Examples of the the word, funnel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( funnel ), is the 12460 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which is not associated with strong winds at the surface, and condensation, funnel ,is a broad term for any rotating cloud below a cumuli form cloud. Several
  2. Homomorphism f: R → R, the Fresenius endomorphic. An infundibulum (Latin for, funnel ,; plural, infundibula ) is a funnel -shaped cavity or organ. * Lungs: The
  3. In aiming by their own turning. Beatty was too windward of Hipper, and therefore, funnel ,and gun smoke from his own ships tended to obscure his targets, while Hipper's
  4. Emission. All parts of the CRT tube have to absorb X-rays. In the neck and the, funnel ,of the tube, lead glass is used for this purpose, but this type of glass shows
  5. Or underneath a cumuli form cloud, and often (but not always) visible as a, funnel ,cloud ". For a vortex to be classified as a tornado, it must be in contact with
  6. Of Arabian navies) noting that the only match for the" old tub" with one, funnel ,and two masts was the El Square. Meadows claims he never sent" AA ". *Israeli
  7. Only 20,000 kilometers above the photosphere. The plasma is released into the, funnel ,when these magnetic field lines reconnect. Coronal mass ejection Both the fast
  8. Microtubules, called the polar ring, and among the Conoidasida there is also a, funnel ,of Dublin proteins called the conoid. Over the rest of the cell, except for a
  9. Can be replaced easily. The" special equipment" usually consists of a tapered, funnel , some kind of press and rubber lubricant (soap). Often the bushing can be
  10. In obedience to the law of supply and demand, it is difficult or impossible to, funnel ,resources with respect to actual human preferences and goals. " If the
  11. The NDL took the battle even further. 1901 saw the addition of another four, funnel ,liner for NDL named the Kronprinz Wilhelm, named in honor of the Crown Prince
  12. Cloud and condensation funnel . According to the Glossary of Meteorology,a, funnel ,cloud is any rotating cloud pendant from a cumulus or cumulonimbus, and thus
  13. Protein complexes associated with the photosystem all cooperatively absorb and, funnel ,light energy to the reaction center. Besides chlorophyll a, there are other
  14. Size and shape Most tornadoes take on the appearance of a narrow, funnel , a few hundred yards (meters) across, with a small cloud of debris near the
  15. Many shapes and sizes, but are typically in the form of a visible condensation, funnel , whose narrow end touches the earth and is often encircled by a cloud of debris
  16. One of Exeter’s shells penetrated two decks, then exploded in Graph Spee’s, funnel ,area — destroying her raw fuel processing system and leaving her with just 16
  17. Water vapor in the air to become visible as a funnel cloud or condensation, funnel , There is some disagreement over the definition of funnel cloud and
  18. Albania and Bulgaria were the only countries the Soviet Union could use to, funnel ,war material to the communists fighting in Greece. What little strategic value
  19. Town of Lesotho in 58 BC. The upper Rhine and Danube appear to form a, funnel ,pointing straight at Lesotho. Julius Caesar in Gallic Wars tells us (
  20. Cloud or condensation funnel . There is some disagreement over the definition of, funnel ,cloud and condensation funnel . According to the Glossary of Meteorology, a
  21. Can be nearly invisible, marked only by swirling debris at the base of the, funnel , Condensation funnel s which pick up little or no debris can be gray to white.
  22. Senators, Henry M. Jackson and Warren G. Manson used their political clout to, funnel ,federal research monies to the University of Washington and to this day, UW is
  23. The solid particles, with or without the aid of filter paper (e.g. Büchner, funnel , Belt filter, Rotary vacuum-drum filter, Cross-flow filters, Screen filter)
  24. The aircraft's aerobatic qualities—it can perform loops, rolls and“ the, funnel ,” (circle-strafing),where the aircraft maintains a line-of-sight to the
  25. A hose connected to the front of the toilet, with anatomically correct" urine, funnel ,adapters" attached to the tube so both men and women can use the same toilet.
  26. Sinkholes or cenotes (closed basins),vertical shafts, foibe (inverted, funnel ,shaped sinkholes),disappearing streams, and reappearing springs. Large-scale
  27. A partition wall in the turbine with a series of tunnels cut into it, funnel ,shaped with the broad end facing the previous stage and the narrow the next
  28. The Beacon Hill neighborhood. However, it finally was accepted because it would, funnel ,traffic bound for Sorrow Drive and downtown Boston away from the mainline
  29. Included removing the Exocet missile system and EW equipment, and fitting a, funnel ,aft of the mainmast to replace the waterline exhausts. New radars were also
  30. Where the insurgents dominated the routes by which the British tried to, funnel ,reinforcements into the city, there was fierce fighting. Reinforcements were
  31. There is some disagreement over the definition of funnel cloud and condensation, funnel , According to the Glossary of Meteorology, a funnel cloud is any rotating cloud
  32. Remember when partitioning compounds between solvents and water in a separator, funnel ,during chemical syntheses. Often, specific gravity is cited in place of density
  33. The ship itself was treated the same way, with dirty tarpaulins tied around its, funnel ,to symbolize its lower status. According to those aboard, conditions were
  34. Threaded bar). If one does not have access to a lathe an improvised, funnel ,can be made from steel tube and car body filler! (as the filler is only
  35. The time that Ribbentrop was said to have used Simpson's access to the King to, funnel ,important information about the British to the German government. Supposedly
  36. Balance) usually causes water vapor in the air to become visible as a, funnel ,cloud or condensation funnel . There is some disagreement over the definition of
  37. Is transported, through the use of a bag house. * In the laboratory, a Büchner, funnel ,is often used, with a filter paper serving as the porous barrier. An experiment
  38. Of the war occurred when a sailor, Bernhard Herrmann, fell while painting the, funnel , He is buried in what is sometimes referred to as" the most southerly German
  39. Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK) alliance three years earlier. China continued to, funnel ,extensive military aid to the Khmer Rouge, and critics of U. S. foreign policy
  40. A wall clouds. A tornado often occurs as this happens or shortly after; first,a, funnel ,cloud dips and in nearly all cases by the time it reaches halfway down, a
  41. Grade. Furthermore, grading services are not free, and by using them collectors, funnel ,money into an ancillary aspect of the hobby, instead of purchasing additional
  42. In most of the history of the People's Republic of China (PRC),in order to, funnel ,wealth to the rural areas, Shanghai has been a comparatively heavy contributor
  43. System was introduced. This consisted of two rows of lights that formed a, funnel ,indicating an aircraft's position on the glideslope. Additional lights
  44. Including relative weakness, short lifespan, and a small, smooth condensation, funnel ,which often does not reach the surface. Land spouts also create a distinctively
  45. Example, there is disagreement whether separate touchdowns of the same, funnel ,constitute separate tornadoes. Funnel cloud A tornado is not necessarily
  46. Feet (1900 m),and the channel is 30 miles wide. There is a significant wind, funnel ,effect in the channel, which is subject to scientific investigations.
  47. Center of downtown Boston, which was, in the words of Pete Sigmund," like a, funnel ,full of slowly-moving, or stopped, cars (and swearing motorists). " In 1959
  48. Satellite tornado is a distinct circulation, and is much smaller than the main, funnel , In contrast, tornadic waterspouts are stronger tornadoes over water. They form
  49. Higher pitched music does happen on occasion. Vienna's horns are often used with, funnel ,shaped mouthpieces similar to those used on the natural horn, with very little
  50. Tornadoes are included under this definition. Among many meteorologists,the, funnel ,cloud term is strictly defined as a rotating cloud which is not associated with

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