Examples of the the word, lousy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lousy ), is the 12009 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On II and XIX Corps. British counter-battery efforts were hampered by the, lousy ,weather making air observation extremely difficult so much of the effort was
  2. Certain to anger the Dutch-born King William. Kidd refused, calling Moore a, lousy ,dog. Moore retorted," If I am a lousy dog, you have made me so; you have
  3. Spain is different!, which nowadays is a common phrase to joke about Spanish, lousy ,mentality. On March 8,1966, he dispelled fears of a nuclear accident after the
  4. Bill felt like he had enough, and went screaming out of the studio,“ no more, lousy ,ducks! ” Fortuitously, he came back the next day to pick up his jacket and
  5. Singing," Grease (is the Word) ". The start of the new school year means, lousy ,food (" You want my coleslaw? ") and dreaded teachers (" I got Old Lady
  6. 1953,he cancelled his subscription to The Nation, accusing it of being ", lousy ,with Treason, crawling with Communism. " Quotes De Forest was given to
  7. Waiting for hours in freezing weather, and some athletes complained about, lousy ,accommodations at the Olympic village, where the dorms would later be turned
  8. Answer mail, play guitar, listen to music, play pool, watch television, eat, lousy , food and take delicious medication. " He was allowed to leave the hospital for
  9. Intolerant and opposed to democracy. Brownlow referred to Catholics as ", lousy , sinful, obedient subjects of a foreign Despot," and warned of their
  10. Technology won't work in cars. ... Any way you look at it, hydrogen is a, lousy ,way to move cars. " A 2007 article in Technology Review stated," In the
  11. Way to the Forum with Burt Shelve and Stephen Sondheim in 1962. Receiving, lousy ,reviews and box office during its previews in Washington’D. C., rewrites and
  12. The Sidney Howard script back ... he would not let his name go out over a, lousy ,picture ... And bull-headed David said 'OK get out! '" Selznick had already
  13. By lip-readers that Daley had cursed“ Fuck you, you Jew son of a bitch! You, lousy ,motherfucker! Go home! ” That night, NBC News had been switching back and forth
  14. Singer as a tragic man of simple ways, a well-meaning but clueless father and, lousy ,husband tormented by stage fright and a propensity towards drinking. Hazes had
  15. As one of the worst cities in the nation for bicycling (In their words, for ", lousy ,roads, scarce and unconnected bike lanes and bike-friendly gestures from City
  16. A weak voice in his ear:" Feynman," whispered Grouchy," you were always a, lousy ,dancer. " Death Marx's children, particularly his son Arthur, felt strongly
  17. Pandora in Blue Jeans ". Commenting on her critics, she observed," If I'm a, lousy ,writer, then an awful lot of people have lousy taste," and as to the frankness
  18. The writers chose the phrase" I didn't do it" because they wanted a ", lousy ," phrase" to point out how really crummy things can become really popular ".
  19. An abstract concept first and trying to construct a narrative around it was" a, lousy ,way to go about writing a story" ). Another early story," Under the Rose" (
  20. For his" more popular than Jesus" remark, saying," I didn't mean it as a, lousy ,anti-religious thing. " * August 12 – Massacre of Bray brook Street: Harry
  21. Assigned to spend time with Lou. After spending a moment complaining about how, lousy ,nursing home life is, Lou manages to guilt-trip Joe into taking him to the
  22. While TV Guide noted" It's hard to disagree with those who say that's a, lousy ,representation of gay folks. " Historical storylines Transition to The Online
  23. She observed," If I'm a lousy writer, then an awful lot of people have, lousy ,taste," and as to the frankness of her work, she stated," Even Tom Sawyer had
  24. To" Eight Days a Week" in a 1980 interview with Playboy magazine as ", lousy ,". In 1972,Lennon revealed that" Eight Days a Week" had been made with the
  25. With the Edge—except I couldn't play guitar. I still can't. I was such a, lousy ,guitar player that one day they broke it to me that maybe I should sing instead
  26. Japan for the first time were found just as likely as older individuals to be, lousy , In culture In Europe, hearing the call of the Common Cuckoo is regarded as the
  27. William. Kidd refused, calling Moore a lousy dog. Moore retorted," If I am a, lousy ,dog, you have made me so; you have brought me to ruin and many more. " Kidd
  28. Buster Keaton: So Funny it Hurt, with Keaton complaining about having to shoot, lousy ,films not just once, but three times. His stage name in Spanish markets was
  29. And the children ill-fed or actually hungry, inadequately clothed, visibly, lousy , and physically wretched. He resigned after a few days, realising that he could
  30. Directors. Ingram Bergman called his own film The Virgin Spring" touristic,a, lousy ,imitation of Kurosawa," and added," At that time my admiration for the
  31. The" Dallas" also feature rather punish attitudes. *"Noob" - useless, lousy ,or contemptible. It is usable in every situation and every noun. E.g. Your car
  32. Of Durham, the Rt Rev Dr Tom Wright, the novel is a" great thriller" but ", lousy ,history ". For example, the major villain in The Da Vinci Code is a monk who is
  33. Management Team (MMT) Linda Ham re-assessed, stating that the“ Rationale was, lousy ,then and still is ”. Ham as well as Shuttle Program Manager Ron Distemper had
  34. Chomsky gave me directions to MIT. ” But if he steps on my toe I say,“ He’s a, lousy ,organism,” or“ He’s an inconsiderate person. ” So we generalize positively to
  35. Columnist George Monist called The Day After Tomorrow" a great movie and, lousy ,science. " In a USA Today editorial by Patrick J. Michaels, a Research
  36. What he thought of his movies, to which Hawks bluntly replied that they were ", lousy , " Instead Hawks recommended that he" Make a good chase. Make one better than
  37. Barcelona again. His wife Eileen wrote on 1 May that she found him,'a little, lousy , dark brown, and looking really very well. ' At this point he was convinced
  38. He had joy, he had fun, he had seasons in the sun, and all we got was this, lousy ,song. " Version comparison This is an English translation of the original final
  39. Him to put it in the form of a novel for easy reading. Considering what a, lousy ,job he does at poetry, I suppose it will be a high-camp novel, intentionally or
  40. Good either. Don't let it get any better, otherwise you'll just be another, lousy ,band. " -Bruce Springsteen **"I picked up one of the two guitars I'd been
  41. Called the Communist Party of China," a monopoly that charges a premium for, lousy ,service ". As a result, most of his publications remain banned in mainland
  42. Saying that" all the visual artistry in the world can't compensate for a, lousy ,script ". Entertainment Weekly ranked Spirit #18 on their list of the 25
  43. Telling them they were cool to him. However, he reminds her that Homer is a, lousy ,dad by giving him ill-treatment, and he's not taking it anymore. Bart also
  44. Band used drugs and that he considered The Beatles' backing tracks" flipping ', lousy ,". In a 1967 interview, however,Townshend complimented one of The Beatles '
  45. Later, saying," He was given the shittiest load of badly-recorded shit with a, lousy ,feeling to it ever, and he made something of it. " In the UK, the album was
  46. Address quality. They fail to differentiate between good schools and, lousy ,schools and between successful charter school authorizers and those with a poor
  47. Going on to say that" the image quality of this video transfer is downright, lousy ,from start to finish ". Both reviewers commented positively on the film's
  48. Hornets: The Hornets are Zurg's robotic foot soldiers, extremely expendable, lousy ,shots and always get vaporized in mass numbers by Lightyear's team. Hornets
  49. Of events:" our property company Arlington Securities was hit with a, lousy ,market. Sales of the Rover Group sank by about a fifth and losses mounted. The
  50. Angeles to become a writer. He went through what he described as" a series of, lousy ,jobs," including being an extra in the film When Every Day Was the Fourth of

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