was publicly outraged by the, ordeal ,which he considered poorly handled. 2007–2011: Premiership era It appeared
  29. And having new children,7 sons and 3 daughters (his wife did not die in this, ordeal ,). His new daughters (Jemima, Keziah and Keren-Happuch) were the most
  30. Dates to 1724. It is likely that the insane, like those under 14,were spared, ordeal ,by trial. When jury by trial replaced this, the jury were expected to find the
  31. R. Kaufman. Due to his support, Palmer was acquitted in early 1937. The entire, ordeal ,lasted less than a year, and later became known as The East view Birth Control
  32. Rachel's body, kills Jean Grey and Cyclops, leaving Rachel forced to watch to, ordeal , Nova the leaves Rachel's body, stealing the Phoenix force. The Phoenix being
  33. Freed for a US$60 million ransom (the largest on record at that time),the, ordeal ,triggered the company headquarters' relocation to São Paulo, Brazil,and
  34. Producer Martin Ransohoff began to receive phone calls about the Major Dundee, ordeal ,and was told Peckinpah was impossible to work with. In addition, Peckinpah
  35. Take to court. Bachchan was eventually found not guilty of involvement in the, ordeal , His old friend, Amar Singh, helped him during a financial crisis due to the
  36. Remain service, to join him and the army without delay. Rather than face this, ordeal , Alexei fled to Vienna and placed himself under the protection of his
  37. Unclear. There is general agreement among his friends and colleagues that" the, ordeal ,he went through with the C. D. F. had caused havoc to his mental and physical
  38. However, were punished in other ways: many were required to undergo the tangent, ordeal , while others were condemned to hard labor or the confiscation of their land
  39. Light. His brother Sharper Ahmadi was also with him throughout this whole, ordeal ,at the UN compound, and was shot to death. International reaction There was
  40. Was her own kind of performing arts school on the road. She has said of the, ordeal ," My deepest passion was music, and it helped. There were moments when I
  41. Up into the heavens by a volcanic eruption. Although a bit signed by the, ordeal , Empedocles survives and continues his life on the Moon, surviving by feeding
  42. Hundreds on a circuit. A criminal accused by this jury was given a trial by, ordeal , The Church banned participation of clergy in trial by ordeal in 1215. Without
  43. For the deceased. Arriving at one's reward in afterlife was a demanding, ordeal , requiring a sin-free heart and the ability to recite the spells, passwords and
  44. And one sailor (Alexander Konrad) survived after a gruesome three month, ordeal , The survivors brought the ship log of St. Anna, the map of her drift, and
  45. Composed, classical rabbinical sources argue that Samuel was terrified by the, ordeal , having expected to be appearing to face God's judgement, and had therefore
  46. Commuted to blinding, which was duly carried out; Bernard did not survive the, ordeal , however, dying after two days of agony. Others also suffered: Theodore of
  47. Cape of Good Hope was published in 1712 and included an account of Selkirk's, ordeal , Life after Journalist Richard Steele interviewed Selkirk about his adventures
  48. Laity. It also forbade clergymen to participate in the practice of the judicial, ordeal , effectively banning its use. At the Fourth Lateran Council, Innocent III and
  49. Figure accepted this conjecture and depicted Boba Fett as having escaped the, ordeal , In the commentary for the Special Edition Release of the film, George Lucas
  50. Did any letter-writing — thanking anybody for a present was so much of an, ordeal ,that I would rather have written a two hundred fifty-line pastoral or a

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