Examples of the the word, ariel , in a Sentence Context

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  1. For the world's largest nesting population of lesser frigate bird (Frigate, ariel , ),with a population of up to 85,000 birds. Actively worked for guano in the
  2. Reads:" I (i.e. Mesh) carried from there (the city of Tarot) the, ariel , of its DVD (or: its Ariel of DVD) and I dragged it before Demos in Period ".
  3. In Iraq, supported special forces during numerous missions, and provided key, ariel , surveillance for intelligence. The squadron was the last fighter/attack
  4. Used to throw directly at other players in front of the player. *bomb - used to, ariel , attack an opponent or when you're in a small room it will bounce against the
  5. It looks very similar to, and has traditionally been considered part of, R. v., ariel , but molecular analysis suggests that it has been isolated for a long time and
  6. And are by some already considered close to distinct species status. As R. v., ariel , was described before R. v. culminates, if separated they would become
  7. Therefore be" the lion-figure of its/their beloved (god) ", understanding ", ariel ," as the Celtic lion associated with the" beloved" god of Tarot; or
  8. Of DVD) and I dragged it before Demos in Period ". The meanings of both ", ariel ," and" DDH" are unclear. " Ariel" might be etymologically derived from
  9. Jewish force held the position for four days starting May 22, 1948. Name ", ariel ," /> It was finally captured in the Six-Day War by an armored brigade, also
  10. Lord Palmerston, and discussed the construction of a railway. Name ", ariel ," /> Temple supported the plan, commenting that it would benefit both Britain
  11. Condor Industries and began manufacturing self-propelled, telescoping hydronic, ariel ,'cherry-picker' style lifts, primarily for the aircraft maintenance industry.
  12. Rubricauda - regular visitor Slide Fregatidae * Lesser Frigate bird, Fregata, ariel ,- regular visitor * Great Frigate bird, Fregata minor - regular visitor Arcade
  13. On wooden, half-pipe ramp structures and in concrete pools. As a no-handed, ariel , it was easier to apply on sloping transition than on flat terrain, so it was
  14. Brampton and demonstrated a smoke screen),ground to air signalling, and even, ariel , bombardment. The colors of the old 36th Regiment had been laid up in Christ
  15. 1982/83 decline Pelecaniformes * Indo-Pacific Lesser Frigate bird (Frigate Ariel, ariel , ) – important breeding colony; 9,000 birds before the 1982/83 decline * Central
  16. Of the town, and throws out Mary too. Mary twists about and hooks her gag on an, ariel , transforms, and gives the hate of Mary Marvel to the Hate-Collector by hitting
  17. Dig a trench up the mountainside to bury cable to a new and higher transmission, ariel , which would give them better stereo FM sound and a farther reach. A couple of
  18. Been owned by a Abuse effendi prior to the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Name ", ariel ," /> name" heaven lexicon" /> Its named was taken from Proverbs 10:31:
  19. Toucan (R. Ariel; now R. vitellinus Ariel). However, the subspecies R. v., ariel , is closer to R. v. culminates than to the nominate, and are by some already
  20. The Turkish Sultan for his efforts to promote its construction. Name ", ariel ," /> The original failure of the Western powers to construct the railway is
  21. Points. " The Fairy Martin (Petrochelidon, ariel , ) is a member of the swallow family of pas serine birds which breeds in
  22. As" static searching ", where the fantail will remain at a perch and watch for, ariel , prey which it will then sally towards and snatch from the air before returning
  23. Before R. v. culminates, if separated they would become Ramparts Ariel, ariel , and R. a. culminates. There also exists an isolated population in eastern
  24. A railway, which called for a line through Allah and Bat Horn. Name ", ariel ," /> A route along the lines of Schick's plan was for a long time considered
  25. In the Gulf of Arab. The Lesser Frigate bird or Least Frigate bird (Frigate, ariel , ) is said to be the most common and widespread frigate bird in Australian seas (
  26. Frigatebird (Frigate minor) is compared to the smallest extant one (Frigate, ariel , ). The bill of hasegawai was notably larger still than that of its convener
  27. Public or formally disguised poetic forms such as odes, pastoral poetry, and,Ariel, verse. One of the characteristics of the period is its devaluation of
  28. The planned route, which was very similar to the route used today. Name ", ariel ," /> The main differences were two sections near Jeff and Rama, changed from
  29. Brampton and demonstrated a smoke screen),ground to air signalling, and even, ariel , bombardment. The colors of the old 36th Regiment had been laid up in Christ
  30. By the king, and not by any single genius. Throughout the period, the lyric, ariel , historical, and epic poem was being developed. The English epic Even without
  31. The 1982/83 decline Pelecaniformes * Indo-Pacific Lesser Frigate bird (Frigate, ariel , ariel ) – important breeding colony; 9,000 birds before the 1982/83 decline *
  32. Taking its prey mostly by gleaning with a few sallying flights to snatch, ariel , prey. The species is currently listed as near threatened. It is threatened by
  33. R. Vitellinus citreolaemus) and the Ariel Toucan (R. Ariel; now R. vitellinus, ariel , ). However, the subspecies R. v. Ariel is closer to R. v. culminates than to
  34. Flats which consisted of horizontal and vertical blocks connected together by, ariel , concrete walkways. These were demolished in 1983. Basford has a good range of
  35. Military decoration and symbol. Iron Cross may also refer to: * Iron Cross (, ariel , ski trick),a new stool technique popularized by Jonny Moseley in the 1998
  36. Initially a mobile station, by 1943 it was a permanent fixture with rotating, ariel , array,transmitter equipment stored in an underground bunker, operations block
  37. Carried from there (the city of Tarot) the Ariel of its DVD (or: its, ariel , of DVD) and I dragged it before Demos in Period ". The meanings of both "
  38. And the world's largest nesting population of lesser frigate bird (Frigate, ariel , ) with up to 85,000 birds. 29 other species of birds have been described as
  39. Frigate bird, Fregata Andrews - endemic species * Lesser Frigate bird, Fregata, ariel ,- regular visitor Arcade * White-faced Heron, Ardea novaehollandiae -
  40. Pelicans Philippines #Sula dactylatra #Sula leucogaster #Fregata, ariel , #Phalacrocorax carbon #Phalacrocorax filamentous #Phalacrocorax pelagic us
  41. Frigate bird (Frigate minor) and perhaps also the Lesser Frigate bird (F., ariel , ) were formerly recorded on Mile Membrane, but only to prey on other birds '
  42. R. Citreolaemus; now R. vitellinus citreolaemus) and the Ariel Toucan (R., ariel , ; now R. vitellinus Ariel). However, the subspecies R. v. Ariel is closer to R.
  43. And behavior they show resemblances to the Old World bee-eaters, as most, ariel , insectivores tend to have short wide bills as opposed to long thin ones. The
  44. Remains of the keeper's house, were found. The Lesser Frigate bird, Fregata, ariel , is a species of frigate bird. It nests in Australia, among other locations.
  45. Easily confused with,Cuvier's Toucan (Ramparts Uranus Cuvier). * Race, ariel , : It resembles the nominate, but the base of its bill is yellow, the skin around
  46. 10, 1948,prior to the second phase of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Name ", ariel ," /> 23 attempts by the Palmach's Hear Brigade to conquer it failed,
  47. Described before R. v. culminates, if separated they would become Ramparts, ariel , ariel and R. a. culminates. There also exists an isolated population in eastern
  48. Have bred. This species is frequently placed in the genus Hired as Hired, ariel , It has no subspecies. This is a bird of open country near water, and is
  49. Drums on" Interesting Results" all songs written, performed and recorded by, ariel , pink at 1245 Norton ave. Los Angeles California Oct. 01 - July 02 on MT8X
  50. At the TAFTA Theater Bibliography Metal, Edith: Dan Woman - Film-Maker, in:, ariel ,44 (1977) pp 88–102 Anti Sultana (born 14 March 1984) is a Finnish

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