Examples of the the word, reluctantly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reluctantly ), is the 12457 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Long that Life had delayed in the region of imagination merely: how slowly and, reluctantly ,I had come to admit that his Christendom had more than an accidental connection
  2. Settlement offer from the airline. Max states his discomfort with lying but, reluctantly ,agrees when he considers Nan's financial predicament as a widow. The unease of
  3. He had any direct involvement in politics for the following few years. He only, reluctantly ,accepted a promagistracy in Militia for 51 BC, after a shortage of eligible
  4. XIII (their father, Henry IV, had died during her childhood). Parliament, reluctantly ,agreed to the marriage, Both Charles and James were advocates of the divine
  5. Minutes from the film. The debt nearly closed Zoetrope, and forced Coppola to (, reluctantly ,) focus on The Godfather. His winery produced its first vintage in 1977 with
  6. Cassidy) and Paris (Daryl Hannah). Declared attempts to decline the job, but, reluctantly , agrees after Bryant issues a veiled threat. Declared is teamed with Gaff and
  7. With her. On 21 April, Byron signed the Deed of Separation, although very, reluctantly , and left England for good a few days later. Byron did not have a relationship
  8. Turin was to take Naples and Sicily from Philip due d'Anjou's supporters), reluctantly , agreed to Marlborough's plan for an attack on Toulon – the seat of French
  9. Albeit the first time (when Wayne was recovering from his broken back), reluctantly , After Wayne's" death ", Dick stated that he had no problem becoming Batman
  10. As judges, but they are unworthy, and so the people glamour for a king. God, reluctantly ,accedes and gives them Saul of the tribe of Benjamin. Saul defeats the enemies
  11. By the Soviet Union (due to an agreement amongst the Allies,Patton's armies, reluctantly ,did not enter Prague and the city had to liberate itself before being
  12. Will see to it that he is put in jail. Wounded in spirit and body, Barry, reluctantly , accepts the deal. He goes first to Ireland with his mother, then to the
  13. In the TV series Monk, in the season 7 episode" Mr. Monk on Wheels ", Monk, reluctantly , aids Natalie Seeger in finding a bioengineer's stolen bicycle (a crime he
  14. The City College library continued to use Bliss’s system until 1967,when it, reluctantly ,switched to the Library of Congress system. It had become too expensive to
  15. That the Marquis de Blanzac, who had taken charge in Clérambault's absence, reluctantly ,accepted the inevitability of defeat, and some 10,000 of France's best
  16. And the burnt out expert Blade Runner, Rick Declared (Harrison Ford),who, reluctantly ,agrees to take on one more assignment to hunt them down. Blade Runner initially
  17. Request and detained several opponents. Pressure from the United States, more, reluctantly , from France, and from a group of locally represented countries and agencies
  18. In a twist of fate, Kantorek is later called up as a soldier as well. He very, reluctantly ,joins the ranks of his former students, only to be grilled and taunted by
  19. By Wilbur also secretly being an abortionist. Wilbur came to this work, reluctantly , but he is driven by having seen the horrors of back-alley operations. Homer
  20. Came gradually for the Comoros. During the middle of the 20th century the French, reluctantly ,began to accede to reasonable requests, and in 1946 Comoros had become a
  21. Of the magazine La Esperantist, and some other leading users, Zamenhof, reluctantly , put forward a radical reform to be voted on by readers. He proposed the
  22. Of privatization, however,has been slow, and local entities only, reluctantly ,support national-level institutions. Banking reform accelerated in 2001 as all
  23. In Hungary. Having first sent his manuscripts out of the country, Bartók, reluctantly ,emigrated to the U. S. with Dicta Pastor in July that year. They settled in
  24. Detroit Grand Prix and one in 1985 with winning the French Grand Prix before, reluctantly ,leaving for the Williams team at the end of the season. After seven years and
  25. Requested that Smith lend him the current pages that had been translated. Smith, reluctantly ,relented to Harris' requests. Lucy Harris is thought to have stolen the first
  26. Mississippi River to the United States. Full of resentment, Native Americans, reluctantly ,confirmed these land cessions with the United States in a series of treaties
  27. With representatives of the Shogun, led by plenipotentiary and the text was, reluctantly ,endorsed subsequently by Emperor Coma. The Treaty was ratified on 21 February
  28. Reaches out to his stepbrother and offers him a place in his mansion, with Cain, reluctantly ,accepting. The Juggernaut redeems himself over the next few weeks and joins the
  29. Like a recording machine, can remember faces, names,and details. Paul accepts, reluctantly , seeing the strands of a Thailand plot. As Paul's soldiers attack the
  30. Ruler; though this, too,ends in humiliation. Near the end, Don Quixote, reluctantly ,sways towards sanity: an inn is just an inn, not a castle. Obviously there is
  31. Tells her daughters-in-law to return to their own mothers, and remarry. Oprah, reluctantly ,leaves; however, Ruth says," Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from
  32. Campaign against him by both the KGB and the Union of Soviet Writers, Pasternak, reluctantly , agreed to decline the Prize. However, the campaign against Pasternak had
  33. 1947,was less than enthusiastic. Campbell later said that he published it only, reluctantly , though he praised it privately, and bought little from Smith thereafter.
  34. Convinced Motown that the emperor was too" undignified" to reign. Monotone, reluctantly ,realized that someone needed to devise a strategy for deposing the emperor.
  35. Option, Griffith offered Dixon 25 percent interest in the picture. Dixon, reluctantly ,agreed. The film's unprecedented success made him rich. Dixon's proceeds were
  36. And the party broke up, he withdrew from the race. In the election, Johnson, reluctantly , supported Vice President John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, the candidate of
  37. Good. Wesley Much The incompetent and treacherous lobbyist whom Hank Rear den, reluctantly ,employs in Washington. Later in the novel, he becomes the country's economic
  38. Command. Despite Orkney’s protestations, Cadogan insisted on compliance and, reluctantly , Orkney gave the word for his troops to fall back to their original positions
  39. House burned - the Smiths believed by arson, others said by accident. Smith now, reluctantly ,did gardening for other residents at Pacific Grove, and grew a goatee. He spent
  40. Been told, soldiers slain in battle are reborn in a heavenly realm. The Buddha, reluctantly ,replies that if he is killed in battle while his mind is seized with the
  41. Compete for the" right" to assume the role of Batman. Eventually, Grayson, reluctantly , assumes the role. Tim Drake takes on the identity of Red Robin, questing around
  42. Him to lengthen the script and add in more dialogue, something that he, reluctantly ,agreed to do. Nonetheless, with all the interference on his Garden back project
  43. First introduced to the readers at the end of a 1990 storyline involving Calvin, reluctantly ,joining recess baseball. It quickly became a staple of the comic afterwards.
  44. To shoot open a Coca-Cola machine to obtain coins for the phone, which he does, reluctantly , Off camera, Mandrake finally contacts the Pentagon and is able to get the code
  45. Burrell and Nathan had resigned immediately after the Rising. Airborne had also, reluctantly ,resigned, but was re-appointed, and Chamberlain resigned soon after. Reaction
  46. Shows Black adder the contrary antics of his ancestors and descendants, and, reluctantly , informs him that if he turns evil his descendants will enjoy power and fortune
  47. To apply the same religious policies in Scotland. The Church of Scotland, reluctantly ,Episcopal in structure, had independent traditions. Charles, however,wanted
  48. Out by the Maratha's. Upon Ahmad Shah's death, the Duran chieftains only, reluctantly ,accepted Timur's accession. Most of his reign was spent fighting a civil war
  49. President was due to attend, which begins in 24 hours. By the time Plissé has, reluctantly ,agreed to attempt the rescue, Hauk discreetly has him injected with microscopic
  50. Transporting troops to the newly acquired Soviet base at Hank. The Finns very, reluctantly ,agreed to these demands. On 24 July, Molotov accused the Finnish government of

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