Examples of the the word, defiance , in a Sentence Context
The word ( defiance ), is the 12461 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The ceasefire, the lull was sporadically violated by other groups, sometimes in, defiance ,of Hamas. For example, on June 24 Islamic Jihad launched rockets at the Israeli
- Artist, whose impetuous, passionate and rebellious nature, as well as his, defiance ,of formal aesthetic and social conventions, may ultimately prove to be
- The Treaty and in January–June 1922,their discontent developed into open, defiance ,of the elected civilian Provisional government of Ireland. Anti-treaty writer
- Britain in late 1940,but Winston Churchill, standing alone, was dogged in his, defiance , Churchill had major financial, military,and diplomatic help from President
- Numerous examples exist of Rommel's chivalry towards Allied POWs, such as his, defiance ,of Hitler's infamous Commando Order following the capture of Lt. Roy Woodridge
- To appear in U. S. district court, the protests turned into full-scale, defiance ,of federal authority known as the Whiskey Rebellion. The federal army was too
- Of the country remained occupied until the spring of 1945. In the face of Dutch, defiance ,the Nazis deliberately cut off food supplies resulting in near-starvation in
- By the Civil Constitution of the Clergy (1790) and broke into open revolt in, defiance ,of the Revolutionary government's military (royalist rebels). After the
- All the neighboring nations. It was strongly fortified on every side, bidding, defiance , to every enemy. One popular verse is 3:5," Behold, I am against thee, saith
- Withdrawn from England and diplomatic relations with Rome were broken off. In, defiance ,of the Pope the Church of England was now under Henry’s control, not Rome's.
- Separate voting booth without any secrecy. The consequences for such an act of, defiance ,were severe—loss of one's job or expulsion from school, and close surveillance
- Third of the Catholic parishes were without a priest. In the face of systematic, defiance , the Bismarck government increased the penalties and its attacks, and were
- Anarchist currents emphasize individual subjective exploration and, defiance ,of social conventions. Individualist anarchist philosophy attracted" amongst
- On the consequences of political inaction and exhorting his comrades to heroic, defiance , as in one of his 'ship of state' allegories. Commenting on Antaeus as a
- As a rallying point and symbolic act of rebellion than a practical act of, defiance , Shortly after the storming of the Bastille, on 4 August feudalism was
- American garrison from Fort Mountie to Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, in, defiance , of the power of the new Confederate States of America. Good heart argues this
- In the selection of the hierarchy. All kings supported King John of England’s, defiance ,of Pope Innocent III ninety years after the Concordat of Worms in the matter
- Rights of black South Africans, as well as calling for strikes, boycotts,and, defiance , This led to a later Defiance Campaign in the 1950s,a mass movement of
- This resistance involved a wide range of acts of non-cooperation and, defiance ,: this was followed by a period in which the Czechoslovak Communist Party
- And spoke out against the corruptions he saw in the Church; his continued, defiance ,led to his excommunication and condemnation by the Council of Constance, which
- Symbols (such as the crucifix),and downplayed the role of sermons in, defiance ,of a key Protestant belief. In terms of public policy she favored pragmatism
- Disagreement on the relative importance of assimilation versus cultural, defiance , According to German hip hop enthusiast 9@home,Advanced Chemistry is part of a
- Of sin: *Pasha — an" intentional sin "; an action committed in deliberate, defiance ,of God *Avon — a" sin of lust or uncontrollable emotion ". It is a sin done
- Preacher who died in PNA custody, turning the ceremony into a rare show of, defiance ,against President Mahmoud Abbas. On August 14, 2009 Hamas fighters stormed the
- Evidence about the disaster. An enraged Holt interrupted St John's speech, in, defiance , of the parliamentary convention that maiden speeches are heard in silence; his
- Revolutionary. Until measures of forcible confiscation, through the State or in, defiance ,of it, shall have abolished the concentrations that monopoly has created, the
- Of Cologne. Abbots more and more assumed almost episcopal state, and in, defiance ,of the prohibition of early councils and the protests of St Bernard and others
- Of Oliver Cromwell decided to crop their hair close to their head, as an act of, defiance ,to the curls and ringlets of the king's men. This led to the Parliamentary
- Against a wall and allows riders to be elevated above the machine's floor in, defiance ,of Earth's gravity. Nevertheless, all of these systems can also be described
- Chaplin's first talking picture, The Great Dictator (1940),was an act of, defiance ,against Nazism. It was filmed and released in the United States one year before
- Punk rock was noisily reclaiming the three-minute pop song in a show of public, defiance , Bowie almost completely abandoned traditional rock instrumentation. " Bowie's
- Force for an advance into the Middle East was insoluble. ... Rommel's repeated, defiance ,of his orders and attempts to advance beyond a reasonable distance from his
- Book From Israel to Damascus that Hobart ordered the massacre of civilians in, defiance ,of Israeli instructions to behave like a" dignified" army. The investigative
- The flag was believed to have been sewn by Anastasia Hayes. As a gesture of, defiance , it deliberately excluded the British Union Flag, which is included in the
- Per se. Nevertheless, as recorded in the Tanaka (" Old Testament" Bible),in, defiance ,of the Torah's teachings, the patron god YHWH was frequently worshiped in
- See what appears to be a single huge, spiked fist thrusting towards the sky in, defiance , The tower is so large that it can comfortably contain stables, barracks
- Barbara Ritchie, who allegedly waved the American flag out of her home in, defiance ,of Stonewall Jackson's march through the city during the Civil War. Ritchie
- A one-sided presentation of the evidence, they voted against conviction, in, defiance , of their party and public opinion. President John F. Kennedy discusses this in
- In spite of Athena, but he said that he would escape the dangers of the sea in, defiance ,of the immortals. In punishment for this presumption, Poseidon split the rock
- By His Hair" from the 1998 WORMWOOD album by The Residents recounts Absalom's, defiance ,and death. Also performed on Roadworks (The Berlin Sessions) and Wormwood
- A gothic ideology is goth's generally apolitical nature. While individual, defiance ,of social norms was socially risky in the 19th century, today it is far less
- The African-American students as they entered school on September 25, 1957. In, defiance ,of federal court orders to integrate, the governor and city of Little Rock
- They still married brother to sister in the ancient Valerian tradition in, defiance ,of the Faith's teachings) and Westeros customs, and within a few decades had
- Thus, he succeeded to the throne of England, guaranteeing his succession in, defiance ,of William and Robert's earlier agreement. Henry was accepted as king by the
- Thousands of people in Melbourne turned out to condemn the authorities, in, defiance , of their mayor and some Legislative Councillors, who tried to rally support for
- Whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and, defiance ,of despair. " *" God is either of no importance, or of supreme importance. "
- And thereafter to Windsor Castle. In January 1649,in response to Charles ', defiance ,of Parliament even after defeat, and his encouraging the second Civil War while
- Content with years of disobedience and unworthy conduct, are now showing open, defiance , " (Citadel of Faith, p.87) And in 1953: *" Treacherous Ruhr Adnan, not
- Is described as being seen by some as a symbol for France's independence and, defiance ,of globalization. Despite this, Asterix has made several promotional
- Down. To her frustration, he made little progress and returned to England in, defiance ,of her orders. He was replaced by Charles Blunt, Lord Mount joy, who took three
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